Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 180 The Name Of Vinsmoke Makes Sanji Accept His Fate


Sanji lit a cigarette for himself, took a puff, jumped up, and ran in the air in the direction of the BIGMOM Pirates' ship on the Moonwalk.

On the BIGMOM Pirates ship, Cracker was still calling his men to speed up when he saw Vinsmoke Sanji running towards them in mid-air.

Owen on the side said in disbelief: "What is going on? Is Sanji, the Blackfoot of the Straw Hat Pirates, going to throw himself into a trap?"

"Maybe he was afraid of our BIGMOM pirates, so he took the initiative to stand up and be arrested by us!" Baron Eggman expressed his personal opinion.

Cracker was also confused, but after seeing Vinsmoke Sanji's expression clearly, he immediately said seriously: "The situation is not right, prepare to fight."

Owen and Baron Eggy also became serious upon hearing this.

Although Owen is Cracker's brother, Cracker is stronger than him. In this kind of battle, you must always listen to the stronger one.

After Sanji arrived above the BIGMOM Pirates' ship, he asked directly: "BIGMOM Pirates, what do you want to do? Why are you chasing our Straw Hat Pirates?"

Sanji doesn't believe that the BIGMOM pirates came to chase the Straw Hats for no reason. There must be some reason. If there is no reason, then the BIGMOM pirates will be completely broken.

Cracker responded with a smile: "Haha! Vinsmoke Sanji, you are the one we are looking for."



"What?" Sanji suddenly lost his composure when he heard the other party calling him Vinsmoke Sanji.

This was a name that Sanji didn't want to recall. Now that the other party called it to his face, Sanji suddenly became confused.

Sanji frowned and asked, "How do you know that name? Tell me, BIGMOM Pirates."

"That's it!" Cracker sneered and said, "It seems you don't know anything yet! The third son of the Vinsmoke family, your father, Vinsmoke Judge, plans to marry you to our BIGMOM pirates!!"

"Marriage? Are you kidding? Why does my bastard father decide my fate?" Sanji was so angry when he heard this.

You haven’t seen him for more than ten years, and you still refuse to let him go? At this moment, Sanji was very depressed because his childhood experiences were still fresh in his memory and he really didn't want to recall them.

But what the BIGMOM pirates said just now reminded Sanji of bad memories.

Baron Eggman whispered in Cracker's ear: "The opponent will run in the air. You have to stabilize him and let him run away. It will be difficult for us to capture him."

"What can you do?" Cracker asked Baron Eggy.

Baron Eggy said with a mysterious smile: "Then leave it to me!!"

"Yeah!" Cracker did not refuse Baron Eggman's proposal. After all, their mission was to take Vinsmoke Sanji back.

If they can't bring Vinsmoke Sanji back, their mother will definitely get mad at them.



Baron Eggman took a step forward, looked at Sanji and said, "Vinsmoke Sanji, do you think your Straw Hat Pirates can fight against our BIGMOM Pirates?"

When Sanji heard this, he frowned but did not object. Now the strength of their pirate group is not enough to fight against the Four Emperors pirate group, and Sanji does not deny this.

When Baron Eggman saw that Vinsmoke Sanji did not deny it, he continued: "As long as you take the initiative to return to the Ten Thousand Kingdoms with us, then our BIGMOM Pirates will give up targeting the Straw Hat Pirates. Maybe, we can still provide support to the Straw Hat Pirates in New World." provide help."

"As for the choice, it's up to you, Vinsmoke Sanji."

Hearing the other party calling him Vinsmoke Sanji all the time, Sanji clenched his fists in displeasure, but he also knew that if he continued to fight against the Four Emperors BIGMOM pirates, Luffy and the others might really be in danger.

Sanji turned to look at Thousand Sunny who was getting further and further away, and finally made up his mind and said: "I can go back with you, but, BIGMOM Pirates, if you dare to target Luffy and the others, then don't blame me for being rude then. I will also destroy your so-called marriage."

"You're looking for death, how dare you threaten us?" Irving pointed at Sanji with his fist, and the area around his body continued to heat up. This was the effect of his Paramecia heating fruit.



Sanji immediately got into a fighting stance.

Cracker raised his hand and said, "Brother Owen, calm down. Bringing Vinsmoke Sanji is our mother's top priority."

"I know, Laozi is just unhappy with the way this kid talks." Irving responded, twisting his neck.

The two sides were now at peace for the time being.

Sanji seemed to be discouraged, and when he arrived on the BIGMOM pirates' ship, his heart seemed to have died at this moment.

However, Sanji is satisfied that he can protect Luffy and the others and continue sailing in the New World.

Sanji also doesn't want to affect Luffy and the others because of his affairs.

Cracker said: "Very good, you are very sensible. Vinsmoke Sanji, let's go back to Wanguo."

The BIGMOM Pirates' ships began to turn around and return to Wan Guo.

Ten minutes later.

Enter Thousand Sunny, the Straw Hat Pirates who escape the pursuit of the BIGMOM Pirates.

Usopp said in confusion: "Strange, why hasn't Sanji come back yet? I can't even call Sanji on the phone??"

Even if Usopp didn't say it, Luffy, Zoro, and everyone were very worried about Sanji's safety.

Robin looked at the sea in the distance and said with a bad premonition: "The phone can't be connected, or is something wrong with Sanji?"



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