
Bondiwald was scorched and smoking, his pupils slowly recovered, and he said with great reluctance: "You guys will end up like me one day."

"Tell me! Where are the weapons hidden?" Redfield asked Bondiwald.

Bondiwald sneered: "Do you think I will tell you? Redfield, I look down on you now."

"So that's it! In a cave not far away!" Redfield's observation Haki has been firmly locked on Bondiwald, so Bondiwald's heart just fluctuated, and he walked in his heart silently reciting the hiding place of weapons, and then he was immediately noticed by Redfield.

"Not good." Bondiwald widened his eyes and said gloomily: "I forgot that your observation Haki can read minds."

"Then how do we deal with him now? Or take him back to Captain Luo Chen to deal with?" Ace on the side asked Redfield.

Redfield said calmly: "Go and inform someone to bring a ship to deliver arms and weapons. In addition, Bondiwald must be taken back and await Captain Luo Chen's decision."

"Okay." Ace nodded in response.

Suddenly Redfield turned around and said with a bad premonition: "Not good."

Bondiwald suddenly launched an attack on Fire Fist Ace.

"What?" Ace was also caught off guard and hit on the head by Bondiwald's armed color domineering fist.



At the same time that Ace was knocked out, Bondiwald's back was pierced by the umbrella knife.

Bondiwald couldn't help but spit out several mouthfuls of blood.

Redfield pulled out his umbrella knife and kicked Bondiwald to the ground, saying angrily: "You, did you block your mind just now?"

"Haha!" Bondiwald sneered and spit out blood, saying: "If I don't block my mind, you will notice my actions. How can I succeed in the sneak attack?"

Bondiwald lay on the ground helplessly, his vitality was constantly draining away.

A flash of knife light passed by, and Bondiwald's neck was cut off by Redfield's umbrella knife.

"Stupid, affecting my mood." Redfield patted his clothes, put away his cold eyes and kicked Bondiwald's body away.

At this time, Ace covered his head with his left hand, stood up with difficulty and said: "Damn, my head hurts so much."

Blood kept flowing from his head. Ace was attacked just now, which caused Ace to fail to defend in time, resulting in a very serious head injury.

Outside the waters of Lulang Island.

The Beasts Pirates were sailing on the sea, and Drought Jack was still very unhappy and said: "Those damn bastards and the navy."

"In the scene just now, we can easily lose our combat power, so retreating quickly is the best choice." Flame Disaster Jin stood on the bow with his hands folded and responded.



A day later, the news that the Whitebeard Pirates changed its name to Luochen Pirates and everything that happened on Lulang Island were all published in newspapers and sent to all parts of the world.

The four seas, the first half of the Grand Route, including the New World, are now well-known for Luochen's name.

Many young people want to follow Luochen's example and go to sea to become a hegemon. In the eyes of these young people, Luochen can achieve such a high achievement at a young age, and they can do it too.

However, these young people who just went to sea were soon dumbfounded, and they were hit hard by the navy and wiped out in the cradle.

Now, Aokiji, as the new admiral of the navy, can be said to have put all his focus on the four seas and the first half of the Grand Line. The New World will increase its high-end combat power, and part of the bottom-level forces will be transferred to the first half of the Grand Line.

It can be said that under Aokiji's decision, no matter how many new pirates jump out of the four seas and the first half of the Grand Line, they will be wiped out.

The disadvantage is that the New World is about to become a paradise for pirates.

On an island somewhere, Kidd held the latest issue of the newspaper in his hand and said unhappily: "Is the Whitebeard Pirates officially renamed the Luochen Pirates?"

"Humph! Luochen has really been in the limelight recently. We have to speed up, Kira, and the next island is to enter the territory of the Red Hair Pirates!"

"Yes, this is currently the sea area where the Red Hair Pirates are located,The nearest island." Kira replied while sitting aside and drinking.



Kid picked up the bottle and drank it in big gulps. After drinking, he said: "Little ones, are you ready? We are going to seize the throne of the Four Emperors."

"Boss Kidd."

"Boss Kidd."

"Boss Kidd."

Dozens of pirates in the Kidd Pirates were very excited. After their boss Kidd successfully seized the throne of the Four Emperors, they would be members of the Four Emperors Pirates. Just thinking about it made them excited.

However, the three cadres of the Kidd Pirates seemed calmer.

The second person, Kira, and two cadres, Hit and Vaye.

Hit said excitedly: "We are about to go to war with the Four Emperors Red Hair Pirates, and it is also an opportunity for us to become famous in one battle."

Vaye responded: "Yes, we believe in Boss Kidd, Boss Kidd will definitely become the Pirate King. "

"Yes!" Killer responded: "Along the way, anyone who looked down on Kidd's ability to become the Pirate King was killed by Kidd, so Kidd will definitely become the Pirate King."

Kidd stood up, raised his hands and shouted loudly: "Little ones, set sail, those four emperors should have abdicated long ago."

Soon, the Kidd Pirates sailed towards the sea where the Red Hair Pirates were.

Kidd was full of confidence in the upcoming battle with the Red Hair Pirates. He Luo Chen could become the strongest of the Four Emperors, so why couldn't he be one of the Four Emperors?

He Kidd wanted to use his strength to show everyone in the world that he had the ambition and strength to sit on the throne of the Four Emperors.



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