
After the two Celestial Dragons left, the people kneeling on the ground stood up and left the scene.

After all, the people were afraid to stay here. What if they were misunderstood? ?

Octopus Hachi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, now that the Celestial Dragons have left, we can relax."

"The Celestial Dragons are really a terrible creature!" Brook had lived for so many years, and this was the first time he saw someone who didn't treat humans as humans at all.

Tashigi's eyes were dull, and she almost fell when she stood up. It was Kalifa who hurried up to support her and didn't fall.

Kalifa asked with concern, "Tashigi, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but I just can't accept the facts I see for a while." While Tashigi responded, she kept thinking in her heart whether the justice that Colonel Smoker has always insisted on is still meaningful.

Even the strongest admiral of the navy has to serve the evil done by the Celestial Dragons.

Then can their navy still achieve true justice? ?

As a person who has experienced it, Robin said clearly: "It seems that the little girl over there has experienced too little. What happened just now has a great impact on her."

Then everyone's play seemed to be missing something.

On the contrary, Straw Hat Luffy was carefree and had forgotten what happened just now. Now he was having fun.

In an amusement park, Octopus Hachi and Camie walked at the back.

Watching Luffy and his friends playing, Starfish also followed Luffy and his friends to play.



Suddenly, Camie accidentally dropped one of her shoes while walking.

"Oops." Panicked, Camie quickly squatted down and put on her shoes. After all, if she didn't put them on quickly, her identity as a mermaid would be exposed.

However, what Camie didn't know was that the moment her shoes fell off, she was stared at by a pair of eyes.

This was a human trafficker who traveled all over the Sabaody Archipelago all year round, constantly looking for targets.

Originally, there were five women in this group, but unexpectedly, one of them was a mermaid? ?

This instantly made the human traffickers greedy. If they caught this person and sold him, they would definitely get a lot of money.

Octopus Hachi asked with concern: "Kami, what happened to you just now?"

"It's okay. Maybe I walked too long and needed to rest." Kemi used an excuse. The main reason was that Kemi didn't want Hachi to worry about her too much.

Kemi continued: "Hachi, I want to sit on the foam car for a while!"

"Okay." Octopus Hachi had no objection to this and was eager to agree. After all, Kemi's identity was also very dangerous in this Sabaody Archipelago. It happened that Hachi was riding a foam car.

And Kalifa and Tashigi rarely chatted with Nico Robin and Nami.

It was true that they were enemies before, but now they are not enemies for the time being, so there is no need to be so nervous.

Nami asked incredulously: "Tashigi, so you know Zoro? It's really unexpected."

"Indeed!" Robin responded with a dark smile.



Kami sat on the foam car and rubbed her fish tail. After walking for a long time, the burden was still a bit heavy for her.

Octopus Hachi said: "Everyone, we are going to Island No. 13 next. There is a very powerful coating master there. It will definitely be no problem for him to help you coat."

"Great, where is the coating master!" Straw Hat Luffy's eyes lit up, and he was looking forward to meeting the powerful coating master.

Not long after, under the leadership of Octopus Hachi, they arrived at the Rip-off Tavern on Island No. 13.

Octopus Hachi said: "We are here."

Brooke responded: "I didn't expect that there is a tavern in such a remote place. It's rare to see it!!"

Dashiki, who was next to Kalifa, whispered: "We just followed the Straw Hat Pirates here? Will it be okay?"

"It's okay, just a good opportunity to see it." Kalifa smiled mischievously. In fact, Kalifa was a little intentional.

Another point is that Kalifa is from CP9, and everything she does is mainly about gathering intelligence.

Therefore! She considered following the Straw Hat Pirates all the time.

Luo Chen, who was on the boat far away on the shore of Island No. 32, half opened his eyes and said with a little surprise: "Kalifa and TashigiThe two of them, are actually mixed up with the Straw Hat Pirates? ? "



I had not released my observation Haki just now, but now that I have released it, Luo Chen is really surprised. Such a large Sabaody Archipelago.

They can meet each other in such a short time, this luck is really amazing.

Luo Chen continued to close his eyes, not caring about Kalifa and Tashigi, as long as they are fine.

Island No. 13, a voice came from the extortion tavern: "If you don't have enough money to drink, then get out! ! "

Then, in the eyes of the Straw Hat Pirates, three pirates were thrown out and fell to the ground.

Nami said in shock: "Why do I feel that the owner of this tavern is very cruel?"

At this time, a woman came out of the door of the tavern, smoking a lady's cigarette.

Octopus Xiaoba immediately ran up to greet him enthusiastically and said: "Xia Qi, I am Xiaoba."

"Oh! It turned out to be Xiaoba, how come you have time to come to my place? "Xia Qi responded with a smile while smoking a cigarette.

So, Xiao Ba briefly explained the situation to Xia Qi.

Xia Qi also invited the Straw Hat Pirates and others to go into the tavern to do it.

After pouring a glass of wine for everyone, Xia Qi said: "Since you are here to find Rayleigh for coating, but he is not here at the moment. To be precise, he should have not been back for half a year."

"Half a year? So long? What about coating our ship?" Nami was in a dilemma when she heard this.

After all, if the ship cannot be coated, it means that it is impossible to go to Fishman Island.

If you can't go to Fishman Island, you can't reach the second half of the Grand Line.



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