
A few days later, the Straw Hat Pirates officially set sail.

Rayleigh also said goodbye to Luffy and others on the shore.

Rayleigh smiled and waved his hand and said, "I wish you a safe journey."

"Rayleigh, we are leaving." Luffy stood at the bow of the Sunshine and said hello and goodbye to Rayleigh.


As a navigator, Nami needed to ask the captain about the next sailing direction, so she asked, "Luffy, are we going directly to the New World?"

"Of course, I'm already excited." Luffy responded with his fists clenched excitedly.

Zoro, Sanji and others all smiled. They had trained for a whole year just for this moment.

During this year, their strength has been improved to a certain extent, and it can be said that they are much stronger than a year ago.

At the same time, in the outer waters of the New World Wan Guo, the territory of the BIGMOM Pirates.

Mondor, the son of Big Mom Charlotte Linlin, stood in front of Capone Bege and asked, "You said you wanted to join our BIGMOM Pirates and become an affiliated pirate group, right?"

"Yes, I have admired Big Mom Charlotte Linlin for a long time, so I came to apply to join the Four Emperors Big Mom Charlotte Linlin." Capone Bege responded seriously while smoking a cigar.

No one knows what Capone Bege is thinking in his heart. On the surface, Capone Bege did not reveal any flaws.

Mondor crossed his arms and said, "Okay, anyway, you are also one of the supernovas, and you are indeed qualified to join our BIGMOM Pirates."

"But I still have to call for instructions, after all, this kind of thing is not something I can decide completely."



A ray of light flashed in Capone Bege's eyes. This was the first step for him to realize his ambition. He used to do this.

Join the enemy forces, thereby disintegrating the enemy forces, and finally killing the leader. Now Capone Bege also plans to implement this plan against the Four Emperors Big Mom Charlotte Linlin.

Once successful, his Capone Bege's status and reputation in the New World will rise instantly. After all, killing a Four Emperor is an explosive event.

"I know, then let me deal with the matter of Capone Bege joining our BIGMOM Pirates!" Mondor looked at Capone Bege after finishing the call.

Capone Bege smiled slightly.

Mondor said: "Capone Bege, our star leader Katakuri agrees to your joining, now you come with me! I will assign you your tasks."

"I have been looking forward to it for a long time." Capone Bege lit a cigar for himself and responded with a smile.

In fact, Capone Bege has been silently reciting in his heart that the first step of the battle plan has been successful.

As long as the first step of the battle plan is successful, then we can proceed to the next step, lurking and waiting for the right time.

Then we can give the Four Emperors Big Mom Charlotte Linlin a fatal blow.



Supernova Capone Bege is taking action here.

Other supernovas are also not idle, and they are constantly active in various places in the New World.

In the New World, on an uninhabited island.

Kidd Pirates, Hawkins Pirates, and Appo Pirates gathered together.

Kidd, Killer, Hawkins, and Appo sat together on a round table.

Appo looked at Kidd and laughed sarcastically: "Hahaha~~"

"Kidd, you are really in a mess! One of your arms was cut off by the Four Emperors Red Hair Pirates. With one arm missing, have you begun to lose strength?"

"Appo, you are looking for death." Killer couldn't sit still for a moment, and was about to jump up and attack Appo who was mocking Kidd.

"Wait, Kira." Kidd called Kira and looked at Apu and said, "My strength has decreased, do you want to give it a try?"

"I'd love to." Apu continued to provoke Kidd. After all, if he angered Kidd and really started a fight, Apu would not be afraid of Kidd.

At this time, Hawkins, who had been silent, played with tarot cards and said, "If you are here to fight, then there is no reason for our alliance to continue."

"Yes! We have to form an alliance." Apu probably laughed and responded.

Kidd looked at Apu with a very gloomy face. This guy really deserved a beating. If it weren't for the alliance, Kidd would have been unable to bear it long ago.As for App, he couldn't really fight with Kidd, because it was App who proposed the tripartite alliance, and he couldn't mess it up.



Hawkins said: "Our alliance was proposed by App, and the purpose is to attack the Four Emperors."

"Now we are discussing to launch an attack on the Four Emperors, the Red Hair Pirates, the BIGMOM Pirates, or the Beasts Pirates. Of course, I won't join the Luochen Pirates."

"Of course it's the Red Hair Pirates. I've been unhappy with Red Hair Shanks for a long time." Kidd responded with his remaining right hand, slapping it hard on the table.

Hawkins looked at App to hear his opinion.

App's eyes turned, in fact, neither Hawkins nor Kidd knew that he had joined one of the Four Emperors' pirate groups.

This time, App prepared to invite the Kidd Pirates and Hawkins Pirates to honor that adult.

If the lord is satisfied this time, then Apu will be able to gain a higher status.

At this time, we must first stabilize Kidd and Hawkins.

So Apu said with a smile: "Since Captain Kidd said that he would deal with the Four Emperors Red Hair Pirates first, of course there is no problem."

Kidd and Killer were both stunned. Why did Apu suddenly become so easy to talk to?

Even Hawkins was a little confused, but he didn't say anything.



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