
On a street somewhere on the edge of Dressrosa, Marco tested the hardness of the birdcage, flew back to Redfield, and said, "I just tested the hardness of the birdcage, and it is basically difficult to break, unless Doflamingo is defeated."

After hearing this, Dashiqi covered her face with both hands and said in shock, "No way! Marco, can't even you break the blockade of the birdcage? How can we go back in that case?"

Redfield's eyes kept moving, and after roughly looking at the structure of Doflamingo's birdcage, he commented, "The ability of the Superman String String Fruit can be developed to this point, which shows that Doflamingo has some talent in understanding the ability of the devil fruit."

"Ryder, are we going to be locked in this birdcage forever? If so, we have to contact Luo Chen quickly." Anxious Dashiqi immediately wanted Luo Chen to rescue.

In Dashiki's opinion, as long as Captain Luo Chen goes out in person, there is nothing that Captain Luo Chen can't handle, because in Dashiki's opinion, Captain Luo Chen is an omnipotent existence.

And Marco shook his head helplessly and said: "Dashiki, I forgot to tell you that now we can't even dial out the Den Den Mushi signal!!"

"What? Even the Den Den Mushi signal can be blocked? Is Doflamingo so powerful?" This time, Dashiki was completely shocked by Doflamingo's ability.



Redfield responded calmly: "It's not that Doflamingo is so strong, but that he has developed the ability of the String-String Fruit to the point of awakening."

"Don't worry too much. The blockade of the awakening of the devil fruit ability can't trap me."

After hearing the confident words of old man Reid, Dashiqi was relieved. As long as they can leave Dressrosa safely, it will be fine, because Dashiqi knows that if she has an accident, Captain Luo Chen will definitely be angry.

Marco put his hands in his pockets and said with a smile: "Then let's find a place to rest! Dressrosa is full of war now, and Doflamingo should have started to be exhausted now."

At the same time, on the other side of Dressrosa, the two admirals Fujitora and Green Bull of the Navy Headquarters gathered here, and the navy soldiers continued to carry out rescue operations.

Green Bull took a bottle of wine and drank it in big gulps, saying unhappily: "What kind of ability does this damn Doflamingo use? He can't even send out a signal. Fujitora, let's just go and beat Doflamingo up together."

"We can't do anything to Doflamingo. As long as Doflamingo is still one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, there is nothing we can do." Fujitora replied while sitting quietly and eating ramen.

Feeling bored, Green Bull continued to drink, but Green Bull suddenly said: "The Luochen Pirates can't move, but can the Straw Hat Pirates and the Revolutionary Army have some fun with them?"



"Let's not make trouble. Our current mission is to protect the people of Dressrosa more." Fujitora was more concerned about the safety of the people of Dressrosa.

Green Bull knew that Fujitora would say this, so he continued to drink his wine. As for how to deal with it later, what are the two admirals afraid of here?

In the outer waters of Dressrosa, the Straw Hat Pirates' Thousand Sunny docked at the coast.

Originally, they planned to leave Dressrosa first, but they returned halfway and joined the battle together.

Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Brook, Chopper and the other five people also changed their strategy temporarily. The reason for changing the strategy was that they were worried about Luffy and the others. Now Dressrosa has gathered too many strong people.

Nami said anxiously: "It's troublesome. We can't break this birdcage at all. We can't go back to the Thousand Sunny. If we had known, we wouldn't have returned. It's so dangerous here! Woo woo woo~~"

Chopper on the side also said worriedly: "Nami, there are only two of us left here. Let's hurry up and meet up with Luffy and the others!"

According to the original plan, Nami and Chopper were to stay on the coast and wait for Luffy and the others to pick them up. However, because of Doflamingo's birdcage, Nami and Chopper were both locked in the birdcage.

Therefore! That’s why Nami and Chopper were so panicked.

Finally, Nami mustered up her courage and said, “Okay, Chopper, let’s go.Go find Luffy and the others. We can't stay here all the time. There are dangers here at any time. "



At the same time, Dashiki couldn't stand it because the people of Dressrosa were fighting each other under Doflamingo's control.

So she chose to risk her life to save the poor people of Dressrosa.

Fearing that Dashiki would have an accident, Marco had to follow Dashiki and rescue the people controlled by Doflamingo.

No way! Dashiki is Captain Luo Chen's woman, so Marco had to choose to work as a nanny in this situation.

Just when Dashiki was performing rescue work, she met Violet, the former princess of Dressrosa.

Violet took the lead in greeting: "Hello, the two of you from the Luo Chen Pirates, I am Violet, the former princess of Dressrosa."

"Hello, Violet. "Tashigi also responded politely.

Violet, who was going to continue to fight, planned to tell the two members of the Luochen Pirates about her and Dressrosa's situation.

Just because it didn't work in Redfield before doesn't mean it won't work in other places.

Sure enough, after listening to Violet's explanation, Dashigi was very angry and cursed: "Doflamingo is so hateful, don't worry! Violet, we will definitely help Dressrosa return to its original state."

"Thank you, Tashigi. I am willing to pay for any conditions afterwards." Violet didn't expect that Tashigi was really willing to help her and the kingdom of Dressrosa.



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