
One day later, the whole Dressrosa returned to peace.

But it was just a suppression! There was no massacre.

After all, Redfield also had to consider whether it would affect Captain Luo Chen's reputation.

In the Dressrosa Palace, Redfield summoned all the Don Quixote family members to hold a meeting, including King Riku's family.

Dashiqi stood beside Redfield and looked at Violet very embarrassedly. After all, she had promised Violet that she would help her take back Dressrosa, but now it turned out like this? It can be said that Dashiqi was very embarrassed.

Marco on the side seemed to be more indifferent. After all, he had been a pirate for so many years and had seen many big scenes. This could only be regarded as a small scene.

The cadres of the Don Quixote family were all injured, and they were all seriously injured. None of them were slightly injured. Only Doflamingo had no injuries.

King Riku's family was terrified, afraid that they would face the trial of these people.

However, there was one person who always had a smile on his face, and that was Caesar. After being successfully released and returning to freedom, Caesar became even more arrogant.

However, Caesar did not dare to show it on the surface, because there was a big boss here, and what Caesar did not know was that all his little tricks were clearly sensed by Redfield's mind-reading and hearing Haki.

It can be said that none of the people present could escape Redfield's mind-reading and hearing Haki, unless they were strong people who started from the top four emperors.



No matter what mentality everyone present had, they were waiting for Redfield to speak.

Redfield said calmly: "Now your Don Quixote family is one of the pirates under our Luochen Pirates. When the time comes, the main body will evacuate from Dressrosa and move to the territory of the Luochen Pirates, leaving the branch here to guard."

"In addition, King Riku's family will restore the throne of Dressrosa, but they must also obey the orders of our Captain Luochen, otherwise you know the consequences."

When Redfield announced the result, King Riku's family was secretly happy, but the cadres of the Don Quixote family were wondering, is this asking them to give up the Dressrosa Kingdom that they have been operating for many years? ?

However, their young master did not speak, and they did not dare to jump out and speak, but looked at their young master Doflamingo, hoping to reject Redfield's opinion.

Doflamingo closed his eyes. He knew that Luochen did not want him to continue to be stationed in the Dressrosa Kingdom. It is estimated that his position as the King's Seven Warlords will be completely dismissed soon!

After all, the Seven Warlords of the Sea are not allowed to join any pirate group, so moving to the sea area where the Luochen Pirates are located is also an option. Besides, at least a branch can be left in the Dressrosa Kingdom.

So Doflamingo thought it through and responded: "I have no objection. I agree that the Don Quixote Family should move the territory."

Redfield knew that Doflamingo was a smart man. Since he was a smart man, he should be able to understand the pros and cons.



After Doflamingo agreed, the cadres of the Don Quixote Family had to be quiet and shut up.

Violet and Rebecca looked at Dashiki with gratitude.

Dashiki was also embarrassed by the eyes of the two of them.

After Redfield dismissed all the personnel and went back to prepare, Doflamingo on the side slowly recovered his nature and said with a smile: "Fuffuff~~"

"We are all compatriots fighting side by side in the future! And how is that guy Gild doing recently? Marco."

"Tezoro! Still the same, Doflamingo, you should be able to reach a good cooperation with Gild by then." Marco responded casually.

In fact, whether it is Doflamingo or Marco, they never thought that one day they would become members of the same pirate group.

"Fuffuff~~" Doflamingo responded with a smile: "I think so too, and I also believe that with the help of the big platform of the Luochen Pirates, we will definitely be able to do more big business."

"Well! Our Captain Luochen also values ​​your abilities." Marco also responded with a smile.



At the same time!!

The Straw Hat Pirates and Trafalgar Law and others have already escaped from Dressrosa. The reason they were able to escape successfully was that Redfield ordered Doflamingo to let these little devils go.

On the Straw Hat Pirates' Thousand Sunny, all the Straw Hat Pirates, including Trafalgar Law, were very depressed.

Especially Straw Hat Luffy seemed to be discouraged, and his fighting spirit dropped a lot. After all, he suffered a failure after entering the New World, which was a bit of a blow to him.

When Sanji took out all the prepared food, Straw Hat Luffy ate it in big mouthfuls, and then for some reason, he laughed and said, "Everyone, it's okay, we will keep working hard, and one day we will be able to defeat those old guys."

And Straw Hat Luffy regained his confidence, which also improved the morale of everyone, at least not so depressed.

Trafalgar Law also smiled and said, "I didn't expect that Straw Hat Leader, you regained your confidence so quickly, I admire you very much."

"Trafalgar Law, you have to cheer up too!" Straw Hat Luffy reminded.

Trafalgar Law fell into deep thought. Doflamingo joined the Luochen Pirates, so the chance of dealing with Doflamingo in the future is equal to zero!

In an instant, Trafalgar Law became very confused and couldn't find the next goal.

He didn't know where to go? Or continue to form an alliance with the Straw Hat Pirates? ?

Trafalgar Law thought about these questions several times.

At this time, Kin'emon said in pain, "I should be the most painful person! I actually lost the young master?"

"Kinemon, we will definitely be able to rescue Momoko, don't worry!" Straw Hat Luffy smiled and responded with a raised face.



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