
Beehive Island.

The entire Luo Chen Pirates have been mobilized and are ready to go to Wano Country to attack the Beasts Pirates.

At this time, Kalifa came to Captain Luo Chen and reported respectfully: "Captain Luo Chen, our informant has reported that the Straw Hat Pirates are making a big fuss in the Wan Guo Territory of the BIGMOM Pirates. In this way, our chances of defeating the Beasts Pirates will be even greater."

"Straw Hat Pirates? Interesting, just a small fight, don't pay attention to it." Luo Chen waved his hand to indicate Kalifa not to care about this matter.

Now Luo Chen's strength is enough to ignore any enemy on the sea.

At this moment, thirty large ships are docked on the shore of Beehive Island.

The captains of the squads and their pirate captains have all gathered.

Vista pulled his beard with his fingers and said with a smile: "Our Luochen Pirates are finally going to do something big."

"It should have been done a long time ago. This time, our opponent is the Beasts Pirates. Very good." Rain Shiryu wiped his weapon and responded with bloodshot eyes.

Ace clenched his fists and said firmly: "Xiaoyu, Yamato, you wait, our Captain Luochen will lead us to attack the Beasts Pirates soon, and then we will definitely change the status quo in Wano Country."

"It will definitely work, Ace." Izo came over and patted Ace on the shoulder and responded.

Marco looked at the sea in the distance and said: "Thinking back then, we went to Wano Country once with our father. That time has been many years since now."



"Yes! Marco, Izo also joined our pirate group at that time!" Diamond Joz responded on the side.

Izo shook his head helplessly and said, "Times are changing, and I have to make changes. If I don't make changes, the result will only be worse."

"It's hard for you, Izo, I understand." Marco certainly understood what Izo had just said, so he understood Izo's difficulties.

It can be said that Izo has made a great determination to make changes, otherwise this kind of thing is not something that ordinary people can really change.

Vista looked at Izo and said, "Izo, I believe that if my father were alive, he would understand you. Besides, our Captain Luo Chen is indeed capable of ascending the throne of the King of the World."

"Don't worry! Of course I know this. Except for Captain Luo Chen, no one else has the qualification to ascend the throne of the King of the World." Izo responded with a smile.

Why everyone is worried, Izo certainly knows what's going on, because he used to be a retainer of Kozuki Oden, and now it is equivalent to betraying Kozuki Oden.

After all, Kin'emon, Inuarashi, Cat Viper and others all regard him as a traitor. As for Kozuki Momonosuke, alas! When Izo thought of this, he had to sigh. There was really no comparison between Kozuki Momonosuke and Captain Luo Chen.

Before he met Captain Luo Chen, Izo might have continued to support Kozuki Momonosuke, but after meeting Captain Luo Chen, Izo's thoughts completely changed, and he was deeply attracted by Captain Luo Chen's personality charm.



Captain of the 7th Division, Crayo, said: "After we take down the Beasts Pirates, there will only be the BIGMOM Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates. When we unify the New World, then the Navy and the World Government will follow."

"That's right! Crayo, our Luo Chen Pirates will wipe out all these forces." Captain of the 13th Division, Buffalo Atmos, responded excitedly.

Doflamingo and Tesoro stood together, watching the captains of the Luo Chen Pirates and the pirate captains under them talking excitedly.

Doflamingo put his hands in his pockets and wore sunglasses, smiling and said: "Fufufu~~"

"Tesoro, have you ever thought that this scene would happen? I believe that the guys in the Holy Land of Mary Geoise will not enjoy it for long. This group of people, including us, who follow monsters like Captain Luo Chen, will seize the world sooner or later."

"As long as I can destroy the Celestial Dragons, I am willing to sacrifice my life." Tesoro responded in a very firm tone.

"Fufufu~~" Doflamingo responded with a smile: "Very good ambition. Although the World Government has a lot of hidden power, it is not as powerful as Captain Luo Chen."



Kalifa, Tashigi and the others stood at the window and looked outside.

Tashigi looked at them and said, "Kalifa, they all seem much more excited than usual."

"Of course, we are about to attack the Beasts Pirates. Pirates love fighting, so they must be very excited." Kalifa took Tashigi's hand and explained.

Now they are as close as sisters.

It's just that Tashigi's innocent attribute has not changed yet! !

Kalifa looked outside and said meaningfully, "Wait, after we defeat the Beasts Pirates, the headquarters may also be set up in Wano Country. Of course, Beehive Island is still one of the headquarters."

"Doesn't that mean there will be two headquarters?" Although Tashigi is an innocent, she is not completely innocent. Some things can be analyzed quickly.

Xia Lulia came over and asked curiously, "What are you talking about so much?"

"By the way, Xia Lulia, if Captain Luo Chen really destroys the Celestial Dragons in the future, will you not be angry or resentful?" Kalifa asked jokingly.

Although Xia Lulia had asked this question before, Kalifa couldn't help asking again.

The identity of the Celestial Dragons has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for eight hundred years.

Therefore! The topic of destroying the Celestial Dragons can be said to be a catastrophe.



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