
Chopper said in a cute and horrified manner: "How terrible (๑ó﹏ò๑)! It took more than a thousand navy soldiers just one second to deal with them. What kind of power is this?"

"(。ò ∀ ó。) I want to know what kind of power it is, too." Usopp responded with a bad look on his face.

The only navy soldier left was the leading commodore, who was barely holding on. The other navy soldiers had been knocked unconscious by Luo Chen's domineering aura.

At this time, Kalifa and Dashiki also came out, one carrying two Celestial Dragons, the other carrying one Celestial Dragon, and Pasia followed behind.

Luo Chen stopped the boat next to the two of them and said slowly: "You two can really make trouble."

"Sorry, Luo Chen." Dashiki apologized quickly, and it was indeed a big problem.

Luo Chen raised his hand and said, "Don't worry, you did a good job, I appreciate it."

Dashiqi was stunned. She thought she would be scolded, but unexpectedly, she was praised by Luo Chen? ?

Robin said in disbelief: "Did they kidnap the Celestial Dragons?"

"It seems, it is true!" Nami nodded in response.

Starfish said in horror: "Why do I feel that the Luo Chen Pirates are more capable of causing trouble than Luffy?"

Trafalgar Law and Kidd never took their eyes off Luo Chen.

This person, who is a supernova like them, is not simple. Now he has even kidnapped the Celestial Dragons. What else is he afraid of? ?

At this time, Rayleigh reminded: "Young people, now is not the time for you to be in a daze!!"

"If you don't leave here quickly, the admiral may be here soon."



Rayleigh reminded everyone that their crisis has not been resolved yet.

If we continue to waste time, the admiral might really arrive.

Kidd held the knife at his waist and said, "Straw Hat Luffy, we'll see you in the New World. When that time comes, I tell you, I won't show mercy to you, and that Luo Chen, I will prove that I am the strongest among the supernovas."

"Hehe, I'm not afraid." Straw Hat Luffy responded with a carefree smile, not caring about Kidd's threat at all.

Kidd said to his men, "Let's go to the New World."

Trafalgar Law, carrying Ghost Cry (the name of the weapon), said, "Then I, the Straw Hat leader, will leave too."

"It's too early for the admiral to see us, so we'll see you in the New World as well."

"Okay, Trafalgar Man." Luffy responded with a grin showing his teeth.

"Don't give random names, you bastard!" Trafalgar Law, he hasn't been so speechless to someone for a long time, and now this person is the bastard Straw Hat Luffy.

Trafalgar Law ignored Straw Hat Luffy and the others and left with his men.

However, when Trafalgar Law left, he also took a special look at Luo Chen. The scene just now still had a great impact on him.



Less than a minute.

Only Luo Chen, Kalifa, Tashigi, Pasia, three unconscious Celestial Dragons, and a large group of navy soldiers who rolled their eyes were left.

As for the commodore? At this moment, he had chosen to play dead.

Kalifa asked: "Luo Chen, are we leaving the Sabaody Archipelago now?!"

"No, not yet." Luo Chen responded meaningfully.

However, Kalifa still expressed her concerns: "That Straw Hat Luffy beat up the Celestial Dragons, and we also kidnapped them. Maybe our kidnapping of the Celestial Dragons has not been exposed yet, but it is estimated that it will happen sooner or later. In addition, the admiral of the navy may also be on the way."

"Yes! Luo Chen, the admiral of the navy is known as the highest combat power of the navy. I am afraid that you..." Dashiqi said, and did not continue to speak. In fact, the meaning has been expressed very clearly.

"Don't worry." Luo Chen responded: "Now you get on the boat first, I will use the power of the devil fruit to lift the boat to an altitude of 10,000 meters."

"Because, there are still things to be dealt with here in the Sabaody Archipelago!!"

Luo Chen showed an excited expression. Since he has come here, it would be unreasonable not to do something.

It just so happens that starting from the Sabaody Archipelago, directlyThe plot twisted and developed in a different direction from the original.

That must be very interesting.

Luo Chen had already decided so, and Kalifa and Tashigi did not dare to object, they just hoped that Luo Chen would be safe.



It was easy for the awakening level of the floating fruit ability to lift the ship to an altitude of 10,000 meters.

When the matter was finalized, Kalifa, Tashigi and others were sent to an altitude of 10,000 meters, and Luo Chen came to the side of the navy commodore who was pretending to be dead.

Said: "Mr. Navy, how long are you going to continue to pretend to be dead?"

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I don't want to die yet." The frightened commodore stood up quickly and kept backing away.

Originally thought that pretending to be dead could get away with it, but the result...?

Luo Chen walked over, raised his hand and patted the commodore on the shoulder and said, "Remember to tell Marshal Sengoku about my kidnapping of the Celestial Dragons afterwards!!"

"Also tell him that if he wants to redeem the Celestial Dragons, prepare enough chips for me, remember?"

"I know, I know." How dare he say a word (no) to the commodore! If he said it? He would have been killed by now! !

"Very good." As soon as Luo Chen finished speaking, he punched the commodore and knocked him unconscious.

Let him pass the message, not now.

"Then the next is the highlight." Luo Chen used the power of the Floating Fruit to slowly lift his body into the air.

Flying in one direction.

At this time, the Straw Hat Pirates and others returned to the extortion tavern where 13GR Shaqi was.

But this time, there were no Kalifa and Tashigi, but Sanji, Usopp, Franky, and Zoro.



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