
Marinford, Navy Headquarters.

A navy soldier ran to the marshal's office in a panic, and the door of the marshal's office was open.

"Not good, Marshal Sengoku." The navy soldier reported: "Blackbeard Teach, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, is now missing, and one of our ships docked at the shore is missing."

"What? Blackbeard Teach?" Sengoku's face darkened instantly when he heard this.

Sengoku knew that Blackbeard Teach became one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea with bad intentions, but he also knew that who would be sincere when he became one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea? ?

So, Sengoku chose to turn a blind eye. He didn't expect that at this critical moment when he was about to go to war with the Whitebeard Pirates, such a moth would come out? ?

All of a sudden, the combat power of the Seven Warlords of the Sea has been reduced by one more, and there were originally seven of them.

Now there are only four of the Seven Warlords of the Sea left! !

It can be said that nearly half of them are missing. This action alone shows how big the shortcomings of the Seven Warlords of the Sea are.

Sengoku said with a gloomy face: "Blackbeard Teach, Boa Hancock, you people who have ulterior motives at critical moments, I will settle accounts with you later."

"Pass the order now, all the troops will be withdrawn and prepared for battle."

"Yes, Marshal Sengoku." After hearing the order, the navy soldiers immediately ran out of the marshal's office.



Time is passing bit by bit.

Luo Chen controls the Straw Hat Pirates' Thousand Sunny and arrives a hundred meters above Impel Down.

Franky said in shock: "Is the Impel Down below? What a magnificent building!!"

"Yes! I heard that there are countless powerful criminals imprisoned here." Usopp said fearfully.

Luffy punched his fist and said, "Yoshi! Everyone, let's get ready to board Impel Down!"

Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates smiled, only Luo Chen looked at Impel Down below with a faint look.

Luo Chen's body slowly floated up and flew towards Impel Down.

Luffy hurriedly shouted, "Luo Chen, wait for us! How are we going to get down?"

"It seems that we can only find a way to get down by ourselves." Sanji lit a cigarette and responded.

Robin said, "Luo Chen probably has his own purpose. It is very likely that he brought us to Impel Down as a by-product."

Several military ships docked around Impel Down below also discovered that someone was going to invade Impel Down.

Immediately, the alarm sounded! !

After all, the invasion of Impel Down is a very serious matter.

When Luo Chen landed at the gate of Impel Down, the domineering aura instantly spread out, knocking out all the navy soldiers on several military ships.

Only a few school-level navy soldiers were left to barely support it.

The navy below the school level simply could not withstand the impact of the Conqueror's Haki.

As for the remaining few school-level navy, Luo Chen simply ignored them.

Pulling out the big sword Kumu, he swung...

"Chopping wave."

A huge flying slash hit the gate of the Impel Down Castle.

Boom! !



With a burst of explosions, the gate of the Impel Down Castle was completely destroyed! !

Luo Chen walked in so swaggeringly.

After Luo Chen entered, the ability of the Float-Float Fruit applied to the Straw Hat Pirates' Thousand Sunshine was also removed! !

At the moment when the ability of the Float-Float Fruit was removed, the Thousand Sunshine fell heavily from a hundred meters away.

Otherwise, the Thousand Sunshine, made with the Treasure Tree Adam, would probably be damaged by such a large impact.

Brook said: "Luo Chen, you have helped us a lot! All the navy soldiers around have been cleared."

"But there are still a few guys left!" Zoro looked around the navy ships and said.

Usopp suggested: "Let me stay! I will protect the Thousand Sunny and deal with those navy soldiers who have not been dealt with."

At this time, Luffy said directly: "Then Usopp, Nami, Robin, Chopper, Franky, you five stay."

"Zoro, Sanji, Brook and I will go to rescue my brother."

The safety of the Thousand Sunny is too important to them. It is also their retreat, and someone must stay to guard it.

Control room on the fourth floor of Impel Down.

Summer Magellan stared at the screen and said"Invaders, Luo Chen, and the Straw Hat Pirates? You really overestimate your own abilities."

"However, fortunately, Marshal Sengoku sent someone to transfer Fire Fist Ace to the Navy Headquarters two days ago, otherwise there might be a certain risk of being invaded now."



When Luo Chen and the Straw Hat Pirates first invaded Impel Down, they were already under surveillance.

After all, as the world's largest prison, Impel Down has almost 100% all-round surveillance.

Deputy Summer Director Hannibal stood up and said, "Summer Director, let me, the Deputy Summer Director, suppress the invaders!!"

Deputy Summer Director Hannibal stood up at this time, and he also had his own little purpose.

That is to suppress these invaders, and then these merits will be added to his own.

He can squeeze out Magellan's position as Summer Director, and he, Hannibal, can become the Summer Director of Impel Down.

Just thinking of this, Hannibal began to get excited.

But Magellan said: "No, Hannibal, you come to guard, so as to avoid mistakes. It will be faster for me to suppress the invaders."

It's not that Magellan didn't want Hannibal to suppress the invaders, but that Luo Chen was not a simple character.

He was able to use the Conqueror's Haki to clear the scene as soon as he invaded the city.

How can a pirate who can use Conqueror's Haki be a simple pirate? ?

Therefore! Magellan didn't let Hannibal suppress it, and he didn't want Hannibal to sacrifice for no reason.

But what Magellan didn't know was that Hannibal was very annoyed deep down at this moment.

You are the summer chief, and you want to snatch the credit of him as the deputy summer chief? ?

Magellan ignored Hannibal and got on the elevator to suppress the invaders.



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