
The navy soldiers kept retreating to Marinford Square, and the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates were also chasing them.

Akainu, who ran back to Marinford Square from the outside of the bay, frowned and said, "Why hasn't the encirclement wall started yet?"

Akainu was so anxious to come back because according to the plan, after the encirclement wall was activated, he would use the magma fruit ability to attack the Whitebeard Pirates.

Now that the encirclement wall has not been activated, this plan cannot proceed smoothly.

The previous plan to incite Squard to rebellion has failed. Will the plan to activate the encirclement wall fail now? ?

Akainu came to the bottom of the execution platform and looked up and asked, "Marshal Sengoku, what's the situation with the encirclement wall?"

"It should be because it is blocked by the ice layer. It can't be started even with all the power added." Sengoku looked at Akainu and responded.

Sengoku was very satisfied that Akainu could come back. The problem is that the encirclement wall has not been activated, and the plan cannot be carried out! Now this is the most troublesome part for Sengoku.

The previous order to let the navy retreat back may now turn into shooting itself in the foot.

Let the Whitebeard Pirates take the opportunity to rush into the Marinford Square.

Akainu looked at Aokiji not far away and said: "Aokiji, your ice-breaking caused the failure of the encirclement wall to start now."

"Didn't your plan fail?" Aokiji directly retorted to Akainu. Anyway, no one's plan succeeded, so it's the same.



"How terrible!" Kizaru showed a wretched expression, waved his hand and said: "Now is not the time for you to quarrel! The Whitebeard Pirates and others have rushed into the square."

"If they come, I will destroy them all!" Akainu thought that it was meaningless to worry about the failure of the encirclement wall to start.

In Akainu's view, since the pirates entered the square, they should be eliminated.

"We have entered the square, charge! Destroy the navy and rescue Ace."

When the Whitebeard Pirates stepped into the square, they began to roar loudly.

The navy soldiers were very puzzled. The order issued by Marshal Sengoku just now has now become a breakthrough for the pirates? ?

This makes them all very uncomfortable.

There is a place that has not been affected by these things, that is, the place where Garp and Rayleigh are fighting.

Rayleigh clenched his sword with both hands and smiled: "Garp, it seems that your Navy Marshal Sengoku is old! He has made wrong judgments continuously."

"What is Sengoku, that idiot, doing?" Garp cursed. Rayleigh could see it, and of course he, Garp, could see it too.

Usually, Sengoku is also very good at making detailed plans, right? Why is the war now on? Wrong decisions are made one after another? ?

In fact, Garp is very anxious in his heart now. On one side is his position, and on the other side is his grandson.

It's good to be like this now. I can have a good chat with Rayleigh and have a fight here. The rest depends on Ace's own luck.



There is another place, which was also affected to a certain extent, but the battle still did not stop.

After blocking the attack of Ghost Spider, Rain Shiliu said unhappily: "Are you three never going to stop?"

"Heh!" Smoker sneered, stopped attacking Rain Shiliu, and flew towards the Moby Dick where Luo Chen was.

This made Ghost Spider and Flying Squirrel very confused? Why did they run away halfway through the teaming?

Rain Shiliu looked at the direction where Smoker left and said: "Did that guy go to find the captain? Stupid."

In the eyes of Rain Shiliu, even if you are a brigadier general with the ability of the natural devil fruit, you dare to go to Captain Luo Chen? ?

In the eyes of Rain Shiliu, the guy named Smoker is seeking his own death.

"But if I let you go and cause trouble for Captain Luo Chen right under my nose, where will my face be?" Xiliu of the Rain held the Thunderstorm tightly and chased after Smoker.

Flying Squirrel reacted and reminded: "Not good, Smoker can't be left alone against Xiliu of the Rain, otherwise Smoker might die."

"I know." Ghost Spider also knew this.

So the Flying Squirrel and Ghost Spider also chased after Xiliu of the Rain one after the other.


Marco flew back to his father.

Whitebeard looked at Marco, who looked a little tired, and asked with concern: "Marco, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Dad." Marco responded: "But the large-scale retreat of the navy, although I don't know what the navy's plan is, but for us, this is a good opportunity."

"Yeah! That's right!" Whitebeard agreed with what Marco said, nodded and said: "It's just right, I also plan to attack in one go."

"Dad, let me take the lead!" Marco asked.

Whitebeard looked at Marco's serious face and laughed: "Hulala~~"

"Then I'm counting on you, Marco, be bold! Dad will cover you."

"Okay, Dad." Marco also smiled and responded.

The reason why Marco took the initiative to ask him to take the lead is because Marco is the one who knows Dad's physical condition best.

So Marco certainly doesn't want Dad to take on more battles, which is very bad for Dad's physical condition.

The veins on Zhan Guo's forehead popped up on the execution platform, and he said to the messenger soldier below: "Let Zhan Taowan take all the pacifists to join the battle."

"Yes, Marshal Zhan Guo." The navy soldier responded respectfully.

After receiving the order, Zhan Taowan said excitedly: "It's finally our turn to play."

The eyes of dozens of pacifists behind Zhan Taowan lit up.

When dozens of pacifists appeared on the battlefield, Ivankov was stunned and said: "There are dozens of people who look exactly like bears? Are you kidding?"



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