
A navy soldier asked Vice Admiral Huoshaoshan: "Vice Admiral Huoshaoshan, are we not going to care about the conflict between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Blackbeard Pirates?"

"Don't care, let the pirates kill each other there, and if the pirates escape, they must be stopped." Huoshaoshan's meaning was very clear. Now Marshal Sengoku and the other five were dealing with Luo Chen.

At present, the navy can't spare the top strongmen, so the best way is to let the pirates kill each other.

Marco saw his father walking towards Blackbeard Teach, and said worriedly: "Dad, your body can't continue to fight."

"Marco, take Ace and the entire Whitebeard Pirates away from the Navy Headquarters later, don't waste time here any more." Whitebeard responded while walking without looking back.

"Dad." Marco called his father.

When Whitebeard walked in front of Blackbeard Teach! !

Blackbeard Teach was also nervous to a certain extent. After all, he had seen Whitebeard's strongmen all the way.

Of course, Luo Chen, who was fighting, also noticed the arrival of Blackbeard Teach.

Whitebeard took a deep breath and announced loudly: "Listen, Whitebeard Pirates, now give the captain's final order."

"Marco, take everyone away from the Navy Headquarters."

"Dad, what are you talking about? After we kill Blackbeard Teach, we have to go back to the New World together!" Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates had tears in their eyes.

Marco began to organize the Whitebeard Pirates to leave the Navy Headquarters with tears.

Of course, the Navy will not let the Whitebeard Pirates escape from the Navy Headquarters.

"Kill the debt owed by Thatch, Teach, let's fight it out!" Whitebeard raised the supreme sword Kusukumo Kirei and said to Blackbeard Teach.



"Thief hahaha~~" Blackbeard Teach laughed excitedly and said: "Just what I want."

Blackbeard Teach began to emit black smoke all over his body.

"Dad." Ace wanted to rush up to help his dad, but was stopped by Vista.

Vista persuaded: "Ace, I know you are very angry, but Dad has made up his mind."

"Damn it, it's all my fault." At this moment, Ace blamed himself very much.

When Marco organized the Whitebeard Pirates to leave, the vice admirals of the navy also led the navy soldiers to intercept.

Whitebeard punched Blackbeard Teach with the real fruit ability, and then was directly resolved by Blackbeard Teach.

"Thief hahaha~~" Blackbeard Teach said arrogantly and excitedly: "It's useless, Dad, any devil fruit ability user is powerless in front of me."

Whitebeard continued to punch down with the real fruit ability, but was resolved again by Blackbeard Teach.

Blackbeard Teach punched Whitebeard in the stomach.

"This can't be true! Dad, he was hit head-on?" Captain Crayo of the Seventh Division said in disbelief.

Blackbeard Teach hit Whitebeard's chin with another fist.

Whitebeard flew backwards one meter, and even the Supreme Blade Kusukiri fell out of his hand.



When the Supreme Blade Kusukiri fell! Whitebeard grabbed it and spun a few times before slashing it on Blackbeard Teach's shoulder.

"It hurts, it hurts! It hurts so much." The severe pain deformed Blackbeard Teach's face.

Whitebeard stepped on Blackbeard Teach's arm, grabbed Blackbeard Teach's head with one hand, and slowly said: "Arrogance and recklessness are your biggest weaknesses."

"Dad, stop it! Are you really going to kill your son?" Blackbeard Teach was so scared that he begged for mercy.

Whitebeard's palm holding Blackbeard Teach's head activated the ability of the Tremor Fruit.

Boom! !

"Great, Daddy killed that bastard Blackbeard Teach." The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates were very happy to see this scene while running.

When the smoke dispersed.

"No, look." A pirate pointed in the direction of Daddy and said.

Someone was surprised and said, "He took Daddy's blow and he is not dead yet. Is that bastard Blackbeard Teach's body so strong?"

Blackbeard Teach was lying on the ground gasping for breath. Whitebeard's blow just now almost took his life! !

"Dad, hurry up and give Blackbeard Teach the last blow! Kill him completely."

However, Whitebeard stood there without any reaction.

"Why is Daddy standing here?""Stay still?"

Marco couldn't help but shed tears. He knew that his father's body had already reached its limit, and it was only relying on his willpower to hold on in the end.



After a while, Whitebeard was approaching Blackbeard Teach with red steam all over his body.

He raised his left hand to gather the light ball of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit ability, and smashed it directly at Blackbeard Teach's head.

"Damn it." Blackbeard Teach quickly took out his pistol and shot at Whitebeard.

After being hit by the bullet, Whitebeard's eyes widened instantly, and it was the last straw that broke the camel's back for Whitebeard.

Blackbeard Teach yelled in fear: "Little guys, kill him quickly."

As Blackbeard Teach gave the order, all the members of the Blackbeard Pirates rushed up and kept shooting at Whitebeard.



When the gunshots stopped, Blackbeard Teach finally breathed a sigh of relief and said: "This time, he should be completely dead! ! !"

"There is no breath anymore. "Lafitte responded by turning his sword.

And Luo Chen had already let the system use it quietly, with absolute control for ten seconds.

At this time, Whitebeard said with his last breath: "That is definitely not you, the man Roger is waiting for, at least not Teach."

"And one day in the future, there will be someone who can carry hundreds of years of history and challenge this world."

"Navy, your world government is afraid of the huge battle that will come one day and involve the whole world."

Warring States, who was fighting Luo Chen, changed his face.

"Although I have no interest. But when that treasure is discovered by someone, the world will be overturned, and someone will find it, and that day will come. "

"One piece is real. "

"Listen, Whitebeard Pirates, I declare that the next new captain is Luo Chen. "


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