
Peach Rabbit pulled out Jinbiluo and said to all the pirates on the shore of the island: "Today, whether it's you Blackbeard Tiki or everyone else, we must all be captured without mercy."

"Thief hahaha~~" Blackbeard Teach laughed loudly after hearing this threat and said: "You navy woman, you don't look very smart!!"

Lafitte came to Blackbeard Teach and asked in a low voice: "Captain Teach, what should we do now? Judging from the situation, it is basically impossible to fight."

"I know, get ready to retreat. The navy's support may be behind you." Blackbeard Teach was not a fool. He knew that it was basically impossible to continue fighting after the navy jumped out.

Therefore, the best way is to evacuate immediately! Anyway, it’s not like I gained nothing. At least I got rid of the thorn in Yu Zhixiu, so I don’t have to be stared at all the time.

Blackbeard Tiqi opened his hands, grabbed the air, and smiled arrogantly: "Thief hahaha~~"

"Take it! You guys."

Blackbeard Tikki suddenly activated his Shock Fruit ability to pull the air! !

A huge earthquake source centered on the small island continued to spread out, and the entire sea area shook violently.

Redfield ignored the violent shaking and said, "That guy is getting ready to run away."

"How could you let that guy escape!!" Marco roared angrily.

Marco hated Blackbeard Teach very much. It was because of him that the Whitebeard Pirates suffered continuous heavy losses.

Taotu and others quickly knelt down to steady themselves.



Blackbeard Teach hurriedly roared: "Young men, evacuate immediately."

"Leave it to me to cover!" The huge warship Wolf was ready, and its huge body began to cover the evacuation of the Blackbeard Pirates and others.

Marco transformed into a blue flame bird and chased after him.

While Blackbeard Teach was escaping, he noticed Marco approaching quickly from the corner of his eye, and secretly cursed: "Damn Marco, the ghost is really lingering!!"

Blackbeard Teach stopped running away, clenched his left hand with the power of the Shock Fruit covering his fist, and punched it hard.

bump! !

The shock wave hit Marco!

Facing this shock wave, Marco had to spread his wings to protect it.

Boom! !

After the explosion smoke dissipated, Marco opened his blue flame wings, but the figures of the Blackbeard Pirates were gone.

He was transferred away by Avaro Pizarro using his island fruit ability.

Marco gritted his teeth and roared: "Damn Blackbeard Tikki."

Redfield walked over slowly and said calmly: "Those people just ran away. Just clean up next time."

Marco wanted to say that if you intercepted Redfield, Blackbeard Teach would not be able to escape, but... in the end Marco felt there was no need to say anything about Redfield.

After all, the other party is very lucky to be able to join their Whitebeard Pirates, besides! Redfield's strength is far beyond him.

Redfield smiled and said: "Young man, your little thoughts cannot escape my domineering perception. You have to believe that Captain Luo Chen will naturally have his own arrangements."



"Yeah!" Marco nodded in response.

Marco can also understand that if Blackbeard Teach is stopped, then they will continue to fight. The navy is still watching covetously, and navy reinforcements are definitely on the way.

Therefore, Redfield's approach is the most correct way to avoid more trouble.

The brigadier general's adjutant said quickly: "Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, the Blackbeard Pirates have escaped."

"Cunning guy." Lieutenant General Momotu held Jinbiluo tightly and said unhappily: "Then these guys from the Whitebeard Pirates, we can't let them escape."

"Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, the other three are not ordinary people, especially that Redfield! Us!" the brigadier general's adjutant said with a little fear and worry.

Taotu also knew that the enemy was strong, and said with a firm expression: "No matter what, we have to wait until the general comes. In addition, Shiru of the Rain is already injured, so there is no hope of victory."


Gentleman Redfield straightened his beard and said with a smile: "Haha! The little navy girl over there seems to be targeting us."

"That woman is a candidate for a navy admiral, and her strength is very close to that of an admiral. She is probably about the same size as me."Ame no Shiryu was once the warden of Impel Down City, so I have heard of this woman Mootu.

Marco frowned, revealing his dead eyes, and said, "Alternate general?"



"Moon Step." Peach Rabbit held Jin Pilao tightly, used one of the six moves, Moon Step, and jumped into the air.

Redfield took two steps forward and said: "Boy Marco, you continue to heal his wounds, so as not to leave later and become a burden. I went to play with the little girl. I haven't even had the fun of the battle just now. "

As soon as Peach Rabbit landed on the island, his eyes widened as he stared at the flying slash that was so close at hand.

Quickly set up Jinpilao to block it! !

Before blocking it for two seconds, Taotu was forced to move sideways and roll to the left using inertia.

This flying slash continued unabated and rushed towards the sea.

Taotu looked up at Redfield and said in shock: "What a great swordsmanship, but I won't give in just like that."

At the same time, the warship that had set off from the G1 branch of the New World Navy sailed towards the island Momotu mentioned.

On the warship, General Fujitora smiled leisurely and sat on a wooden box eating noodles.

While eating noodles, Fujitora asked, "How long does it take to arrive?"

"Report to Admiral Fujitora. According to the current speed, it will probably take nearly four hours." The navy soldier on the side responded respectfully.

Fujitora looked up at the sky with his closed eyes and said calmly: "Nearly four hours? This time is a bit long. I don't know what accidents will happen when I arrive!"

"Then..." A force of gravity was instantly exerted on the military ship, dragging it away from the sea.



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