Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 24: Ninjas and Ninjas


The wine bottle and bowl on the table fell to pieces on the ground, and the black charcoal snake showed an expression of eating people.

"What are you talking about? Jiuli has lost control."

The black charcoal Muchan, who was like an old witch, sat aside and said, "Hehehehe, the weapons factories we built have been demolished, and the samurai sent there have been driven out."

Black Charcoal Orochi trembled and said angrily: "Then send more people. Didn't you say that you will get rid of Mitian's son soon? Why hasn't there been any news until now."

Kurotan Mu-chan said bitterly, "None of our samurai is the opponent of Mida's samurai, this is nothing we can do!"

Da Snake patted the table and roared: "Didn't we form an alliance with Kaido? Isn't he a big pirate? Isn't there a lot of monsters under his hand? Why don't we let him take action."

Hei Tan Mu Chan shook his head and said: "There has been no news on the ghost island for a long time. I heard from people on the beach before that there was a loud noise from the ghost island. We sent someone to ask about it, but Kaiduo's face I haven't seen it.

None of the people we sent to ask for help came back this time. There must be something wrong with Kaido, which is unreliable! "

Whoever was beaten severely didn't dare to offend the other party right away! What Kaido can do, I just don't know what to do.

Heitan Orochi threw a vase out and almost didn't directly smash it on the head of Heitan Mu Cicada.

"What should I do? Look at Guangyue taking my position as general? There are just a few samurai under Mita, sending all of us out, even if they are piled up, they will be piled up to death."

Black Tan Mu-chan shook her head and said, "Excuse me, Orochi-sama, Mida's subordinates are not only samurai. There are also a group of ninjas involved in the samurai expelling us this time."

Da Snake stared at her and said, "Where did the ninja come from? Didn't Fu Lu Shou lead the Imperial Court to return to us? Could it be that he has something wrong with him?"

Even the big snake can see that the Royal Court Fanzhong is the softest wall grass under the leadership of Fu Lu Shou, and there is no loyalty at all.

Hei Tan Mu Chan hurriedly said: "According to the investigation, that is not the ninja of the Royal Court Fans, and the source has not been found yet."

Da Snake smiled cruelly and said: "If this is the case, let Fu Lu Shou deal with those ninjas. If he can bring the heads of those ninjas back, maybe I will trust him more!"

"Do you use ninjas against ninjas? Understood."

As they said, the two laughed cunningly together.


In Jiuli, as the samurai under the command of the snake was expelled, and the black smoke weapons factory was demolished, even the sky became clearer.

The faces of the residents of Jiuli also showed their old smiles, and even the atmosphere was much more lively than before.

At the same time, they also accepted the ninjas who appeared on the street from time to time and the family of the "irresponsible Mita".

I have to admit that Guangyue is a very friendly person. Through her efforts these days, everyone also understands Guangyue Mitian who is adventuring outside. Guangyue Mitian's reputation in Guri also returned to its previous state.

Especially after she took Mitian's heir Momanosuke to help the residents of Guri personally, she quickly won the respect of everyone.

Kotsuki untied the rope from his shoulders and put down the sleeves of the kimono. After helping some women to finish washing clothes, she moved a little stiff body.

Tsunade walked to her and said, "Although I understand that you want to help Mida, I should pay more attention to my body! After all, you have just recovered from the illness."

Kotsuki made a strong posture and said, "It's okay, Tsunade-sama, I'm completely healthy again!"

Tsunade knew that he could not persuade this stubborn or strong woman, so he said, "Then come here today! I will send you back to Mita Castle. It's not very safe lately, so many ninjas have been sent over from the village. ."

When Guangyue nodded, she was not a casual person to cause trouble. So the three of them returned to Mita Castle on the mountain together.

In the shadow, several pairs of eyes kept staring at Guangyueshi and Guangyue Momosuke on one side. Tsunade smiled disdainfully at the corner of his mouth, as if mocking someone's overweight.

This person was even more than Uncle Liu Huang, and his earlobes even dropped to his chest. His head was bulging as if he was swollen, and a pair of glasses was worn on the bridge of his nose so that other people could not see his eyes. He was wearing a cassock-like clothes, with a big forbearance written on the clothes.

This person is the leader of the ninja army in Wano Country, Fu Lu Shou. And next to him is he selected from the five thousand ninja army, plus his own eleven members of the Royal Court, which is dedicated to guarding the generals. Now it's simply called the Great Snake Imperial Court Fanzhong.

Fu Lu Shou opened the mouth and said: "See it! That is the goal this time. In order to win the trust of the general, no matter what, the task must be completed this time."

"Yes!" ×10

Fu Lu Shou continued: "There is only one woman around the target, who should be just a maid. The only troubles should be the samurai and the fake ninjas.

You have to contain these people, create opportunities for me, and retreat as soon as I complete the task. The power I waited cannot be wasted here. "

The darkness has always been the best cover to cover up treacherous actions. Several shadows crossed the woods and moved in the direction of Mita Castle.

Above the treetops, two people stood on it.

"These people obviously don't have any Chakra reaction, but they are very agile!"

"It's also good to do it hidden, is this an ancient ninja! It's not as vulnerable as we thought!"

Uchiha Tomitake commented on the ninja below to Senju Nikkei.

The blue veins around the eyes of Qianju Nichihan were violent, and all the conditions of the group could be seen at a glance.

"Unfortunately, even without our Hyuga clan guarding outside, they would not be able to escape the nose of the Inuzuka clan Shinobu."

Uchiha Tomitake took the pride of Uchi Potter, and said: "For the ancient ninjas, they have done very well. Okay, we will also quickly follow up. If one of them runs away in a while, it will be ours. Failed!"

A few shadows flashed, and they followed the gaps in Mida Castle and entered the interior of Mida Castle.

In the minds of Yu Ting Fan Zhong, this mission is just to get something out of the bag. But they didn't know, they had already failed in intelligence, and Hei Jue passed the news to Shitian before they set off.

How could Shitian let go of a god-level helper like Hei Jue, and he naturally exchanged it. Shitian Ninja avatar Yuyuan's identity is the descendant of Datongmu, but Heijue's "brother" in the setting, naturally there is no need to worry about his heartbreaking after changing Heijue's memory. Therefore, Heijue's intelligence capabilities can be used with confidence.

Therefore, tonight's Mita Castle has become a huge cage, and the first time everyone entered, the entrance to the cage was sealed.

Fu Lu Shou separated from ten other people halfway, and sneaked into the room at the time of Xiang Guangyue alone.

Just when ten people were about to make some noise in the castle to attract the attention of others, six figures appeared in front of them.

These six people all held peculiar knives and looked at the ten people with bad eyes.

Ghost Lantern Full Moon didn't seem to put these ten people in his eyes, but said to the people around him: "Dried persimmon and ghost shark actually joined Akatsuki, otherwise we will gather today for the seven people! What a pity!"

Wearing a protective forehead obliquely and wrapping his mouth with a bandage, he said coldly, "What's the matter, these miscellaneous fish don't need seven people to do it together."

As he said, he made a mudra in his hand.

"Forbearance, the technique of mist hiding!"

A mist gradually appeared, and the last thing the Yu Ting Fan saw was the chakra rising from his body, and the peach land like an evil ghost was not cut.

"The fog is hidden, and the number of people killed silently."

A big knife like a door slashed over, and a person fell under the splash of blood.

Do not cut to hide in the mist, frowned.

It turns out that he not only hit one person with a knife, but also cut two pieces of wood.

"Is Gu Liu Ninja's substitute technique? It's not the same as our substitute technique!"

When the Royal Court Fans met the six Ninto swords, several of them acted separately. Their task is to contain all the guards, how can they be trapped here by six people?

So before the misty concealment technique that never cuts came over, seven people left the battlefield.

The ghost lantern full moon held the two handles of the flounder, and the blade became bigger as if it had swelled.

"Let's go together! Solve them as soon as possible."

Although one person is missing, this is also a rare group of the Ninja Seven. The opponent is not Konoha Murashita Shinobu, and there is no suspense in the battle.

A figure flickered a few times beside the remaining two, and when he appeared, the two saw that it was a man with a mask and a weapon like an iron cone in his hand.

A ray of light flashed in the air suddenly, and before the two of them could react, their hands and feet were pierced, and the whole person was pierced by the thread.

A woman with a strange haircut suddenly stood on the thin line in front of the two, holding a pair of long knives with barbed thorns in her hands. Lei Guang jumped on the blade, and then passed it along the thin line to the two of them.

The two were spitting black smoke. If it weren't for the physical fitness of the human beings in the Pirate World, they would have passed away directly.

But even so, the two almost lost consciousness and could only watch the two rushing over.

An axe-like machete and a large knife with a scroll filled with explosive curses hit the two of them, and the sound of broken bones and the sound of explosion sounded together.

In the end, the ghost lamp full moon that had been charged for a long time was swung out, and the dazzling chakra blade directly divided the two into two, completely ending their pain.

"I said Ghost Lantern, seven ran away, shall we not chase it?"

Ghost Lantern Moon wrapped bandages around the reunited double-sword flounder, and said: "It's not necessary. It's not just our misty village here tonight. They can't run away."

The seven were running rampant in the passage of Mitian Castle, and suddenly three fireballs flew over.

Something, the **** of the Royal Court slashed it over, but he heard the voice of someone talking.

"Zhao Dun, kill by steaming!"

He still didn't understand what this meant, and a burst of heat that seemed to melt him came out of the small fireball.

In the surprised eyes of the other six people, Da Hei's tall body suddenly shrank, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a terrifying corpse.

When people become like this, it is natural that they will not survive. Everyone is shocked, and they all look at the people walking out of the dark.

It was a slender woman who didn't have any weapons in her hands, but everyone knew that she couldn't underestimate her black magic to turn a corpse into a corpse.

The two people standing in the front looked back at their companions and nodded. The four of them understood, turned around and left quickly.

The woman raised her hand to form a mudra, and said, "Leave the person who hinders the enemy, and the others will continue to complete the task. Are you good at ninja quality! But only two people are left, is it too small for me, Ye Cang? "


Xi straightened her forehead, and said to Darui who was almost lying on one side: "This is an action of five villages together. Can you show some energy!"

Darui simply yawned and said: "Obviously we are the guards of Lord Raikage, how could we be sent out to do this kind of task."

Xi's position in Yunyin is the same as Nara Lukisa's to Konoha. He is the man with the left hand of Raikage, which shows Xi's mind.

Xi replied: "Master Raikage said that the ninja is about to usher in a huge change, and in order to let Yunyin get the most benefit from the next change, the competition has now begun."

"Hi! Hi! Just work hard, right! I know, but you really don't have much motivation for such an opponent?"

Saying that he has already made a mudra.

"Lan Dun·Strong and restraint!"

Darui's closed hands suddenly emitted several laser beams, which shot to one side of the wall.

At the place where Darui attacked, a cloth that was exactly the same as the pattern on the wall fell, and the four people dispersed and avoided the laser attack.

It turned out that Xi had already sensed the approach of the four, and informed Darui with a ninja's special technique. The two pretended to be unaware, and attacked as soon as the four approached.

Huang Tu and Chi Tu looked at the last person who had escaped to their eyes when they were almost half disabled, and couldn't help sighing that God didn't give Yan Yin a chance to perform.

As for Konoha, Shigeru Hagaki waited, but he couldn't see any enemies coming to him.

Fu Lu Shou opened the wooden door and walked into the room. He didn't intend to talk nonsense either, he drew the long knife from his waist and slashed towards Guangyueshi who was sitting in front of him.

For some reason, he felt uneasy since entering Mida Castle, so he completed the task as soon as possible so that he could retreat as soon as possible.

According to the intelligence, Guangyue had never shown her strength, and she could definitely cut off her head with this knife as a gift of her loyalty to the Orochi watch.

But after he cut it down, Guangyue directly turned into a cloud of white mist and disappeared.

"No! It's a trap!" Fu Lu Shou turned around and left. But a violent wind hit him, causing his long earlobes to fly behind him.

When he looked back, he saw only the fist that was getting bigger and bigger, wrapped in a layer of blue light.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

With a bang, Fu Lu Shou rolled and smashed the wooden door before avoiding Tsunade's strange punch.

Tsunade stepped on the broken wooden door and squeezed his fist to make the sound of Kabakaba.

Fu Lu Shou looked at the slightly lustful woman in horror. I can't help myself, where is the maid, her power has far surpassed the most powerful samurai.


Of course, Fu Lu Shou not only brought the eleven members of the Imperial Court to the action, but in order to contain the military strength of the Mitian Castle, he also allowed the ninja army to invade Guri.

"Fire escape, the art of fireball!" ×N

"Wind escape, wind cut!" ×N

"Soil escape, the art of earth bullets!" ×N

All kinds of ninjutsu broke out in the ninja army, and the ninjas from the five ninja villages let these people see what a real ninja fight is.

In a room in Mida Castle, Kinemon Gate and Nara Shikahisa were drinking tea together at the time of Kakutsuki.

Both Guangzukishi and Jinweimen looked restless, after all, the ninjas of the Imperial Court were very terrifying in their impressions. Only Nara Lukisa was not worried at all.

The entire castle shook suddenly, and some dust fell from the beams.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Kinweimen asked quickly.

Nara Shikahisa put the dusted tea cup aside, and said with a smile: "Maybe Tsunade-sama has done it too much again! It is my mistake to arrange Tsunade-sama in the castle, I am really ashamed!"

Kotsuki suddenly laughed and said, "I didn't expect Tsunade-sama to be such a powerful female ninja. The ninja is really reassuring!"

Nara Shikahisa said seriously: "That's why I proposed to protect you and Momanosuke this time and leave it to us. I want you and all the people in Guri to know that ninjas are absolutely capable of protecting everyone."

As Nara Lukisa said, the purpose of his big deal this time is to show muscles and give everyone confidence. Of course, he won't speak out for the purpose of fighting for the ninja's position in the alliance.

After thinking for a while, Nara Lujiu said: "After tonight, the snake should understand that Jiuli is definitely not a place where he can act recklessly. We can also develop with peace of mind for a while!

The next thing about calming people's hearts and accumulating strength is to ask Mrs. Shi and the samurai adults. "

Everyone is high-spirited, because they see a brighter future.

But when Orochi heard the news that the ninja army was annihilated, his mood was not so good.

As Nara Lujiu predicted, Orochi was stunned by the ninja's strength. Even if he was angry, he didn't dare to make any more moves. Only incompetent and furiously fell several sets of exquisite porcelain.

Kaido in Ghost Island is in the same bad mood as him.

Last time, Uchiha Madara, who hadn't played with the addiction last time, used the Kaido ally Kurotan Orochi to attack Guri as an excuse and landed on the island of Oni.

When Madara's eyes became circle after circle, Kaido was beaten again. There are no cards for the four kings in the future.

This chapter is 5000 words, and I try to write another chapter in the evening.

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