Sun Prometheus! Thundercloud Zeus!

They are here. The former can release terrifying flames, and the latter can release powerful lightning.

Big Mom's two weapons are overwhelming the entire New World.

Shenluo rushed over again, punching out with the same power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit.


This punch was hit by Big Mom's palm. When Shenluo's fist and Big Mom's palm touched each other, the cracks in the atmosphere began to spread. Big Mom had a cruel smile. Under the impact of this force, the ground behind her collapsed, and large areas of houses collapsed. Big Mom took a step back with her left foot to stabilize herself. Other than that, her body did not move at all.

"As expected of the Pirate Emperor!"

Shen Luo exclaimed.

His punch just now had no effect on Big Mom!

The Pirate Emperor is indeed very powerful, and Big Mom is also a strong physical warrior.

"It really looks like the Tremor-Tremor Fruit. I thought it was Whitebeard."

Big Mom had been on the same ship with Whitebeard and had fought against him many times before. Naturally, Big Mom was very familiar with the Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

No matter how you look at it, Shenluo's ability is the Tremor-Tremor-Tremor Fruit. If Whitebeard hadn't died yet, Big Mom would have thought it was the Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

In fact, it was the Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

Shenluo retreated, and the strength of his Tremor-Tremor Fruit didn't seem to count for anything to Big Mom. The intermediate-level Tremor-Tremor Fruit has advanced development and the highest level of awakening above it.

Now Shenluo still has a long way to go!

"Sun Prometheus! Thundercloud Zeus!"

At this time, the roar was also roared twice, and the Thundercloud Zeus and Sun Prometheus above her immediately responded.


A white cloud and a golden sun rushed towards the aunt, and the aunt grabbed the thundercloud Zeus with her left hand.

The originally cute thundercloud Zeus's expression instantly became extremely evil, and at the same time his body quickly expanded and his color immediately turned black.

The final body of the thundercloud Zeus became larger than the aunt's body, revealing an extremely evil expression.

In addition, the sun Prometheus also turned into a large ball of fire burning in the air, and at the same time, he also had an evil expression like the thundercloud Zeus.

"You're dead!"

Thundercloud Zeus and Sun Prometheus said at the same time, that evil expression was very disgusting.

At this time, the aunt grabbed one of the hands of Thundercloud Zeus and smashed it down hard, and at the same time a large ball of terrifying lightning came down and struck Shenluo directly.

The terrifying lightning poured down from the sky like water.

Shenluo was well prepared.

When the aunt pulled out Thundercloud Zeus, he knew what the aunt would do next.

An ice shield suspended in the air also blocked his head, just protecting Shenluo when the pouring lightning arrived.

It is better for Shenluo not to touch lightning with his current physique.

He will definitely not die, but it will make his body numb.

Lightning also has a very terrifying destructive power.

The powerful lightning is comparable to a sharp sword.

"I almost forgot that you are the legendary dual-fruit ability user."

The aunt remembered it, but she was not too surprised, because she controlled the terrifying lightning, fire, and soul, and could also use swordsmanship. Her abilities were diverse, just like a person who ate several devil fruits. As long as she made a few more Homies, her abilities would be even more diverse. It was just more troublesome, but it also allowed her to become stronger!

The lightning continued to pour down, but it was blocked by Shenluo. The ice shield was very large, with a circular diameter of five meters, which was enough to block the opponent's lightning, and the hardness of this ice was also very strong. The lightning of the aunt could shatter the ground, and ordinary ice would naturally not be spared. Shenluo's ice was not ordinary ice, so it could block the lightning of Zeus, the thunder cloud.

""Solar Prometheus!"

At this time, when the lightning was blocked, the flames appeared. Sun Prometheus looked down at Shenluo, and the evil expression made it look like a greedy ghost in hell. Endless flames spurted out and fell from the sky.

However, Shenluo was not afraid of such flames, because compared with the flames of Ryujin Jakka, any flames in the Pirate World were child's play.

At this time, Shenluo disappeared, moving at high speed with shaving. How could Shenluo sit there and let the opponent's flames burn himself?

He appeared in front of Sun Prometheus in a flash, and smashed his fist with the domineering color of armed color at its face.

"I'm fine! I'll be fine, stupid human!"

Sun Prometheus laughed, it laughed madly. Indeed, even the fist of Armament Haki would not work on it. The same was true for Thundercloud Zeus. The flames were scattered and could be condensed again. Although Sun Prometheus had souls similar to humans, they were not any living organisms, nor were they dead objects. Instead, they were something like consciousness, or souls. Could Armament Haki hit the soul?

Obviously it was impossible.

When Shenluo's fist fell, and at the same time, under the blessing of the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, Sun Prometheus shattered, but it was still laughing. Soon it condensed again, and the scorching flames continued to burn. The scorching heat made Shenluo a little uncomfortable, and the other party's laughter made Shenluo even more disgusted.

Thundercloud Zeus also laughed, and Big Mom also laughed

"Do you have an illusion that I can't do anything to you?"

Shen Luo also laughed. He looked at the sun Prometheus, floating opposite it. To be honest, Shen Luo was unhappy with the sun Prometheus.

"That's right, you can't do anything to me, only my mother can do anything to me!"

Sun Prometheus smiled evilly

"Can't do anything to you?"

Shin Luo looked at the other party. Now the aunt didn't make a move. They were all looking at Shin Luo.

Shin Luo raised his right hand to the right, and the space was like ripples.

Flowing Blade Jakka!

The temperature of the sun's surface, no matter what kind of fire it is, it will evaporate!

There is no fire in the world of Pirates that is hotter than the world of Flowing Blade Jakka!

"Everything in the universe is reduced to ashes, and the blade is like fire!"

The raging flames were released in an instant, wrapping around the ordinary blade!

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