Holy Land Marijoa, between powers.

The five elders who had just finished talking to Shen Luo were so angry that they could not vent their anger. They could only hold it in or talk to each other.

They were already old and rarely got angry, but the existence of Shen Luo had made them angry more than once.

"How could he do that! This evil bastard shouldn't be alive in this world!"

"He is already a monster, and like those people in the new world, he has the ability to reach the top of the world!"

"So, we can do nothing about him!"

"Are we just going to sit there and wait for him to die? Let him continue to grow? Threaten our existence?"

"We really have no other options."

The old man was helpless. He had so many words to say in anger, but he couldn't vent his anger.

If he kept it in like this, wouldn't something bad happen?

The old man with the cane pondered and said,"Let's not forget one thing."

"What's the matter?"

The old man with the cane had a murderous look in his eyes:"A traitor from the Celestial Dragons has appeared!"

"Indeed, I almost forgot!"

"How to find this traitor?"

"Let's tell Lord Yim first," the old man said helplessly.


The world is in turmoil, and in the blink of an eye, another day has passed, which is the second day after Shen Luo left Cake Island.

Truth cannot be hidden, and explosive hot news will always spread around the world.

The most shocking news of the month, the world is shocked again. This is the third major news about Shen Luo, and this time it is also unprecedented!

The first news about Shen Luo was that he killed two Celestial Dragons in the Sabaody Archipelago and did something that people could not imagine.

It was a big event that broke the sky, but Shen Luo was fine.

Under the wanted by the Celestial Dragons, he was still at large and nothing happened!

The second time was when Shen Luo defeated the Navy Admiral Akainu, and it was rumored that he had the ability of the double fruit, which shocked the world again.

It was called the most terrible news after Red Hair King came to the New World and became the fourth Pirate Emperor.

However, this time, the third time, was more shocking to the world than the second time!

Because they only had a vague understanding of the specific facts, the third news was also exaggerated. Therefore, it became: Shen Luo landed on Cake Island and clashed with the Big Mom Pirates. In particular, Shen Luo and Big Mom fought for an afternoon, and the result was that the Pirate Emperor Charlotte Linlin was defeated and now insane, and the Big Mom Pirates were also completely defeated by Shen Luo and his men. The Big Mom Pirates were defeated!

Such news was quickly spread to the whole world, and everyone, no matter who they were, was shocked and couldn't believe it, but had to believe it.

The most powerful woman in the world was actually defeated!

In other words, the Fire Sword Shen Luo already has the strength to keep pace with the Pirate Emperors.

In addition, under the instigation of some people with ulterior motives, it is also speculated that Shen Luo may want to defeat all the Pirate Emperors.

Defeating the Four Emperors Big Mom is just the beginning.

Who is the next one? Whitebeard? Kaido of the Beasts? Red Hair? I don't understand, anyway, it will be one of them, anyway, everyone may be challenged!

Although it is just a guess, it is also considered to be a fact by the world.

Navy Headquarters, Marshal's Office!


Zhan Guo slapped the newspaper on the desk. It was the latest newspaper with a picture of Shen Luo. It was a very big one. If you can kill a real person by hitting a picture, then Shen Luo would have died countless times.

Zhan Guo was angry. In fact, there was nothing he could do about it.

Shen Luo was already in the New World.

It was impossible for the Navy Headquarters to enter the New World to attack Shen Luo.

Moreover, they didn't know where Shen Luo was in the New World.

So now they could only let Shen Luo grow.

Moreover, at this point, the Navy Headquarters couldn't do anything about him.

It was like they could only watch the monsters like Whitebeard rule the New World.

At present, in the New World, only the waters near the Red Earth Continent, especially near the Holy Land Mary Geoise, were the territory of their navy, and the territory was not large.

The rest of the New World's waters were all chaotic, and the Navy had no ability to manage them.

The first half of the Grand Line was enough to worry them.

If the number of navy is one, then the number of pirates in this world is a thousand times, ten thousand times, or even a hundred thousand times that of the navy.

Moreover, the number of pirates is increasing every day.

Every day, countless pirates pour into the Grand Line from the four seas.

In comparison, the number of navy is never enough.

This is why the navy cannot control the New World. They do not have the strength to do so. It is not that the navy can suppress the chaotic pirate era with a few powerful forces. Relying on the strength of a single unit, it is impossible to shake those terrifying forces.

This is the fact.

"So. What should we do now?"

This is what Garp said.

Crane:"All balances will be broken, and the world may be more chaotic, because he is too young, it will give others an illusion that the Pirate Emperor can be defeated so easily, which will encourage the arrogance of pirates. Of course, I am just a guess. There is never a shortage of brainless pirates in this world, right?"

Indeed, there is no shortage. They don’t know that several new pirates, that is, the supernovas behind, such as Kidd and others, have regarded Shenluo as the first target to defeat.

Moreover, each supernova is a little older than Shenluo.

So, if Shenluo can do it, why can't they do it?

This is a microcosm of pirates. They have never encountered high-level powers, so they think they are invincible. In fact, they are nothing, at least nothing now. They are very weak.

"The horrifying scene on Cake Island was like hell."

The Navy Headquarters has started discussing Godfall again, and I don't know how many times it has been.

This is the New World, Dressrosa, and Doflamingo is shocked. Although of course seeing Katakuri and the others being captured, Godfall actually wants to use Katakuri and the others as bargaining chips, it is really scary and shocking. Doflamingo has seen all kinds of storms, but he is really afraid of the pirate emperors.

But unexpectedly, just a few days later, the world spread the news that Big Mom was defeated.

By the way, Cake Island is the territory of the Four Emperors, and Big Mom is the most special.

Big Mom founded a country, and she is the queen of this country, that is, the Kingdom of Totland, and this country has many residents.

The territory of Kaido, the King of Beasts, is Onigashima and Wano Country.

Compared with Big Mom, Kaido, the King of Beasts, is more terrifying.

This is the case for the world.

As for Whitebeard, in fact, Whitebeard only has a few ships.

Moreover, as a legendary pirate of the old times, a man who is on par with Pirate King Roger, he currently holds the reputation of the strongest man in the world.

The most feared person in the world is Whitebeard.

As for Red Hair, he only has one ship and his whereabouts are uncertain.

Compared with other pirate emperors, Red Hair can be said to be the gentlest.

"It seems that with such a partner, even if I suffer a little loss, I actually have no loss at all."


"The fifth monster in the Great Pirate Era."

In Doflamingo's eyes, the monsters are Whitebeard and his people.

The view turns to Wano Country, to the cave with not much light.

"Lingling! He was defeated!"

Kaido of Beasts smashed the big wine jar, and his younger brothers were scared. I don't know if Kaido of Beasts is angry now. Usually when he is angry, he will attack his younger brothers.

Jack the Drought, Quinn the Plague, and Jin the Fire are all under great pressure.

As Kaido of Beasts' subordinates, they have always been afraid of their boss. If they are monsters, then Kaido of Beasts is a monster among monsters.

The Three Disasters, three ancient species, two dragon dragon fruits, and a mammoth, the three of them are even more terrifying than the Charlotte family, and Kaido of Beasts, his ability is even more terrifying.

Lingling is Kaido of Beasts' name for Big Mom. I wonder what kind of intriguing friendship has happened?

"I'm unhappy!"

"Since you can defeat that old woman, can you kill me?"

The"you" in Kaido's mouth is Shenluo. This pirate emperor who is keen on suicide is either in the process of suicide or on the way to suicide. However, he has never succeeded. The only time he was injured was when he was chopped by Kozuki Oden. Who can break his physical defense?

He is more than ten meters tall, and even if he is sitting, he is still a behemoth. The Three Calamities standing in front of Kaido are all a group of younger brothers!

"Little devil!"

"I want to see you!"

The overbearing voice spread to every corner of the huge cave and spread to the outside.

"Kaido, you lunatic!……"

The black charcoal snake smiled and walked towards the cave.

This is Whitebeard's Moby Dick. Today, this ship is boiling again because of the fall of the gods.


"I didn’t expect this kid to have grown to this point!"

"Indeed, he has reached such a level, and he is the only one in history!"

"Wouldn't that mean he is as powerful as his father?"

"How is that possible? Dad is invincible!"

This is what Fire Fist Ace said

"It is indeed the age of the young!"

Whitebeard sighed.

His vision appeared again on the red-haired Redfors. He was also shocked.

"Hey, Shanks, he was already at the top of the world at the age of fifteen."

"Shanks was also in his forties before he reached this stage."

"So, did you see clearly? Is Shanks the next one to be challenged?"


""Don't you find that Shanks looks the least kind among all the emperors?"

When everyone heard this, they realized that Red Hair was the kindest looking of the Four Emperors, or rather, the other three emperors were scarier than each other.

Is he the easiest to bully?

Red Hair smiled:"I'm a little scared. Look at this newspaper. What has happened to Cake Island? These traces of fighting are scary. And this sky, do you think a human can do this?"

He spoke with a smile. He said scary, but he himself was not scared at all.

"It is indeed too scary, it is simply not something a human can do. Although, we all know how scary Big Mom is, we can also see that Shenluo is also scary."

"I won't be allowed to live until I'm sixteen.……"


Shenluo and his men don't know what's going on in the world.

This storm has swept the world.

Shenluo's bounty has been raised to 2 billion Baileys in one fell swoop. This bounty is already very high. The bounties of the Four Emperors are all in the billions. After all, they have been famous for a long time and have done too many things. In addition, they have huge strength. In comparison, Shenluo's forces only have two women.

July 26, 1519 of the Haiyuan Calendar. From today on, Shenluo is called the fifth Pirate Emperor by the world. He has the strength to single-handedly oppose the Emperor Pirate Group. With his unparalleled power, he has set off a new huge wave in the entire Great Pirate Era. ps: I don't know what to say.

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