The sun is shining, the sky is cloudless, and today is another beautiful day.

In the blink of an eye, several days have passed. At this time, it has entered August. Shenluo doesn't know exactly what day of August it is, but it should not be the fifth.

They are going to Golden City first.

Going to Golden City is like going on vacation. Compared with the endless sea, sometimes you can't see an island or a ship for several days. The calm sea often makes people feel like they are standing still.

The sea is often calm and the wind is not strong. Except for the calm belt, most of the sea is suitable for sailing. However, if you encounter stormy weather, it will be terrible in the sea. Stormy weather will not have much effect on land, but the storm in the sea is definitely like the tsunami caused by the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, which is many times stronger than the storm on land.

Shenluo encountered it two days ago and almost capsized the boat. Fortunately, the sea can be frozen. He asked Esdeath to quickly freeze a large area of the sea, which stopped the storm from raging there.

"It seems that the ability has really become stronger automatically!"

Kalifa stood at the bow of the ship. A sea king that appeared in front of them just now wanted to swallow their ship. It was a giant sea king with a head that was unknown how big it was. Their ship was more than 60 meters long and more than 20 meters wide. Anyway, the ship was already quite large. However, compared with this sea king, it was like the opponent's teeth. You can imagine how huge this sea king is.

Kalifa took action and a lightning column fell from the sky, splitting a big hole in the opponent's head. The sea king died on the spot!

100 million volt lightning column

"The sea king that hasn't brushed its teeth for decades stinks!"

Esdeath covered her nose. When the sea king opened its bloody mouth just now, the stench of the ocean came out and spread to the boat, making her almost vomit. She had just eaten breakfast not long ago.

"It would be strange if they could brush their teeth!"

Kalifa glared at her and waved her right hand wrapped in lightning in front of Esdeath.

She said with a grin:"Look at my ability, it's getting stronger again. I can kill one of them with just one blow. It's a super scary sea king!"

""Oh? Very strong?"

Esdeath said indifferently.

Daily bickering has become their habit, and there is actually no conflict.

Kalifa looked at her and smiled:"Two hundred million volts of lightning can burn you to ashes!"

"Ashes? I'm scared. Do you know what my strongest move is?"

Esdeath said to her mysteriously.

"What is it?" Kalifa was also curious.

"Freeze time and space!"

"Freeze time and space? How?"

"It freezes time and space. If I use this move, no matter how powerful you are, you can only be at my mercy when I freeze time and space!"

Esdeath looked a little proud.

Recently, she could clearly feel that her move of freezing time and space, Mokobotamo, seemed to be usable several times a day.

Three times? Or four times? Esdeath was not very clear, and she had not experimented.

After all, she had no opponent.

She only used this move on the enemy.

She could only freeze time and space once a day before, but now, it seemed that she could do it several times.

Not only did she have an ability change similar to the elementalization of the nature system, but Mokobotamo also became stronger? It was very strange and inexplicable, but it was good anyway, so Esdeath didn't care much.

"Is it really that powerful? Can't the freezing ability only freeze matter? Things like time and space are not matter at all!"

Kalifa was a little bit unconvinced. Indeed, in her cognition, no matter how strong the freezing ability is, it can only freeze matter, right? It means freezing matter that can be seen with the naked eye and felt with the body, but time and space, no matter how strong the freezing ability is, it cannot freeze, right? Time and space are not material existences, they are things that cannot be felt or seen, they are just things, or in other words, nothingness.

Esdeath said that she could actually freeze time and space, but Kalifa still didn't quite believe it and thought the other party was joking.

"Humph! This is my ability, which is different from Aokiji's Freeze-Freeze Fruit. In addition, I can also launch a large-scale blizzard!"

"I can launch a large-scale thunderstorm, like a storm, let's see if you are afraid!"

They seemed to be unwilling to give in to each other.

Shenluo lay on the deck, looking at the sky. Because his eyes were not facing the sun, it was not dazzling, and Shenluo was not an ordinary person.

It was also good to listen to their daily bickering.

The sky was very blue. The sky of this world was very beautiful, because there was no industrial pollution from me. If there was a place with industrial pollution in the pirate world, it was probably only Wano Country. A cloudless sky.

It seemed that there were a few black spots, not just a few, but dozens? The distribution was a bit similar to a circular distribution, with the middle spots being larger and the middle spot being the largest.

"What is it?"

Shen Luo stood up from the deck and looked up.

It was not until the black spots grew bigger that Shen Luo realized that the dozens of black spots were islands! Floating islands! Floating in the sky.

"Islands! Floating in the air!"

Kalifa followed Shenluo's gaze and looked up at the sky. She was immediately shocked.

Dozens of islands were suspended in the air. It would be strange if she was not shocked. Unlike the sky islands that were supported by the sea of clouds, these dozens of islands were completely suspended, and they were moving and approaching their ship!

"An island falling from the sky?"

Esdeath was confused. She was not shocked at all, just a little surprised.

"The ability of the ability user made dozens of islands float."

Shen Luo said lightly

"The ability of the ability user?" Esdeath and Kalifa wondered.

"The ability to make islands float in the air!" Kalifa was shocked again. Looking at the dozens of huge islands in the sky, the visual shock was extremely strong, and it made people's scalps numb.

"What ability?"

Esdeath was curious

"If nothing unexpected happens, it should be the Golden Lion! In this world, only he has the ability to suspend the island in the air!"

Shen Luo frowned. He met the Golden Lion here, and the floating island was obviously close to his ship.

The Golden Lion is looking for him! ps: What should I say?

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