"Little devil, become my left and right arm! Help me dominate this world!"

"How about it?"

Golden Lion invited Shen Luo again, but the little devil he called made Shen Luo unhappy. No matter who it was, they would be unhappy. Even though Golden Lion was much older than him, at the same or even higher level of strength, he should not call Shen Luo a little devil!

"Your words really upset me!"

Shen Luo stretched his right hand to his right and clenched his fist. The white power shield of the Zhen Zhen Fruit covered his fist.

"That power……"

The golden lion's pupils contracted. Indeed, this kind of transparent light shield was too familiar to him!

"I heard that you have a Tremor-Tremor Fruit similar to Newgate's?"

The Golden Lion was puzzled, but at this time, Shenluo had already rushed over and punched him.

"How rude! Little brat! We should treat the elders of our time with infinite respect!"

The Golden Lion laughed. When Shen Luo arrived, a huge rock behind the Golden Lion rushed towards Shen Luo. It was a rock controlled by the Golden Lion with the power of the Floating Fruit. The Golden Lion could make any object touched by it float up, or turn it into a weapon of attack. The big rock shot towards Shen Luo like a cannon. The Golden Lion retreated, and Shen Luo's fist landed right on the big rock.

"Do you think you can avoid my attack with this kind of stone?"

Shen Luo laughed, and the atmosphere shattered with a crack, and the rock stopped in mid-air. With the appearance of the atmospheric crack, the air shock that followed made the Golden Lion's face change.

"Tremor-Tremor Fruit?"

Golden Lion and Whitebeard are old rivals for many years. Similarly, they have also been friends for many years. If we talk about the person who knows Whitebeard's ability best in this world, Golden Lion is undoubtedly one of them!

Air shock! The ability of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit!

As expected by Golden Lion, his floating island was shattered on the spot from the feet of Shen Luo. Huge cracks spread to the interior of Golden Lion, that is, the island. Endless dust also flew up all of a sudden. The rocks that Golden Lion shot just now were naturally not spared. There were also dense atmospheric cracks like spider webs at the place where Shen Luo's fist was.

Familiar power! Tremor-Tremor Fruit!

Golden Lion, who had fought with Whitebeard countless times, could not help but be impressed by this power. Even if he and Whitebeard had not competed for 20 or 30 years, how familiar was this powerful power? How could he forget it?

"Little ghost, what kind of power are you using now?"

The golden lion floated up, with endless doubts in his heart and a desire to know the answer.

However, Shen Luo would not tell him.

"Golden-haired chicken! Golden Lion, I will tell you only if you can defeat me."

Shen Luo rushed over again. He could fly. Although the ground beneath his feet was broken, due to the ability of Golden Lion, they were still suspended. Moreover, the island in the center was the largest, and only a little bit of it was destroyed. Shen Luo still had to smash the entire island.

"Defeat you? Little ghost, don't be so arrogant!"

The Golden Lion was a little angry. Shen Luo's words undoubtedly looked down on him.

"You haven't fought for twenty years. Can you still maintain your peak strength? Great pirate Golden Lion, you should retire somewhere in the four seas, especially the East China Sea, which is the most suitable place for the elderly to live. Maybe you can even meet Garp!"

Shen Luo taunted him and punched out. The same power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit was used to activate the air shock. On the Golden Lion's side, he used the ability of the Floating Fruit to instantly lift up a huge lion head from the ground and crush Shen Luo.

Lion's Power·Earth Roll!

A huge lion appeared, formed entirely of mud.

This is the ability of the Golden Lion.

However, due to the effective range of this floating island, the Golden Lion could not really exert the true power of this move.

If it were on the ground, it would be truly terrifying!

The huge lion head was larger than Shen Luo's ship.

It seemed to be like a real lion, and it could even make a lion's roar.

It roared with an earth-shaking sound and crushed Shen Luo!

Come here, The astonishing momentum was just like the terrifying power it possessed.

And Shen Luo.

Air Shock!

The power of the Shock Fruit was not just a casual remark. The power he used was very great. Even the lion was forced to stop moving forward under Shen Luo's fist. Shen Luo's punch created countless cracks on the lion, and the lion's might was crushed. Shen

Luo did not pause at all, and he did not see the surprised expression of the golden lion behind the lion. Instead, he kicked across, also covered with the power of the Shock Fruit. The huge lion was already covered with countless cracks by Shen Luo's fist, and this time, Shen Luo's kick once again blessed it with terrifying power. The huge air shock power made the lion unable to bear it anymore, and it collapsed directly like a collapsed house.

"Little ghost, your strength surprises me."

The golden lion said, indeed he was surprised.

"But, I am not an ordinary pirate!"

Golden Lion suddenly raised his right leg, and slashed at Shen Luo with his famous sword as his prosthetic limb.

A white slash also came out, a slashing wave!

The huge sword energy was comparable to the might of Big Mom's slash, which could directly cut through the sea surface.

However, it is normal for people at Golden Lion's level to have a strong level of swordsmanship.

This huge sword energy cut towards Shen Luo, and its speed was exactly like lightning.

After Shen Luo dodged, this sword energy slash directly cut the island in half.

It was only a moment, and you can imagine how sharp this slash was.

"I am not an ordinary person either. There is no place for an old man like you in this era!"

After avoiding the attack of the golden lion, Shen Luo turned into a shadow and appeared in front of the golden lion the next moment. Shen Luo prepared his fist.

Another punch!

"Old man, don't be so proud!"

Shen Luo was disdainful. Jin Shizi had the ability. To be honest, he really liked it. He could suspend dozens of islands. After Shen Luo saw Jin Shizi's flying island just now, he had the idea of building an aerial city in the future, or an aerial empire!

The ability of the Floating Fruit is very practical! Even if it is not used as a means of attack, it is also very good as an auxiliary!

A punch landed directly on Jin Shizi's chest, and the power of the Tremor Fruit was naturally added.

That was the sound of bones breaking. As a great pirate of the old times, Jin Shizi was not bad in terms of physical fitness, but after all, he was an old man who was about to be buried. Although most of Shen Luo's punch was resisted by his strong physique, some of the vibration force was still blasted in.

Bones, cannot be spared. ps: I am a little hesitant, whether to plunder the Floating Fruit, and give the protagonist an aerial territory in the future, with dozens of islands surrounded by a large island. Isn't this style higher?

I just checked, the Floating Fruit doesn't seem to allow organisms to float, a small detail, let him withdraw from the stage of history, anyway, not many people remember him.

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