Ten minutes later, the four carps pulled the King towards the cliff waterfall, and then rushed along the cliff waterfall. The four carps were able to pull the ship.

"Amazing, I didn't expect that fish can be used to pull boats!"

Kalifa and the others were also amazed. This cliff waterfall was almost vertical in scale, and it looked scary, let alone climbing up.

At this moment, when the Monarch was about to climb the cliff waterfall, all the nearby gun barrels turned to the Monarch.

In the monitoring room of Wano Country, Plague Quinn commanded his men to fire the guns near the cliff waterfall, and all the gun barrels attacked Shenluo and his men.

This was a test, and Kaido, the Beast, naturally wanted them to fight to death. If Shenluo couldn't even overcome this test. Then, how could he, Shenluo, be on equal footing with a man like Kaido, the Beast?

"Kid, let me see what you can do. Of course, a powerful pirate group cannot be supported by you alone. What about the strength of your crew members?"

The obese and almost spherical Plague Disaster Quinn was holding a cigar in his mouth, crossing his legs and looking at the big screen with interest. Flame Disaster Jin also took a look and then turned away.

"Scum Jin, you want to take action?"

Plague Quinn was a little surprised.

"This is Lord Kaido's order."

Flame Disaster Jin replied coldly.

Kaido, the Beast, was still drinking, sitting in a seat far away, with several bottles of wine around him.

"Those who can defeat that old woman, let me see how powerful you are!"

Kaido of the Beasts said, crushing another wine jug. His action scared the little brother in front of him. It is not easy to mess with Kaido of the Beasts.

On the other side, Shenluo and the others naturally saw the muzzles of the guns pointing at them. There were more than a dozen muzzles of the guns, just above them, facing them. Then, the guns were fired at them, and the sound of explosions continued to ring out.


Taotu's face changed drastically, and she immediately drew out her famous sword Kinpila. At this time, there was no need to hesitate, and she took action directly. Taotu slashed at a cannonball with one strike, and the cannonball was cut in half in the air and exploded in the air. Taotu was not finished yet, and she slashed at the muzzle of the cannon she was looking at. A cannon of this level was nothing at all, and was directly split in half by Taotu, and then exploded on the spot.

Others, Esdeath and Kalifa also took action.

Esdeath used a large number of ice bombs to attack, and the cannonballs coming from the air were all swept away by her, and could not get close to them at all. Kalifa was more direct, and directly used lightning pillars to hit the cannon one after another. Exploded into pieces.

This kind of shells are OK against ordinary people, but it is not worth mentioning against Esdeath and the others. Nearly twenty artillery positions were quickly destroyed.

As for Shenluo, he did not make a move.

He was waiting for others to come. Now that he has been discovered, it is definitely not as simple as using cannons. Instead, a high-level combat force will come. If it is found that the person coming is Shenluo, then this high-level combat force should be one of the two people, Plague Queen and Flame King. It is even possible that Kaido, the Beast King, will take action himself. Shenluo is still a little bit looking forward to it.

I don't know if they have discovered that it is him who has come.

On the other side, Flame King came out from the monitoring room, and outside is the starting point of the cliff waterfall.

"Jin! Want to show off again!"

Queen of Plague looked at the big screen. At this time, Jin of Flame jumped directly from the cliff, and at the same time, the black wings behind him opened, like the wings of a bird.

Jin of Flame, the strongest combat force under Kaido of Beasts, is an animal-type, ancient species, dragon dragon fruit, toothless pterosaur form, that is, a dinosaur that can fly. In addition, Quin of Plague is also this kind of dinosaur, different from Kaido of Beasts. Jin of Flame jumped off the cliff without blinking, and when he fell to fifty meters, he finally turned into a black pterosaur, and many parts of his body were also wrapped in hot flames. Jin of

Flame, it seems that he has the ability to manipulate fire.

He is here.

He saw the King pulled up by the carp, and he also saw that Shenluo was looking at him!

A face of calmness and composure

"very young!"

"But at such a young age, he has the same strength as Lord Kaido!"

Yan Zai Jin was amazed.

He dived down to the King, and his claw was also deployed, ready to kick the King down

"This is Flame Disaster Jin, Kaido's strongest subordinate. He is much stronger than Drought Disaster Jack!"

Taotu said beside Shenluo

"I know."

Shen Luo said with a smile

""How ugly!"

Esdeath commented, and Kalifa on the side agreed.

The current appearance of Flame Disaster Jinn was indeed ugly, a black pterosaur.

Shenluo flew up and rushed towards Flame Disaster Jinn.

When he was close to Jinn, Shenluo also punched out, facing the opponent's kicking right claw.

The fists and feet collided, and a huge impact force shook. Jinn's claw just touched Shenluo's fist and was bounced away.

Shenluo also rushed up, facing Jinn and punched him hard again.

""You can fly?"

Jin was puzzled and instinctively used his fist to block.

The collision of the two fists created another shock wave, and the strong wind made Shenluo's clothes and hair move.

"You can fly, why can't I?"

Shen Luo said with a smile. At this time, a golden magic circle suddenly appeared on his right. The dazzling golden light caught Yan Zai Jin off guard, and his eyes were also stimulated. After all, it was too close. At this time, a weapon suddenly shot out and hit Jin's head.

""That was a close call!"

The weapon shot at Jhin just as he opened his eyes. Although he had experienced many battles, he still relied on his subconscious to avoid it. The sharp spear just brushed past his right ear! The weapon even rubbed his ear!

Jhin instinctively avoided it.

"What kind of power is this?"

Not only Jin was shocked, but also Quinn the Plague who was watching all this on the big screen was confused.

At this time, behind Shenluo, a brilliant golden light flashed across the sky. Jin, who was facing it at close range, was shocked and almost couldn't open his eyes. He immediately retreated and retreated several meters in a row. At this time, there was no place to retreat. There was a waterfall behind him.

Jin's eyes were full of shock. The two hundred rounds of golden light behind Shenluo were like a golden screen hanging. In each golden magic circle, a weapon appeared, and all the weapons were facing Jin!

"What an amazing ability! How much ability does he have?"

Jin could only express his thoughts with shock.

"How about giving you a test?"

Shen Luo said with a smile.

All the weapons were pointed at Jin.

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