Although Wano Country is a closed country, it is easy to enter the country.

It is impossible for the entire Wano Country island to be guarded by people.

Therefore, Shen Luo and his team landed on the island of Wano Country on one of the coasts.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Naturally, you have to wear the clothes here, otherwise you will be regarded as an alien and be hunted by the soldiers of Wano Country, which is more troublesome. In addition, the traditional clothing of Wano Country is really ugly. Not only the clothes, but also the hairstyles of men and women are equally ugly.

Of course, Shen Luo and his team only wear the clothes here.

It is impossible to make the hairstyle a feature of Wano Country.

It is now night. The Flower Capital of Wano Country is the center of Wano Country. It is where the nobles and wealthy people live. As the most luxurious area of Wano Country, in comparison, other areas of Wano Country are poor and backward. It is not an exaggeration to say that the people are living in dire straits.

Anyway, this is a decadent country. It is said to be a powerful country in the new world, but it is just a high military value. After all, it is a country of samurai, but the economic level or the living standards of the residents are not as good as Dressrosa.

A country with backward ideas!

Shenluo and his friends found a place to stay in the Flower Capital, and then Shenluo went out alone.

The night view of the Flower Capital is quite beautiful, with lights and decorations, and it is quite lively.

The world where the nobles of Wano Country live, the Flower Capital, is quite luxurious.

There are all kinds of entertainment venues.

"The life of the rich and powerful is really good, but this place is too backward"

"Too closed."

Shenluo walked on the street, looking at the buildings on both sides of the street.

The closed state, coupled with the backward ideas of Wano Country, made this country quite backward. However, on the other hand, Wano Country was also one of the few countries in the world that had not been touched by the Celestial Dragons.

Shenluo's purpose of coming here was to challenge Kaido, the King of Beasts. He even had an idea to establish a relationship with Kaido similar to that between him and the Golden Lion.

But it should be impossible to defeat Kaido. Kaido had fought countless battles in his life, and he didn't know how many times he had been defeated.

Shenluo had the idea of going to Wano Country only after he met Jack the Drought. Wano Country was their base camp.

""Wait for me!"

Suddenly, a voice came from behind Shenluo. It was Taotu's voice.

Taotu, wearing a kimono, had a special mature beauty. She was naturally different from the native women of Wano Country. She put on heavy makeup and looked really ugly.

"Why are you here?"

Shen Luo asked curiously.

"I'm worried about you, afraid that you'll go to places that are not suitable for children."

"I'm not a kid."

"Speaking of which, there are really a lot of places like that in the Flower City. For example, the most beautiful woman here, whose name is Xiao Zi? I forgot. She is also a woman who does that kind of business."


"Yes, it's the oiran, a very beautiful woman, whose beauty is comparable to that of Boa Hancock.

Taotu was a little curious:"Have you seen Boa Hancock? That Shichibukai is called the Pirate Empress."


"how do you feel?"

"Okay, a nympho."

"You're kidding me, the whole world knows how much she hates men"

"There are many things you don't know, the Pirate Queen, many secrets"

"Tell me one and see."

Shen Luo said nothing more and smiled mysteriously.

"Even children know how to lie."

Taotu's concern for Shenluo is that of a mother. Putting aside Shenluo's identity as a pirate, Shenluo does make people want to care about him, especially for women. Taotu's concern for him transcends their identities.

"Shenluo, tell me honestly, how many people have you killed?"

"I don't know. The Celestial Dragons killed four, and the other pirates destroyed more than a dozen pirate groups. I don't know the exact number."

Shinroku thought so. Sometimes he felt that at least he had never done anything to directly massacre civilians. This was different from many pirates.

"I'm afraid you'll be executed in the future! During that time, the requirement for your wanted warrant was to capture you alive and send you to Marijoa, instead of pushing forward the city. Can you imagine what would happen? You were forced to face the Celestial Dragons directly, and you can imagine your fate then."

Momotogi dragged Shenluo into a very busy ramen restaurant and sat down at a table in the corner.

Let's eat a bowl of ramen first. One advantage of the closed country of Wano is that when Shenluo and his companions come here, no one knows them, and the seagulls delivering newspapers will not arrive here.

"Execution? No"

"If you get caught in the future, this will be your fate. Do you believe it? It will be even worse than Roger's?"

"I won't be caught, and they can't kill me."

Taotu looked at Shenluo seriously. She always picked opportunities and times to make some sense."Your current behavior has completely offended those who should not be offended. To some extent, your existence is more difficult for the World Government and the Celestial Dragons than Dragon. Dragon, you should know that the leader of the Revolutionary Army has overthrown many countries and wants to shake the rule of the Celestial Dragons."

"They won't succeed."

Shen Luo took a sip of tea and said lightly.

Then, Shen Luo spoke again,"The power of the Revolutionary Army is nothing.

In the entire Revolutionary Army, except for a few two or three people, no one else can fight.

A few of us can crush them.

The World Government has a huge foundation.

It can maintain its rule for eight hundred years while implementing cruel tyranny.

Even the devil fruits can be used to feed slaves for the entertainment of the Celestial Dragons.

With such a foundation, we know that they are not simple.

Even the current pattern of the new world is probably what they did intentionally, in order to maintain the balance of the world and seek the greatest benefits.


The art of imperial rule lies in balance!

"I don't think highly of the Revolutionary Army. Although their intentions are good, it is difficult for them to succeed. It is almost impossible. There have been similar forces that opposed the rule of the Celestial Dragons before, but they all failed. The Celestial Dragons still have ancient weapons."

Shen Luo said a lot, and Taotu listened with shock in her heart.

"You know a lot!"

Taotu sighed.

At this time, two bowls of ramen came.

However, after listening to Shenluo's words, Taotu frowned again,"When the time comes, just don't get caught, you will be miserable."

Taotu didn't know what to say to Shenluo. She had a special feeling for Shenluo, so much so that she wanted to protect and guide Shenluo.

"You are just a few people? You want to fight against the whole world? Become the king of the world?"

"Don't you want to be the Pirate King? Who doesn't want to be the Pirate King?"

Taotu asked him in a low voice.

"The Pirate King was left over by others, and was finally executed."

Although he surrendered himself for some purpose, he directly set off the Great Pirate Era. In fact, it was not something worth singing about. The price of the Great Pirate Era was that countless civilians had to bear the consequences.

It was just a bowl of ramen, because it took an hour to eat while talking.

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