On this day, a ship of the Beasts Pirates left the waters of Wano Country to look for Drought Jack.

There was no other way, as Drought Jack had been left on an island for classes. As for which island it was, they could only look for it based on the approximate sea area.

"I didn't expect that bastard Jack! He encountered the Godfall a few days ago, and was punched into the sea by the Godfall with his fist!"

Quinn looked down on Jack. He didn't expect that one of the most powerful subordinates of Lord Kaido of the Beasts Pirates would be trapped on a deserted island. If other pirate groups in the New World knew about this, even ordinary pirate groups would laugh their heads off.

Too cowardly!

"The battle is about to start, and now Shenluo seems to have other moves."

Yan Zai Jin looked at Kaido, the King of Beasts, who was drinking. Now Kaido was drunk again, but this was already normal, and there was nothing to say.

""What is Kamuro's purpose in killing Kurozumi Orochi?"

Quinn wondered.

Jhin:"I don't know."

Quinn:"You said he came to Wano Country, he definitely didn't come here for vacation, Wano Country is the territory of our Beasts Pirates!"

"Could it be that he wants to seize Wano Country?"

Jin suddenly had this somewhat crazy idea.

"Scum Jin, you have become smarter!"

"Are you sure this is the case?"


The news of Kurozumi Orochi's death is known to everyone, but no one knows who killed him. Of course, this is not known for the time being. However, that night, Kurozumi Orochi's women saw Shenluo. At that time, Shenluo stepped on Kurozumi Orochi's face. They were next to him, so it was only a matter of time to find out that it was the outsider Shenluo who killed Kurozumi Orochi.

It will be known sooner or later, but Shenluo doesn't care if he knows it.

Because he wants to seize Wano Country!

This will be his territory!

In the future, his power will develop here!

That day, it was afternoon, and Taotu watched Shenluo leave, and finally she sighed.

This young man is step by step towards his hegemony era. He is growing very fast. Taotu has been with him for a long time and still can't figure it out. Moreover, she also discovered a very important problem, that is, Esdeath is not from this world, but from another world!

This is terrible!

Taotu was very curious, and then Taotu finally understood why Esdeath could use the ability to freeze, because Esdeath was not a person with abilities at all, but had an ability called the Ice Imperial Tool! On this day, Shenluo left Taotu and the others and went out alone.

On the other side, in a luxurious room in the Flower Capital, a group of men were sitting by a large table.

They were the most powerful people in Wano Country.

They were discussing how to deal with Kurozumi Orochi.

First of all, they were studying who assassinated Kurozumi Orochi, but this was not the point at all.

For them, Kurozumi Orochi was dead on the surface, and they had to mourn and pretend.

What they cared more about was who would inherit the supreme power of Wano Country after Kurozumi Orochi died.

The throne!

This is the most important thing!

That throne means everything in a monarchical country like Wano Country! No matter who it is, they can't resist the temptation of supreme power!

Who will inherit this throne? A group of people have long had their own ideas and ulterior motives!

"We should talk about inheriting Lord Orochi's position. His last wish should not be interrupted by us!"

"I hope to have a monarch as good as Lord Orochi!" said an old nobleman. In fact, he himself did not believe such words. However, he was just pretending. He was undoubtedly one of the happiest people after the death of Kurozumi Orochi. Even if he could not have it all to himself, he had to cut a piece of the cake left by Kurozumi Orochi!

"That’s right, Wano Country cannot be without a monarch for a day!"

"Then, my Lord, please choose one among us!"

"What do you think of me?"

"I think I should come!"

"Lord Orochi had already designated this position as mine when he was alive!"

"You? I am closest to Lord Orochi!"

Soon, this group of people started to quarrel. For the sake of power, it is necessary to quarrel first, and then find someone to kill the people who are blocking the way at night! This is the most normal operation!

As for Kurozumi Orochi, who is he? If he dies, he dies. It is already a respect for him to be able to bury him with honor. When Kurozumi Orochi was alive, it can be said that he offended all of them. Kurozumi Orochi was greedy, arrogant, and domineering... which made them unhappy!

But due to Kurozumi Orochi's terrible ability, they could only be angry but not speak! However, now Kurozumi Orochi is finally dead! How can they not be happy? They even have to thank the person who killed Kurozumi Orochi. If it weren't for him, how would they have the opportunity to compete for the new monarch of Wano Country?

Shenluo is a hero!

And just when they were quarreling, Shenluo came in!

"Who are you? This is where the daimyo gather to discuss.……"

A guard stood in front of Shen Luo, but Shen Luo landed on his stomach, and then the other party fainted from the pain!

Shen Luo finally came in, and it was in the room where the nobles were arguing. They were red in the face and almost started fighting.

"You, stop arguing, the throne of Wano Country should be inherited by me!"

Shenluo faced them and got straight to the point. He had nothing to say to this group of people.

They looked at Shenluo in silence, seemed a little surprised, and then felt funny, with rich expressions changing on their faces.

However, before they could speak, three rounds of golden magic circles appeared behind Shenluo.

Then weapons shot out one after another, and the end of this group of people was that they were all shot in the head! They didn't even have a chance to speak!

"A bunch of scumbags, anyway, this country is in your hands, it's no different from Kurozumi Orochi, why not, leave it to me!"

Shen Luo smiled, and then left this luxurious and spacious room.

He still had other things to do, that is, to declare that this country was his!

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