After passing through the dark sea area, there was a little light again, and even in the deep sea, one could see the surrounding things.

The giant octopus used two octopus claws to hold up the Emperor of Shenluo, from the sea area where he just lived to the front of the descending current.

The descending current is an impact current from top to bottom, like a big explosion cloth hanging on the seabed, which is the only way for the first and second half of the Great Route.

Because of the fear of Shenluo, the giant octopus could only obey Shenluo's wishes and jumped into the abyss, or a bottomless pit, where the descending current entered. Now Shenluo and his friends are not in the ten thousand meter deep sea at the bottom of the Red Earth Continent, and the specific depth is unknown, but the sea area they are in now, from the descending current directly to the outside of Fishman Island, is the ten thousand meter deep sea.

It is unknown how long this descending current is, it may be thousands of meters, and if it is tortuous, it will be even longer.

It is unknown how long it has been, when Shenluo and his friends saw the light again, this time it was no longer the light in the darker sea area just now, but as dazzling as turning on a fluorescent lamp! In front of the Godfall is the Fishman Island floating in the sea.

"Is that Fishman Island?"

Kalifa was stunned. Fishman Island was suspended in the sea, surrounded by countless strange fish, many of which she had never seen before, and many small sea kings.

"You can leave now."

Shenluo said to the giant sea king. Hearing what Shenluo said, the giant octopus was shocked, and after carefully putting Shenluo down, it disappeared without a trace.

This is a deep sea of ten thousand meters, but it has its own sky and white clouds, and the"Sun Tree Eve" growing on the seabed near Fish-man Island transmits the sunlight from the ground to Fish-man Island, allowing this place to have changes of day and night.

Countless fish swim around Fish-man Island, and not far away, there are also many sea kings and sea beasts looking around. The largest sea king near Fish-man Island is of an unimaginable size, and may never have appeared on the sea surface or in the vision of humans. If Poseidon of the ocean is the emperor, then this sea king, whose size is so huge that even an island like Fish-man Island seems very small compared to it, should be called a general.

Fish-man Island is a dream island on the bottom of the sea. In Shenluo's previous life, this was a world that only existed in fairy tales.

""So beautiful!"

Kalifa was stunned, but this kind of place, a fairy-tale world, is indeed very lethal to women. Shenluo is much more ordinary. He came to Fishman Island not to see the scenery, or to see mermaids and mermaids, he came for a purpose, that is, for profit.

Shenluo asked Kalifa to steer the ship to Fishman Island, and at this time, a huge sea monster came out, a sea monster, a humanoid sea monster! Very ugly.

He appeared behind Shenluo's ship, and his huge figure blocked part of the light from the Monarch. Shenluo turned around and saw him. Here, he is a sea monster, a subordinate of the captain of the Flying Pirates.

""Sir, what should we do?"

Kalifa turned around and asked. It was obvious that they were being targeted by the other party.

"Just keep sailing."

Shen Luo looked at the huge sea monster in front of him, his eyes condensed, and his cold eyes shocked the other party.

Now Shen Luo already possessed the spirit of a strong man, which was revealed in his eyes, and could scare the other party even without using the domineering aura.

The sea monster with a huge body is still a weakling after all.

When it saw Shen Luo's eyes, its heart couldn't help trembling.

He wanted to destroy the ship and just wanted to escape, but Shen Luo made him feel afraid.

However, Shen Luo appeared in front of him, and Shen Luo's right fist landed steadily and accurately on the opponent's forehead. The sound of broken bones was also filled in the sea water. Although the sound was dull, Shen Luo's fist did not sink in, and he smashed the opponent's skull on the forehead.

His body was also shot out, and he stopped only after hitting a sea beast in the distant sea.

"The Flying Pirates and the like must be dealt with."

The Flying Pirates are the pirates led by Vander Decken IX, the fishman who vowed to get Shirahoshi. Because he ate the Target Fruit and touched the hand of the young Shirahoshi, he has been using flying knives to intimidate the royal family of Fishman Island for so many years, wanting the Fishman Island monarch Neptune to marry Shirahoshi to him.

Shen Luo frowned and returned to the ship. The sea monster just now was towing the ship for Vander Decken IX.

The Monarch began to enter Fishman Island. It broke through the first layer of shields. When the ship's membrane disappeared, Shen Luo appeared under the ship. He held up the Monarch to prevent the ship from falling into the bottom of Fishman Island all of a sudden. This is the air layer between the double shields of Fishman Island, not seawater, so the ship cannot sail.

Shen Luo used his flying ability and great strength to let the Monarch slowly descend in a diagonal form, and then enter Fishman Island from the exit below Fishman Island.

At this time, outside Fishman Island, in a place where light could not reach, in the deep sea, three terrifying sea kings were Looking at the Fishman Island in the distance, the focus of their sight is Shenluo.

The huge sea monster just now was trembling in front of them. Its huge body, hundreds of meters high, was so small in front of these three sea kings!

They are the largest sea kings in this area, even the largest sea kings in all seas.

They are larger than countless islands.

They have been guarding this area for hundreds of years.

They are the subordinates of the previous sea king Poseidon.

They are the overlords of the sea sleeping in this sea area, waiting for the new sea king Poseidon to lead them to conquer the sea.

Poseidon, the sea king, can be called an ancient weapon, even more terrifying than Hades.

After all, Hades is a giant battleship made by human craftsmen.

Legend has it that one shot can destroy an island, while Poseidon, the sea king, can command all sea kings, which is equivalent to commanding all creatures in the ocean.

This is the most terrifying.

In this world dominated by the ocean, if the sea kings can be commanded by one person, then the whole world will be in the pocket of this person.

"Does that person have malicious intentions?"

"I don't know, if there is, I will wait for him to come out and smash his ship to pieces!"

The size of this sea beast was so huge that even the Shenluo ship, which was more than 60 meters long, was not even one tenth the size of its eyes. And its eyes were probably only a few tens of thousands of times smaller than its body.

"He looks very strong, giving me a feeling of that old man."

Another sea king also spoke. The old man it was talking about was Whitebeard. Whitebeard planted the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates on Fishman Island, declaring to the world that Fishman Island was the territory of his Whitebeard Pirates. Therefore, no pirates or navy who wanted to make a profit would invade Fishman Island. The beautiful mermaid women or fishman women on Fishman Island could be sold at a high price in the Sabaody Archipelago. Both pirates and navy wanted to profit from it.

"I feel like the king is about to awaken"

"Still have to wait for a while"

"I've waited for eight hundred years, I'm still okay."

A deep voice filled the dark sea. ps: There's nothing much to say, the author is a novice, not very good at writing novels, and can't quite grasp the rhythm.

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