After the Mermaid Cafe, Mrs. Shirley took Shenluo and the others to meet Neptune. Neptune naturally welcomed Shenluo who could help Shirahoshi escape from danger.

However, as a reward for Shenluo's action, Shenluo asked for a devil fruit.

Neptune also agreed. There happened to be two devil fruits on Fishman Island, but fishmen generally don't eat any devil fruits unless they are eaten by mistake. There is fishman karate on Fishman Island, so they don't need any devil fruits. And most importantly, the residents of Fishman Island can't avoid contact with seawater. They live under the deep sea of 10,000 meters. No matter what, they can't avoid contact with seawater.

Devil fruits are useless to fishmen. In the end, Neptune also gave another devil fruit to Shenluo, so Shenluo got two devil fruits.

This time he made a profit. He only dealt with Vander Decken IX. In Shenluo's eyes, he was just a jumping clown.

At nightfall, Shenluo found Vander Decken IX. He walked with bow legs and swaggered. As a wanted criminal of Fishman Island, he was not afraid at all.

Originally, Fishman Island did not allow him to enter, but he broke in illegally, so he did not have to worry about being arrested by the Sea King Army of Fishman Island because he was a wanted criminal.

Vander Decken IX was still quite powerful, but facing Shenluo was like having no strength.

"Kalifa, just catch him and let Neptune and the others deal with him. Cut off his hand with the glove."

Shenluo gave the order. Kalifa beside him was eager to try. It was rare for Shenluo to ask her to take action. In Kalifa's view, this was how much Shenluo valued her!

For a small fry like Vander Decken IX, Shenluo wanted Kalifa to practice. After all, she had been developing the Thunder Fruit for a while. If she didn't practice, it would be like working behind closed doors.

"My Lord, I will be back soon!"

Kalifa's eyes were burning, and after she finished speaking, her body turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared on the spot.

At this time, outside the Dragon Palace of Fishman Island, three or four hundred meters away from the Dragon Palace, Vander Decken IX was hiding behind a building. He had an extremely obscene smile on his face, and his ugly face like a rat made him even uglier.

"Hehe, Neptune, continue to scare your Princess Shirahoshi tonight, and see how long you can hold out. Can't you just let her marry me?"

Vander Decken IX laughed obscenely.

At this time, he was holding a flying knife in his right hand, which was used to attack the hard shell tower where Shirahoshi was.

As long as he attacked the door, he would achieve the effect of intimidation.

Vander Decken IX enjoyed their fear and anger.

Anyway, no matter what, Neptune and the others could not do anything to him.

If they wanted him to let Shirahoshi go, they could only let Shirahoshi marry him.

Vander Decken IX wanted to force Neptune and the others into a desperate situation until they fulfilled his wish.

Of course, the idea was good.

Since he was the user of the Target Target Fruit, he had chosen Shirahoshi as his target that year. Therefore, no matter where he was, he could launch the flying knife, and the flying knife would fly to any place where Shirahoshi was under his control, and he could directly kill her or intimidate her.

This was the only use of the devil fruit, and perhaps he used it in the wrong direction.

Tonight, as always, when he was about to launch the flying knife to intimidate Shirahoshi, It was over.

It was Kalifa who appeared behind him. She knocked him down with a bolt of lightning. The 10 million volts of lightning made Vander Decken IX's body smoke. He was almost electrocuted alive. His rubbish physical fitness could not withstand Kalifa's lightning attack.

Vander Decken IX, who was electrocuted, was paralyzed mentally and kept twitching on the ground.

Kalifa picked up the flying knife in his hand, and then, without blinking, she chopped off his gloved hand. According to Lord Shenluo, he hadn't washed this hand for several years! Kalifa felt sick when she heard it. Lord Shenluo said to just chop it off!

However, he couldn't be killed because he had to be handed over to Neptune for disposal.

Vander Decken IX, whose hand was broken, woke up all of a sudden. He rolled on the ground as if he had suffered such pain for the first time in his life. He kept begging Kalifa for mercy. The pain of losing a hand made his face pale instantly.

"Let me go, let me go……"

"We have no hatred……"


Vander Decken IX was crying and begging for mercy. The blood from his severed hand could not be stopped.

At this time, footsteps came. It was Neptune and his men who came with the guards of the Dragon Palace. Shenluo was also there. Shenluo only needed them to capture Vander Decken IX. The devil fruit would be his reward. Vander Decken IX, who had lost his hand, would never be able to cause trouble again.

"Vander Decken! We treated you very well in the past, but you have forgotten our kindness!"

Neptune suppressed his anger and looked at Vander Decken IX who was kneeling on the ground begging for mercy. There was no mercy in his eyes. This man made his baby Shirahoshi live in a narrow hard-shell tower from childhood to adulthood. He had never seen the sun outside, and the guards were not allowed to leave for more than five minutes, otherwise they might be attacked by Vander Decken IX from a distance! This was something Neptune could never forgive.

"King Neptune, I was wrong! It was my fault!……"

"Take him away!"

Neptune didn't even look at the other party or pay attention to Vander Decken IX's pleas for mercy, and directly ordered the Sea King's army to tie him up and put him in prison.

Neptune added:"Help him stop the bleeding, don't let him die so easily!"


""Mr. Shenluo, thank you very much!"

Neptune thanked him sincerely. When Vander Decken IX was caught, his frown finally relaxed.

Shenluo smiled and said,"It's better to kill this kind of person earlier, but I'll just remind you." Why don't you kill the annoying fly earlier and let it continue to fly around?

Neptune clenched his fists and said,"I also plan to execute it, otherwise it will not be enough to calm our anger!"

The king can be merciful, but mercy must be used in the right place.

Shenluo didn't say much. This is someone else's territory, and he couldn't say anything. He was very happy to get two devil fruits. ps: There is nothing much to write about Fishman Island. It's plain and there are no waves. The exciting part is later. We will soon enter the New World chapter. Next, I will write about Shirahoshi, but I won't lick her. The main reason is that the protagonist wants to use her power.

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