Shen Luo was surprised that Yang Shu Eve actually had special fluctuations. He remembered that the last special fluctuation was due to the fruit of life.

If the system only detected the devil fruit, it would directly say that the devil fruit was detected, and would not say special fluctuations, unless it was a special existence like the fruit of life.

In other words, Yang Shu Eve is also a special existence? But it is true that this tree, rooted in the seabed, spans the deep sea of 10,000 meters, and transmits the sunlight on the sea surface to Fishman Island. It is really magical. Just like the Argiman mangroves in the Sabaody Archipelago, it can make bubbles on the ground of the Sabaody Archipelago.

What makes Yang Shu Eve so magical?

Shen Luo couldn't help but be curious. When it was almost dawn, he came to the entrance of Fishman Island. The guards patrolled the building 24 hours a day. Since he is now a VIP of Fishman Island, he has no obstacles along the way, and the checkpoint inspection in and out of Fishman Island also directly released him.

Shen Luo covered himself with an upstream water coating at the checkpoint, which is equivalent to a diving suit, but it is transparent and looks like it does not exist. Soon, Shen Luo appeared under the roots of Yang Shu Eve

"Ding! Found a special fluctuation, Yangshu Eve!"

When Shenluo approached Yangshu Eve, the system's voice sounded again. Shenluo looked at this dreamlike tree, which grew on the seabed, with its roots unknown how long and deep, and was surrounded by many schools of fish. Now Yangshu Eve was emitting a faint light. In the early morning, when the night retreated and dawn came, Yangshu Eve was now nurturing the light of a new day on the seabed.

What is the special fluctuation? Shenluo became more and more curious. When he looked at Yangshu Eve closely, he would feel Yangshu Eve's extraordinaryness. Anyway, it was that special feeling.

When Shenluo covered Yangshu Eve's trunk with his right palm, the system's voice sounded again.

"Ding! The power of life is found, do you want to extract it?"

The power of life?

Shenluo:"System, what is the power of life?""

"Life force: The purest plant life force in nature, which can be used to invest in special fields, such as the life field cut into by the host's life fruit."

Shen Luo was a little surprised:"In other words, the life force can replace the devil fruit to invest in the life fruit?"


The fruit of life that Shenluo wanted was a fruit of life that transcended the rules of this world, which meant that he would have immortality, disease elimination, and other life-related abilities. However, this was still his guess, and it was not certain whether it could be realized.

When Shenluo placed his right hand on Yangshu Eve, preparing for the system to extract the power of life, he suddenly became confused again:"System, if I drain Yangshu Eve's power of ascension, will Yangshu Eve die?"


"Uh? If we don't drain it all and let Eve grow normally, how much can we extract at most?"

"Sixty percent, six hundred strands of life force"

"Extract 55%! Not 60%."

Shen Luo would not drain the life force of Yang Shu Eve for his own selfish interests, so as to kill Yang Shu Eve. If Yang Shu Eve died, Fishman Island would not survive. The importance of sunlight is self-evident. In this way, the life force is actually Yang Shu Eve's blood. It is okay to extract a part of it, but if too much is extracted, it will definitely die!

Shen Luo quickly figured out this truth.

"Ding! Five hundred and fifty strands of life force extracted!"

Five hundred and fifty strands of life force, what is the concept? How much is it? What can it do?

Shen Luo couldn't figure it out.

He wanted to go back.

Invest in the fruit of life again.

As for the investment in the dimensional character, he was not in a hurry.

His current strength and ability were very strong, and there was no need to invest in new abilities for the time being.

In addition, Shen Luo still had Esdeath who had not been summoned.

A perfect character investment might be able to summon a real character.

The investment in Esdeath was a perfect character investment.

Therefore, Shen Luo had another crew member who was Esdeath, but he hadn't summoned her yet.

"You are the Shen Luo, right?"

When Shen Luo turned around, he found a fishman holding a red harpoon standing about 20 meters in front of him. The fishman was more than three meters tall, wearing a black hat and holding a red harpoon. Hodi


He seemed to have been following Shen Luo and waiting behind him for a long time.

Shen Luo really couldn't remember this fishman for a while. Although he looked familiar, Shen Luo could feel that he was not a good person!

"Are you looking for me?"

Shenluo asked. Hodi Jones was standing in the sea. Fish-men are born with the ability to breathe freely in water, as free as people standing on land.

Hodi Jones' tone was full of threat:"My name is Hodi Jones, the boss of Fish-man Street in Fish-man Island, the strongest man in Fish-man Island, the future ruler of Fish-man Island, and the future Pirate King!"

"Your self-introduction is really long. Are you worried that others won't recognize you? Hodi Jones?"

Shen Luo smiled. He now knew who the other person was. He really didn't recognize Hodi Jones who hadn't taken the medicine for a while.

"You will remember me, Shenluo, right? I will give you two choices. First, submit to me and I will give you a way out. Second, if you don't submit to me, you will die! What do you think? Fire Sword Shenluo."

Hodi Jones said this directly.

Will you be released if you obey him? Will you die if you don't obey?

Shenluo smiled.

"What are you laughing at, little brat?"

Hody Jones clenched his fists in anger at Shen Luoxiao, especially a human laughing at him, a fishman.

"I'm not laughing at anything. I just think you look like another creature. What is it? It should be called a frog. But you do look a bit like a frog, a frog squatting under the sea ten thousand meters deep. You can't even see what's in the sky. You are that creature."

"You actually called me a frog?"

Hoddy Jones was angry. He pointed a red harpoon at Shenluo. The battle seemed to be about to start. Shenluo actually described her as a crow!

"You want to beat me with a harpoon?"

Shenluo pointed at himself and asked with a smile.

"This is not an ordinary harpoon! Since you clearly don't want to submit to me, I won't be polite and can only slowly teach you how to be a human! Lowly humans, only fish people are the supreme bloodline! All humans, even the Tianlong people, should submit to the fish people!"

Hodi Jones pointed at Shenluo and spoke loudly, as if he was declaring something.

"So how ignorant are you? Have you ever swam out of the sea?"

Shen Luo didn't know what to say. This fishman seemed to want to kill him!

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