Today, Fishman Island is full of joy, especially the Kingdom of Ryugu, which is decorated with lights and colors.

In order to entertain the benefactor of Fishman Island, God Luo, and to celebrate that Princess Shirahoshi can live freely on Fishman Island from today, no longer imprisoned by the narrow hard shell tower.

In response to this, the sea god Neptune announced that all the consumption in Fishman Island today will be borne by the Kingdom of Ryugu. For a time, the whole country celebrated, and the pirates or others in Fishman Island were also very happy.

The Palace of Ryugu is extremely spacious. The fishman royal family is huge in size. For example, Neptune and his three sons are quite large in size, and Princess Shirahoshi, although she is only thirteen years old this year, her size is already quite huge. As the new generation of Poseidon, this size is really nothing, because the largest sea king she can command is a full five kilometers in size! Just flicking its tail may easily destroy it.

And this kind of monster is still sleeping, or waiting for Shirahoshi's order to wake them up from their sleep.

There was a row of low sea jade tables on both sides of the Dragon Palace Hall. The tables were filled with many precious specialties of Fishman Island. Usually, they were enjoyed by the royal family, but now they were used for banquets. Ordinary residents of Fishman Island could not enjoy such delicacies.

In front of the table, besides Neptune and his three sons, there was Lady Shari, and a group of royal family members of Fishman Island whom Shenluo did not know and did not need to know. Shenluo and Kalifa were treated as guests of honor, and that was the truth.

For each table, a beautiful mermaid came up to pour wine. As the best fishman maid in the palace, she was also a mermaid picked from thousands of miles away in Fishman Island.

Each of these mermaids had an impeccable beauty, enough to move countless men, not to mention that there were dozens of mermaids, with eyes full of glances. They were graceful, came slowly, and moved elegantly, without rushing or slowing down.

Female mermaids seem to be blessed by the gods, and are born with extraordinary beauty. However, this is also the reason why they are hunted by pirates. They may encounter danger in Fishman Island, let alone leave Fishman Island.

It's so beautiful, who doesn't like it? It's also a lot of money to sell it.

They also deliberately try to please Shenluo.

Shenluo, a handsome human boy like a demon, is not only the benefactor of Fishman Island.

He is famous in the sea for killing three celestial dragons.

The mermaids don't pay much attention to his ability to defeat the admiral of the navy.

What they care about is more about Shenluo's behavior towards the celestial dragons, which is what many people in Fishman Island want to do but absolutely dare not do.

Shenluo doesn't care.

Only people in this world like mermaids.

At least he won't be tempted.

In terms of beauty, the current Kalifa is no worse than them.

How can a woman with a fish tail in the lower body like her?

"Shenluo, your name has spread to every corner of our Fish-man Island! Now everyone in our Fish-man Island wants to meet you! There is no doubt that you are the most popular person in the world for our Fish-man Island!"

Next to Shenluo, Madam Xia Li was sitting here. She still had a good impression of this young man who was friendly to Fish-man Island, and she was getting more and more fond of him. Not only because Shenluo helped Fish-man Island deal with two major internal troubles, but also because of the future development of Fish-man Island. What

Madam Xia Li could foresee was that Shenluo would inevitably become an important figure in the world in the future, and Fish-man Island should be on good terms with him, and this relationship should be maintained. In the turbulent era of pirates, if Fish-man Island wants to live in peace, it must rely on powerful forces.

At present, Fish-man Island is protected by Whitebeard, the member states of the World Government, and the Shichibukai system.

Madam Xia Li said with gratitude:"Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, we don't know how long our Fish-man Island would be plagued by those two cancers!"

Shen Luo smiled and said nothing. Two devil fruits, one for each person, a total of two people were dealt with, so this deal was very cost-effective. The important thing is that Hodi Jones and the others were not strong, one was weaker than the other.

However, the fact that Fishman Island was almost controlled by these two people really showed how weak Fishman Island was.

"You Fishman Island is too weak, you can't even take a single blow. If a country doesn't have strong power, it simply can't survive in this world, you know."

A minute later, Shen Luo spoke.


Madam Shirley also admitted, but this was no longer within her scope of consideration. She was just the owner of the Mermaid Café, a shop owner. Although her ability to tell fortunes gave her a very high status in Fish-Man Island, she did not have enough weight to influence the development of Fish-Man Island. After all, how Fish-Man Island would develop still depended on Neptune and the others, not on a small mermaid like her.

After a short pause, Shenluo glanced at Madam Shirley, a little curious:"I heard that you can tell fortunes, can you tell fortunes for me and see my future?"

"You want to tell fortunes? But my fortune-telling crystal is not here."

Mrs. Xia Li was surprised, she sighed:"I may not be able to predict the future of an individual, but I can see the future of the world. However, the future I can predict is often an unfortunate future, so I usually don't predict the future. No one likes to see misfortune, right?"

In fact, she didn't want to predict the future easily. Who would seek pain for themselves?


Shen Luo said, and he was also a little curious about a legend.

"I heard that you predicted the coming of the Great Age of Pirates when you were four years old?"

This is true. Mrs. Shirley's divination ability is 100% accurate. Even before Roger died, she predicted the coming of the terrifying future of the Great Age of Pirates. At that time, Roger also visited Fishman Island and met Mrs. Shirley. However, because she repeatedly predicted an ominous future, she did not like divination, even though she had this special ability.

"It was a long time ago.

I couldn't believe it at the time.

After all, I was still young.

But later, the Great Pirate Era really broke out.

At the beginning of the Great Pirate Era, it was the most chaotic era.

Pirates from the New World fought for territory, and wars broke out again and again.

At the same time, new pirates continued to pour into the New World.

Fishman Island lived in the cracks, and every day was like a nightmare!

Countless fishmen were reduced to slaves and sold all over the world.


Mrs. Xia Li clenched her fists, recalling the terrible life she had more than ten years ago, and her body couldn't help shaking.

"Fortunately, thanks to the Whitebeard Pirates, our Fishman Island was spared. Alas, although Fishman Island has been a member of the World Government for a long time, the navy does not necessarily come to protect Fishman Island, and sometimes the navy even comes to hunt our people."

Mrs. Shirley sighed,"The banquet is about to begin, and I am really embarrassed to talk about such bad things."

She looked at Shenluo apologetically.

"Whitebeard Pirates……"

Shenluo shook his head.

There was still more than a year left.

As long as he did not interfere with the course of history, such as the key figure Blackbeard, if Shenluo let it develop, the war at the top would break out as scheduled.

At that time, the world would inevitably enter a more terrible turbulent situation.

The Whitebeard Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates were indeed the outliers among the four pirate emperor groups.

They were not interested in the legendary great treasure.

The Whitebeard Pirates also protected countless islands, such as Fishman Island.

The reason why there are so many pirates in the world is because the vicious cycle has always existed.

The pirates have been burning, killing and looting, causing many people to be separated from their wives and children, and the survivors have been forced to become pirates due to the helplessness of life or the despair of life, and even their values have gradually become extreme.

It is not true that there are too many people who are born evil.

Most of them are corrupted by the influence of the environment.

However, although Shenluo pities them, it does not mean that he will be saintly to them. After all, there are not many good people among pirates. Although Shenluo is not a good person, he will not kill them indiscriminately.

"If Whitebeard is in trouble, I will protect Fishman Island."

Suddenly, Shenluo said this, and Mrs. Xia Li didn't know what he meant for a moment.

Will Whitebeard be in trouble? It seems that the legend is that Whitebeard's physical condition is declining. Perhaps, this legend of the Roger era will end one day in the future.

Mrs. Xia Li wanted to continue asking Shenluo, but at this time, there was a noisy exclamation from outside.

"It's Princess Shirahoshi! Look! Look! Princess Shirahoshi is so beautiful!"

"I have never seen such a beautiful mermaid!"

"Is this Princess Shirahoshi?"

"It looks so beautiful!"

""Her body is so huge, but it's so beautiful. I don't have the words to describe how beautiful she is!"

There was a loud shout, full of shocked tones.

To everyone, Shirahoshi is a peerless beauty. Although she is only thirteen years old now, her peerless beauty has been slowly outlined by the years. Given time, in one or two years, five or six years, her beauty will surely shock the whole world.

Countless people are taking pictures. Such a mermaid is really shocking. Her beauty is taken for granted by people to be at the top of the world. ps: Shirahoshi is only sixteen years old in the plot two years later (1522). Now it is 1519, three years back, she is a little over thirteen years old.

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