Three days later, Shenluo and his team arrived at Dressrosa.

Dressrosa is a big country in the New World and also Doflamingo's territory.

As the king of Dressrosa, Doflamingo ruled and enslaved this country for many years.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea have privileges. As a pirate, Doflamingo's pirate activities are considered legal. At the same time, he has a noble identity as a Celestial Dragon. Although the Donquixote family has withdrawn from the Holy Land of Marijoa, his ancestors have been Celestial Dragons for generations and still enjoy the privileges of Celestial Dragons.

Shenluo and his team came today. Smoothie followed behind them at this time, wearing seastone shackles on her hands. This seastone shackle was yesterday when a navy warship passed by. Shenluo robbed two seastone shackles on the warship. He only did this and did nothing to the navy.

With the seastone shackles, it is much easier to imprison Smoothie. Although the seastone will not make the powerful ability users lose their physical strength, it is completely possible to block their abilities.

After entering the town of Dressrosa, Shenluo and his friends found a hotel to stay in.

Then Shenluo went out by himself. He mainly went shopping. He hadn't been there for a long time. Dressrosa is also a prosperous and developed country. It is already very developed for this world.

It was evening and there were many people on the street.

At this time, a woman just happened to see Shenluo.

Violet! A member of the Don Quixote family, codenamed Violet.

As Doflamingo's subordinate, a former member of the royal family, a user of the superhuman Stare-Stare Fruit, and a person with good eyesight.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Shenluo.

Violet just happened to see Shenluo, and her face changed. She originally thought she had seen it wrong, so she looked at Shenluo carefully for dozens of seconds and confirmed that it was him! Fire Sword Shenluo!

Because Shenluo is the person that Doflamingo has focused on recently, Violet naturally knows it, and the members of the Don Quixote family also know it.

It is said that after Kamikaze entered the New World, Doflamingo instructed all members to pay attention to the recent movements in Dressrosa. It is possible that Kamikaze will arrive in Dressrosa, because the country of Dressrosa is one of the important places in the second half of the Grand Line, a major country in the New World. Almost all pirates entering the New World will pass through Dressrosa.

Fire Sword Kamikaze, the only person in the world with two devil fruit abilities! A great pirate with a bounty of 1.5 billion! A boy known as as powerful as Whitebeard! In addition, he is most likely to become the fifth pirate emperor after Red Hair became one of the Four Emperors more than two years ago!

No one can ignore him now.

Violet, who was about to go shopping, ran away when she saw Kamikaze and confirmed that it was him. It is necessary to tell Doflamingo that Kamikaze has come to Dressrosa! Although she hates Doflamingo very much.

"Why did it seem like someone was looking at me just now?"

Shen Luo felt a little strange. He looked around but didn't find anything unusual.

"Am I overthinking it?"

Shen Luo felt that he seemed to be overthinking it, and turned to enter a restaurant. He often ate the food cooked by Kalifa, and he also wanted to try new flavors.

On the other side, Violet came.

At this time, Doflamingo was sitting on the sofa with his legs spread.

He looked up at the ceiling, with his pink coat open, and at the same time, he had those very special enchanting glasses, the same enchanting clothes, and weird shoes...

Just like his dress, he was a very crazy person.

He robbed the Tenjo Gold to threaten the World Government, forcing the World Government to cancel his bounty and let the World Government give him a place in the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and this also succeeded, making him With a legal pirate identity and years of business, he has become an underground emperor.

Today, he has nothing to do.

Regarding the information that Kaido, the King of Beasts, asked him to check on the God's Fall that day, it was actually nothing.

Suddenly, he had power, inexplicably, but he didn't know how to explain it.

Maybe he had been hiding it before? But it's not important, this kind of information is irrelevant!

Not to mention that Kaido, the King of Beasts, has no interest, even Doflamingo has no interest.

There is no useful information, such as how he got his ability, when he ate the devil fruit, whether he had anyone to guide him, etc.

This kind of information, there is none at all!

Very mysterious.

"Hehe, such a powerful ability and strength at the age of only fifteen, is it really possible for a creature like a human to do it? It is better to regard it as a monster, an alien……"

Doflamingo was talking to himself, but was interrupted by Violet who suddenly came in.

"Doflamingo, I want to inform you of something very important."

Violet said respectfully

"What's the matter?" Doflamingo, wearing red eyes, grinned, and that look was probably enough to scare all the children to tears.

"It's Shenluo, he just appeared in Dressrosa Town! I think you need to pay attention to it!"


The arrogant and demanding expression disappeared from Doflamingo's face in an instant, and what Violet saw in the blink of an eye was Doflamingo's rare surprise and serious expression, even a little bit out of control.

This shows that Doflamingo attaches great importance to Kamikaze.

Recently, Doflamingo has been paying close attention to Kamikaze.

He has his own huge network of relationships in both the black and white worlds all over the world, and the forces involved are astonishing.

Violet, who has always wanted to overthrow Doflamingo's rule, knows that overthrowing Doflamingo's rule is a complete delusion!

It is impossible to achieve!

Even behind Doflamingo stands Kaido, one of the pirate emperors! This is unimaginable!

Violet said seriously:"I saw him in the town just now. If my eyes are not blurry, then what I saw is real, and he is easy to recognize."

"I got it, Violet, help me check, where is he now?"

Doflamingo ordered.

Violet is the user of the superhuman-type Stare-Stare Fruit, and has the ability of clairvoyance, which allows her to expand her field of vision to within a radius of 4,000 kilometers, so as to obtain intelligence or observe the enemy. This is why Doflamingo did not kill this woman that year, he was impressed by Violet's ability.

Hearing Doflamingo's instructions, Violet circled her eyes with the index fingers and thumbs of both hands in the direction of the town she had just returned from, and her eyes fixed on that direction.

Soon, Violet saw Kamikaze, and now she was eating in a restaurant.

Doflamingo:"Where is he?"

Violet:"He is eating in a restaurant in the center of town."

"Eat? Yeah, I see."

Doflamingo laughed again.

"It seems that we are going to meet, and I think it is necessary for us to become friends, or partners."

It is obvious that it is definitely not wise to make enemies with the other party, and Doflamingo naturally understands this.

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