The next morning, Katakuri and his group of five arrived at the eastern coast of Dressrosa, and then they waited here.

Katakuri, Brulee, Owen, Perospero, Cracker, a total of five people, two dessert stars, four capable fighters, and Brulee's Mirror Mirror Fruit can be used to escape.

Of course, escaping is just in case, but Katakuri did not escape this sea of thought. In his life's record, he has never failed!

If the four powerful forces of the Charlotte family can't suppress the two Shenluo, then they really don't need to live, and they don't even have the face to live.

Katakuri:"There are only two of them. That woman should be useless. The bounty of 50 million is also based on the name of Kamiya. He should not have any ability. It is not mentioned in the bounty order. There is no need to worry about his strength. The only thing we have to worry about is Kamiya, a dual fruit ability user with two very scary abilities."

Owen:"We should think of Kamiya as a freak that is a combination of Whitebeard and Aokiji!"

Cracker:"That's probably the case. However, I don't believe he has the same powerful strength as Whitebeard. If that is the case, we will not be able to fight him!"

Katakuri:"Wait, Brulee will hold that woman back. I, Cracker and Perospero will hold Kamiya, and Owen will release Smoothie! By then, we will have five powerful fighters on our side. I don't believe Kamiya can resist?"

Indeed, with such a lineup, even if Akainu comes, he will have to kneel down.

Cracker smiled cruelly:"Will he be handed over to the navy, or will we capture him?"

Owen:"Let mom handle it!"

They all planned it out, but they didn't know that things would change.

Two hours later

"Why haven't they come yet?"

Katakuri was sweating all over because of the hot sun. It was already one o'clock.

They said they would come at noon, but Kamiya and the others haven't come yet! You know, it's still summer! The temperature is forty degrees!

It's so hot! There's no place to block the sun on the east coast.

Go back to the ship? Impossible.

Owen:"Do you want to make a call?"

Cracker was very angry:"Damn it, I feel like he has swiped me! You can tell from his photo that he is not a good person! Although I am not a good person either."

Katakuri took out the Den Den Mushi and called Kamiya.

Beep beep...

The Den Den Mushi rang for a long time, about ten minutes, and there was no call!

"Really been fooled?"

Katakuri frowned, this is an agreement between men!

On the other side, time went back to an hour ago.

Shenluo and Esdeath went out, Kalifa did not follow, but was guarding Smoothie in the hotel.

Shenluo estimated that Katakuri and the others did not bring the devil fruit, and he thought about it last night. With so many people, they probably wanted to catch him.

The main thing is that on Shenluo's side, others thought there were only two people, but they didn't know there was an Esdeath, after all, Esdeath was new.

However, this is not a bad thing.

Esdeath is like a trump card. She is a woman, but she is very powerful! The key is that she is also cold-blooded and cruel! If she kills someone, she won't even blink!

Let's go to the restaurant for lunch first, and then go to the east coast.

Half an hour later, they officially set off.

Then, more than half an hour later, it was a little after one o'clock.

Shenluo and the others finally appeared in the eyes of the Charlotte family.

Katakuri's eyes were cold. He was the most stable man in the Charlotte family and did not become impatient because of waiting.

The other few people were impatient.

"Bastard, he finally showed up!"

Cracker stood up from his squatting position and clenched his fists. He was eager to suppress Shenluo.

Owen looked at Shenluo and Esdeath who were walking over and was very confused,"Where's Smoothie?"

Katakuri shouted:"Shenluo, where is Smoothie? You don't keep your promise?"

As he said that, his anger rose again.

Shenluo smiled:"Didn't you guys not bring the devil fruit?"

Esdeath:"That's right."

Who is this woman? Isn't there a woman with golden hair? Who is this woman with blue hair and a black suit?

Katakuri and the others were confused.

Katakuri:"What do you want to do? We don't have any hatred, and you captured my sister Smoothie. Even if we don't bring the devil fruit, it is reasonable and correct!"

Esdeath:"No, that woman wanted to attack us that day and wanted to seize our ship. So we captured her, and it was not wrong!"

After saying this, Esdeath turned to Shenluo,"This group of people looks weirder than the other, don’t you think?"


"You guys! Damn it!"

"Looking for death!"

Owen and the others were also angry when they heard Esdeath's undisguised voice.

Katakuri pointed at Kamiroka with a trident in his hand:"So, this battle is inevitable, right?"

Cracker:"I haven't fought for a long time." Owen

:"I don't know what the consequences will be if I hand you over to the Navy Headquarters?"

Kamiroka smiled and said:"I wonder what will happen if I catch all of you and threaten Big Mom?"


Perospero raised his cane:"It seems that there is no need to talk nonsense, let's start fighting!"

Katakuri reminded:"Be careful of that woman, I feel she is very strong!"

Katakuri, who has experienced many battles, can naturally feel the power of Esdeath. She can give him a sense of oppression just standing there.

Owen:"Is it a new crew member? But her beauty is really unparalleled!"

Brulee:"She is not on the bounty, a new crew member!"

Shenluo also reminded them:"The woman in the black suit is not easy to mess with!"

At this time, Esdeath moved. She took a step forward, and suddenly a large number of ice cones broke out of the ground in front of her. Each ice cone was taller than a person! And it was quite sharp!

"That was a close call!"

Katakuri's face changed drastically, and they quickly dodged the icicles when they appeared. However, Owen's leg was scratched, and Brulee was pushed away by Katakuri and was not injured.

"How is it possible? Is this ice?"

Owen was shocked. He could feel the coldness of the horrible cold air. It was indeed ice!

Perospero said solemnly,"Yes, this is ice! It's the ability of that woman!"

Katakuri frowned,"What's going on? Isn't ice from the gods? What's going on with this woman?""

"Are you surprised? A bunch of weaklings!"

Esdeath moved again, and at this moment, a huge ice ball appeared in the sky. It fell like a meteorite!


Katakuri's expression changed in shock.

"Get out of the way!"

Five people jumped out quickly, and with a bang, all the ice cones shattered, and the ice ball with a diameter of ten meters crushed everything. ps:

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