Mirror rice cake is used to suffocate the opponent, and rain rice cake is used to attack. The former is like a solid wall, and the latter is a means of attack that is stronger than a bullet.

"Did it work?"

Katakuri manipulated the rice cake strips to attack Shen Luo.

There were countless noises, like the sound of bullets hitting the wall, but there was no sound of pain that Katakuri wanted to hear.

Katakuri used his observation Haki to see that Shen Luo was surrounded by a thick layer of ice.

"Both of them have the ability to manipulate ice? What's going on?"

Katakuri stopped attacking immediately, and the mirror rice cake quickly covered Shenluo, leaving no gaps at all, completely in a closed space.

As for Shenluo who was surrounded, he put away some of the ice.

So that the space was just enough for him to punch.

One bone, plus the air shock, is a terrible force.

In Katakuri's sight, the mirror rice cake he made of mud kept expanding

"Damn it! Can't we lock him up?"

Boom! As the rice cake continued to expand, the whole rice cake suddenly exploded. The incomparable impact force was like a pile of bombs bombarding down. The terrifying shock wave swept in all directions. Even the rock-steady Katakuri was shaken ten meters away by this impact force.

Shenluo, he was suspended in the air.

He glanced at Katakuri, just to confirm his position, and then rushed over at lightning speed, punched Katakuri, Katakuri instinctively crossed his hands to resist, and the armed color domineering naturally had to cover it, because Shenluo's fist was also covered with armed color domineering, and armed color domineering had the dual power of attack and defense!

There was also a bang, although Katakuri was able to stand, the ground under his feet was hit by the terrifying force The ground collapsed, forming a funnel-like pit, and Katakuri was in the center.

After this punch, Katakuri felt his hands were numb, but there was nothing he could do.

If the opponent was a person like his mother, then he would definitely not be the opponent.

In this world, there may be many people at the same level as him, Katakuri, but there are not many people at the same level as the Pirate Emperor.

Maybe there are only a dozen or twenty at most!

Maybe, it's just a guess.

Shenluo pressed down with another punch, and the ground collapsed again! And the depth and range became more terrifying.

Katakuri also resisted with his hands. Such a force made his whole body tremble. Of course, this was not fear, but simply because the opponent's power was too strong!

"So strong!"

Katakuri couldn't just sit there and wait for death.

Being attacked unilaterally, he swung his right leg, which first turned into a rice cake, a huge mace, then covered with black armed color domineering, and finally chopped at the Shenluo above him.

A series of actions were completed in just two or three seconds.

He had already mastered this ability.

He offered a bounty of more than 1 billion, not because he was an important member of the Big Mom Pirates, but because he had a strong strength and had been through hundreds of battles, and had a reputation of never losing!

The undefeated Katakuri has always been the idol of the Charlotte family, but obviously, he has not lost until he encounters a truly terrible opponent.

The Shenluo he met today is destined to deprive him of his undefeated reputation.

Mace form The rice cake chopped up, and its size far exceeded Shenluo's body, pressing down on Shenluo like a small mountain.

However, Shenluo also swung his fist and punched it at lightning speed.

Without any suspense, the opponent's mace rice cake was deflected, and Shenluo did not pause at all. He covered his right leg with the power of air shock and chopped it down at Katakuri.

The next moment, a large area of the ground cracked, because at the coast, the sea water also shook. On the coast, there were countless cracks in the ground that spread for hundreds of meters. Thick dust swept over, and both Shenluo and Katakuri were covered by the dust.

Shenluo was once again in the rolling yellow dust. Shenluo swept Katakuri with one leg again. Katakuri, who had just been injured by the shock force, had not yet recovered. , and was hit by the power of Shenluo's legs. His shaky body had not yet stood firm, and he was catapulted out by Shenluo again, and finally slammed hard on the wall of an abandoned house near the town on the coast.

Shenluo rushed over quickly again.

At this time, his right fist carried the power of air shock. Katakuri, who was embedded in the wall, had not yet come down from the wall, and was covered in the chest by Shenluo's punch.

There was a click, not the sound of bones breaking, but the sound of the atmosphere breaking, and then there was another bang, and the large building behind Katakuri was shattered.

This level of power will cause considerable damage to Katakuri, but for a strong man of his level, as long as he does not die, the injury will recover in a very short time, maybe two or three days, after all, it is not a broken hand or foot.

This world It's like this in the world.

In a fight, the stronger the person, the longer they can fight.

They can go without food for three to five days and fight to the death until they have no strength left or the winner is decided.

As for injuries, they can recover quickly.

The stronger the person, the faster they recover, because the stronger the person, the weaker their physical fitness.

It goes without saying that for people who practice physical skills, for Devil Fruit users, the physique is the container of strength.

The stronger the physique, the more terrifying the Devil Fruit power.

This is the case for most users.

How much water a bottle can hold depends on the size of the bottle.

Katakuri was injured, and it looked like it was serious.

Thirty minutes later, he lay powerlessly on the ground. In fact, he no longer had the strength to move. His body was burning with pain, and he almost forgot the last time he experienced such pain.

"It turns out that he is still too strong!"

"I'm not an opponent, at least not yet"

"I wanted to protect my family, but I was really careless this time! He is not a monster that can be guessed by common sense, and he has a powerful new crew member on his side!"

"A woman can actually face Cracker and the other three alone!"

Katakuri looked at the sky helplessly. The dazzling light did not affect him.

Anyway, he failed.

On the other side, Cracker was frozen, his body was frozen by a large ball of ice, and only his head was exposed.

Esdeath pointed a sharp ice knife at his neck and was about to attack.

Cracker's eyes were full of fear, unwillingness, helplessness and other emotions, but he refused to beg for mercy. He had the pride of the Charlotte family, and he himself was the pride of the Charlotte family. Therefore, even if he was defeated, he could not beg for mercy! Absolutely not beg for mercy!

"It's been a long time since I used torture."

Esdeath's heart was stirring. In the empire, she used the most and most horrible tortures. Even the torturers in the palace had to bow down to her.

This was not a good place to use torture. It would be best to be in a dark and damp dungeon. Impalement, burial alive, kneeling on the stone, burning at the stake, boiling cauldron, poisonous flowers, pouring wax on the body... these were all kinds of tortures she had used.

However, Shenluo said that it was enough to just catch them, there was no need to do this.

There were two more people in the sea!

Charlotte Perospero, and Charlotte Owen.

They had been soaked in the sea water for a while! ps: The author's ability is limited, please forgive me, I can only write to this extent, although I also want to write better, but I don't have that ability.

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