"Who is this woman?"

At the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku looked at a pile of photos on his desk. These were secretly taken by the Navy's spy in Dressrosa.

In a big country like Dressrosa, there are many Navy spies. Doflamingo was originally the focus of Sengoku's attention, but due to Doflamingo's identity, the Navy couldn't do anything. These spies were mainly used to monitor Doflamingo.

This time, the spy saw Doflamingo going to the east coast, and he followed him.

Then, he found out something terrible.

For the Navy Headquarters, it was definitely a big deal!

About Kamiya and the Big Mom Pirates!

According to their conversation, it was speculated that Kamiya and Esdeath defeated Katakuri and the others, and finally included Smoothie who was escorted here.

A total of six people from the Charlotte family were in Kamiya's hands.

The scary thing was that the three generals of Dessert, who were the highest cadres of the Big Mom Pirates, were all there!

Something big happened!

Kamiya and the others captured several important members of the Big Mom Pirates. At the same time, Doflamingo seemed to have an unspeakable deal with Kamikaze, which was a very serious matter for the navy. There were about ten photos. The navy's spy didn't dare to take too many photos. Although the distance was far, it was still easy to be discovered by such a strong man. Even their conversation was translated through lip reading.

Sengoku was looking at these photos now, and his head hurt a little.

The matter must be very serious. As a wise general, he quickly thought that Kamikaze should be threatening Big Mom. However, it seems that anyone with a normal mind can think of this. Kamikaze captured several important members of theirs, and the result is obvious, that is, war. As for other results, peace talks? Let Big Mom give in? Let Big Mom surrender for her children?

Not likely!

Big Mom is not Whitebeard!

But in this way, will the New World be turbulent? It is estimated that it will, very likely, because Kamikaze has touched the core of Big Mom's pirate group, and the top cadres are in his hands. It is even easy for Kamikaze to kill them.

"New members? Only two people defeated five people? No, it should be six people. Kalifa... her strength is not considered ordinary, but this blue-haired woman is strange."

Long ice-blue hair, a special military cap, a black suit and leather shoes, she looks very heroic, but from the photo, it is not clear how strong she is, and she has no idea of her ability.

The mysterious woman who suddenly appeared

"We recruited new crew members as soon as we entered the new world."

"The ice on the coast is from Godfall, and there is a large area of the ground that is broken. It can be understood that it is from Godfall. There is no other abnormality. It is hard to guess the ability of this woman, but she must be very strong."

Katakuri is very strong, which is recognized by the New World. Cracker is also very strong, and so is Smoothie.

It is impossible to defeat them by relying on Godfall alone. Sengoku also thinks so, so it can be inferred that this blue-haired woman is also very strong.

"Although there are only two new crew members, Kalifa's strength is beyond words. The data from the World Government shows that her tao power is less than 700, so Shenluo and this blue-haired woman are enough to give people a headache."It's impossible to issue a bounty, after all, we haven't figured out her background yet.

After entering the New World, Shenluo was completely out of the reach of the Navy's minions.

Although their Navy also has branches in the New World, the Navy's influence is not very good in the New World.

For the New World, the pirates of the four seas in the first half of the Grand Line are just children playing house!

Not worth mentioning!

The passage to the New World is originally a survival elimination.

Only the strong can survive.

The occasional fish that slip through the net and enter the New World will not live long.

The others will be buried in the sea.

The New World is the world of the strong... or the world of monsters, so Shenluo enters... After he went to the New World, the Navy Headquarters couldn't do anything to him. The New World is so big, how can you know where he is?

Crane:"At present, it is certain that he will go to Cake Island.

Who knows what will happen then.

He dares to do this now, which shows that he wants to tear his face with Big Mom.

Then it will be a terrible war.

Conservatively speaking, it won't be too good.

That crazy woman is not so easy to offend.

Shenluo will at least lose a layer of skin.

It may be that he has just gone to sea and has strong strength, plus he has escaped from Kuzan and Sakaski...

defeated, and escaped the pursuit of Garp and Borsalino, which made him extremely confident and did things without scruples!


"After all, he is still very young!"

Aokiji:"Hey, is it possible that he has the ability to do so? Then it will not be him who will suffer, but Big Mom. Is it possible?"

"It's unlikely. Cake Island is Big Mom's territory. If you ask him to come to the Navy Headquarters, I can put him in the dungeon!"


Another day has passed.

As captives, Katakuri and his companions, except for Brulee, all had their hands and feet restrained by seastone shackles, and there was a third seastone shackle connected to the ship's fence.

Imprisoned like this, will they escape? It is still possible.

The stronger the person, the less restraining effect the seastone shackle has.

Of course, the devil fruit ability can definitely be blocked, but the physical strength is not affected much.

Shenluo also considered this point and directly trapped them with a large ice cover, leaving some small holes for air circulation.

In this way,

Shenluo can sleep at ease at night.

Now Katakuri and his companions are completely prisoners. They look at the unclear sea outside through the ice layer, and they feel sad for a while. This is the first time they have experienced this. It is the first time they have been caught, and they have to be used as a bargaining chip. Shenluo makes a deal with their mothers. I don't know what will happen. If it gets out, their reputation will be gone.

Now, Charlotte Katakuri's undefeated myth has been broken.

After all, they have encountered an unimaginable enemy.

Among the crowd, he was the most stable one. Compared to the various expressions on the faces of others, he was calm.

They all knew that Shenluo had spoken to Big Mom yesterday, but Shenluo did not tell them their location. If he had told them, Big Mom would have come to kill him with the thundercloud Zeus!

Big Mom was so powerful that they could not imagine it. Even as her children, they were afraid of her. Big Mom had always been moody and unpredictable. She would not invest much emotion even in her own blood relatives.

Sometimes, she would go crazy, become mentally ill, destroy things everywhere, and cause countless casualties.

It is conceivable that Shenluo would go to war with their mother, Big Mom Charlotte Linlin, who was the emperor of pirates!

If Shenluo could still get away unscathed, then Shenluo's reputation would once again sweep the world!

ps: My writing skills are limited.

Katakuri and Doflamingo are both very distinctive people, but I can't describe them, especially Doflamingo.

This kind of complex villain is really full of charm, and ordinary authors can't write him.

If he is the protagonist, he will definitely be a perfect protagonist.

You can check the encyclopedia for details or watch the anime.

In addition, I also like the Golden Emperor.

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