Rapping in every way, Dadi was finally able to get the news of the signposts in the main body of history. Just after saying so much, Dadi only felt dry mouth, he walked back to the ice cream shop, casually broke a piece of ice, and put it in his mouth. Then he teased each other with Lolo.

He was not at all worried that Renly would hide any secrets, nor did he think that Renly would not know the news of the fourth piece of “Signpost in the Body of History”. Although until he crossed himself, the manga still did not say the whereabouts of the fourth “historical text signpost”. But here is the reality, Rayleigh must know almost all the secrets, and no matter how bad it is, Rayleigh can directly mark Ralph Drew directly on the map.

Renly stood in place, thinking alone, completely unaware of the curve in Dudi’s mind.

After another while.

“I’m going to come with you.”

“Oh? Why? Dadi forced himself to suppress the surprise in his heart and pretended to be puzzled.

“I want to witness you on a great voyage.”

Of course, what he didn’t say was: he was interested in this mysterious guy.

“So, you’re going to join us?”

“No, I’m just walking with you. Any battle encountered during this period is considered a test. ‘Dadi with children’, you should have the strength to walk the whole way. ”

“Of course.” Dadi was neither humble nor arrogant on the surface, but his heart was cheering.

Renly, this old man turned out to be a little tsundere? How is it different from joining a peer?

As a traverser who has seen the original work, the most I know about the plot is the latest sentence before the crossing, and because of the existence of my big butterfly, many things have long been out of order. Don’t you see, are certain two important characters still alive and frozen?

The biggest secret of One Piece lies in history, what “a hundred years of blankness that is trying to hide”, “ancient weapons that can destroy the world”, “D race”, in the final analysis, are all historical problems.

Dudi believes that Renly’s role is even more than the plot direction he knows.

As for whether it will make a move, Dadi does not care.

Dadi he has the qualifications to swell, at least, here, he is not afraid of anyone.

Without further ado, Dudi invites Renly to board the spaceship.

Moments before boarding the ship, Bucky stopped Dady.

“I shouldn’t have told you about Captain Roger when he was executed, how did you know!?”

“No, you said it. But you are so drunk that your nose is red, maybe you are too drunk to forget. Dadi smiled mysteriously.

“Bastard! Joke with Uncle Ben’s nose again! ”

Boarding the ship, during the voyage, Dadi and Renly chatted about the whereabouts of the “Historical Body Signpost”.

“As far as I know, the three ‘historical body road signs’ are on Zou Island, BIGMOM and Kaido of the Hundred Beasts, and the one owned by BIGMOM is from the city where the Sea King Beast lives. So, where is the left? ”

“I know a lot.” Renly showed a sly smile, which gave Dadi a sense of foreboding.

“The fourth ‘Historical Text Signpost’ … Missing. ”

No way!

How is this guy a virtue with the author!

For a moment, Dudi wanted Renly to taste the cannon of “Hades” and see who was the real “Hades”.

“Don’t worry, young man.”

Reilly used his superb domineering and domineering to keenly sense Dadi’s great anger for a moment. In this regard, he was very happy, ah, this mysterious guy finally gaffed. Renly has a sense of pleasure in successfully teasing people.

But he didn’t expect that Dadi’s unhappiness also came from the author.

Duddy’s hidden unhappiness with the author has a clear goal of revenge at this moment, and Renly, it takes a long time to know that he will pay for Dadi’s long-standing grudge.

At this time, he was still immersed in his own joy and said: “The last piece of the ‘historical text signpost’ is not so easy to find. I THINK WHEN YOU FIND THE LAST PIECE, YOU’RE JUST ONE STEP AWAY FROM ONEPIECE. ”

“So… Do you want me to find the first three ‘historical text signposts’ first? ”

“Yes, it’s that simple.”

“Alas~” Dadi sighed.

The four “historical text signposts” cross the line, and the point of intersection is Ralph Drew.

But in Dadi’s view, in fact, only two are about the same. Three “historical text signposts” connected and drawn three lines can directly exclude most of the world’s islands. Even if there are many islands on the line, it is not difficult to eliminate the past one by one along the line.

Originally, I planned to go directly through the main line to ONEPIECE, but Renly did this, and he had to go and get the Hundred Beast Kaido’s hand.

A hundred beasts Kaido.

Dadi looked up slightly, recalling the plot of the comic.

At the beginning, Kaido was like a character who had not yet been set, appearing in the memories of various strong people but did not say what the ability was, until when he officially appeared, he said his various suicide “achievements” through the narration, pointing out his “immortal body” and powerful power.

In Dudi’s view, this is like the author deliberately made “invincible” characters for Luffy and his group, forcing the protagonists to face an “invincible” enemy.

The same is true of Anilu, who had long earlobes earlier, with the strongest natural demon fruit “Thunder Fruit”, which hit Luffy in the early stage, but it was still Luffy who punched him through a forced shock. Finally, Anilu went to the moon in ashes.

Of course, whether it is Anilu or Kaido, Dadi has the confidence to be invincible. But there is a key issue, Kaido’s official appearance is “two years later”.

This means that if Dadi wants to get the “historical text signpost” in Kaido’s hands, he has to wait another two years.

Of course, he could also go to the empty island above the base of the Kidd Pirates, but he didn’t hold out much hope for it. Kaido was just trying to commit suicide at the time, most likely just finding a time to land on the island and jumping straight down, he may not have been on the empty island for a day.

It seems that only the two known “historical text signposts” can be taken first.

With Rayleigh, Dadi and his party first arrived at Zou Island and met the cat viper treasurer.

Reilly and the cat viper are old acquaintances, so with Renly’s help, Dadi easily obtains permission to view the “historical text signpost”. But in order to keep it a secret, Cat Viper only let Dadi and Lolo in.

Renly carefully looked at the red stone tablet in front of him, compared to the comics, what he saw with his own eyes at this time made Renly feel the weight of history.

“I want to take this stone tablet away.”

“Huh?!” Both Renly and Cat Viper glared at Dadi in surprise.

“Are you greedy?” The cat viper questioned, his body arched slightly, ready for battle.

“No, I just don’t think Mr. Oda should leave such a bug.”

Renly and the cat viper had a puzzled expression.

What are you talking about? I don’t understand.

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