Ah Hua and the others ignored all this, and they kept killing with their knives.

Looking at the silver-haired boy opposite, Creek broke out in a cold sweat. He knew the weight of his gun, which was more than 2,000 pounds.

Not only did the opponent take his slash, but he also took it in such a light and descriptive way.

Suddenly, an incomparable force came from the gun in his hand, and he quickly let go.

Kota pulled the big gun over with a force, raised it up, and threw it aside like throwing away garbage.


The big gun smashed a hole in the deck and fell down.

Kota didn't pay much attention to Creek, and looked at Kuina.

Kuina was now fighting with Akin and Bal.

Oh! This can't be called a fight, it should be a one-sided crushing.

If it weren't for Bal's defense, the two of them would have been defeated in a few encounters.

Akin was lying behind Bal, motionless.

But from his slightly rising and falling chest, it can be seen that he is still alive.

On his chest, there was a knife wound that cut through his entire body horizontally. It was bleeding fiercely. The blood flowed through his body and dripped onto the deck, staining a large area red.

With this amount of bleeding, if he doesn't get treatment, I believe it won't be long before there is another body here.

Kuina looked at the shield man opposite. This guy really has amazing defense. He can actually block his slash, although it was just an ordinary slash.

She turned her head and looked around, and found that there were still many pirates.

More pirates were rushing out of the cabin continuously. Looking at Ahua and the other two guys, they were surrounded by pirates.

Seeing that they were back to back, their physical strength would be exhausted soon.

After all, they were not swordsmen, so they couldn't attack in groups, and could only cut one by one.

Retracting her gaze, Kuina's cold and calm face showed a trace of seriousness, and she looked up at Bal.

To hurt this guy, you have to cut open his thick shield first.

Kuina slowly sheathed the knife.

She leaned forward, took a small step back with her right foot, bent her left leg, and held the hilt of the knife with her right hand.

A faint black gas gradually wrapped around the knife along her right hand.

She raised her head and stared at Balu indifferently, as if she was staring at a dead person.


Only a flash of knife light could be seen passing through Balu.

Kuina disappeared from the spot in an instant, and suddenly appeared behind Balu, her movements were as if she had never moved.


This is the sound of the knife being sheathed.

""One sword style: Cut all things."

Kuina stood up and walked towards Kota without looking at Bal.

Bal stood there motionless until Kuina walked past him, bringing a faint breeze, breaking his calm.

"" Ah!"

He suddenly screamed and fell backwards.

The shield on his chest suddenly split in the middle and slashed to both sides.

Through the shield, one could see a narrow knife wound that almost cut him in half.


Blood spurted out along the knife wound like a waterfall.

Baloo fell backwards on the deck with a"bang", unconscious, and it seemed that he would not survive.

""Lord Baru!"

The surrounding pirates screamed in fear.

Hearing the noise behind him, Creek knew he couldn't wait any longer. He had to find a way to escape. The silver-haired man opposite was too scary.

Looking at Kuina passing by, the armor on his arm quietly turned into a gun barrel. He put on a gas mask on his face, raised the gun barrel on the back of his hand, and fired at Kuina's back.

"Toxic gas bomb·M·H·5!"


A huge red cannonball was fired at Kuina.

At this moment, the whole world suddenly stopped, and then there was an extremely strong mental oppression that instantly swept across the entire dreadnought battleship Sabre.

Creek, who was about to turn around and run away, suddenly widened his eyes, only to see that his cannonball was hovering behind Kuina, and did not explode as he imagined.

And he himself was squeezed in the middle by the infinite pressure all around and could not move.

He struggled frantically and even wanted to beg for mercy, but it was useless. He couldn't even open his mouth now.

Ahua and the other two who were fighting with the pirates suddenly paused.

Then they saw the pirates around them, one after another, rolling their eyes and fainting on the ground.

This sense of oppression came quickly and went quickly.

They all breathed a sigh of relief, and then collapsed on the ground.

They felt that if this kind of mental oppression lasted a few more seconds, they would fall down.

Although not know what this is.

But what is certain is that this must be another ability of Kota.

They looked up at Kota.

Kota was staring at Creek expressionlessly, and behind Kuina in front of him, a red cannonball was hovering.

Needless to say, it must be that bastard Creek who attacked Kuina and made Kota angry. That's why he used this incredible ability to stun all the pirates on the ship.

This made them silently mourn for Creek in their hearts.

This guy is really looking for death, Kuina is Kota's Achilles' heel.

Kota hung the wine gourd back on his waist and jumped off the guardrail.

He walked to Kuina, stretched out his right hand, clasped his middle finger with his thumb, and gently flicked the cannonball behind Kuina.


The cannonball was shot into the distance at a very fast speed.

Then it exploded on the sea with a"bang", and a burst of pink poisonous smoke came out.

"We can’t let this thing explode here.

The pirates didn’t care, but they just had to make sure it didn’t hurt Kuina and the others.

Looking at Kota, Kuina raised her lips and smiled.

With Kota around, she didn’t have to worry about sneak attacks. She could normally dodge the cannonball, but when she got to Kota, she felt a little relaxed.

"Kota, I'm fine."

She turned around and pulled���Kota looked at Creek.

Kota turned to look at Kuina beside him, stretched out his hand and scratched her nose, then spoke

"Don't even know how to hide, just trust me like this"

"Of course, I believe that Kota will not let me get hurt."

Kuina had a smile on her face and her eyes narrowed into crescent shapes.

"Oh, by the way, what do you want to do with this guy?"

"Whatever!" Kuina shrugged indifferently.

"Well... okay! Anyway, I don't plan to keep him."

Kota looked at Creek and suddenly increased the pressure in the field.

""Then go to hell!"

Creek, who was pinned to the spot and unable to move, suddenly struggled more violently. A greater pressure came from all sides, squeezing him madly in the middle.

Blood was gushing out of his mouth, eyes, and ears.

His bones made a"crunching" sound due to the squeezing.

After a while, he gradually stopped moving.

Only a huge blood ball wrapped in a metal ball was left on the spot.

"Since you like armor so much, then give him the armor as a coffin!"


Kota thought about it and pressed the blood ball under the deck.

He would not touch this disgusting thing with his hands.

The blood ball quickly shot across the deck, across the cabin, then shot through the bottom plate, and then disappeared into the sea.

Then Kota raised his head with a flash of red light in his eyes, and his observation Haki instantly swept across the entire dreadnought battleship Sabre. Except for them, no pirate was found standing.

He couldn't help but sigh that the Conqueror's Haki was really a powerful weapon for pretending to be cool, and it also had the title of a miscellaneous soldier harvester.

This thing was awakened naturally when he had a mental breakthrough two years ago.

It should be related to his mutated mind, and it may also be related to his self-confidence.

After all, in this world, no one should be able to kill him.

Unless it is some miraculous power he doesn't know about.

"Hey, can you three move?"

Kota looked at the three guys sitting in the group of pirates and shouted

"Don't worry, I can still beat ten more."

Ah Hua quickly jumped up, raised his hands and shouted

"You, I don't know who it was just now, you almost got stabbed."

Luo stood up, patted the dust off his butt, and taunted Ah Hua.

"You guy……"

He was almost attacked by a pirate just now, but it was Luo who saved him from injury.

Tao, who was standing next to him, looked at them helplessly and took out a cigarette to light it.

These two guys were fighting side by side just now, but now they are quarreling again.

""Okay, okay, let's go and take a look at the spoils first!"

After saying that, Kota turned and headed towards the second floor of the cabin, the captain's room.



Pushing open the old wooden door, he could see treasures randomly placed in the room, and piles of berries.

These should be what the Creek Pirates had robbed.

It looked like they hadn't dealt with them in time, and on some of the berries, there were still traces of freshly dried dark red blood.

Kota glanced around the room, didn't see anything special, and immediately lost interest.

"You guys pack up your things and move them back!"

He turned around, said to Ahua and the others, and then took Kuina back to the Pseudo-Merry.


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