As soon as Kota and the others appeared, Kroobi realized that they were not ordinary humans.

The eyes of Kota and the others were too bland, bland to the point of indifference, and they looked at them as if they were fish to be slaughtered.

He hated this kind of look, the kind of look he often felt in his hometown.

So before Kuina turned her head and just dodged the bubbles of water, he quickly rushed over. With rich combat experience, he would not miss this opportunity. He had to get rid of the human girl in an instant, and then face the boy behind her.

He felt that the silver-haired boy was too dangerous, and this was out of his beastly intuition.

"Fishman Karate: Arm Slash!"

Kroobi, who was taller than the average human, stood in front of Kuina like a giant. His sturdy body completely shrouded Kuina in shadow.

He raised his arm, revealing the wing fins on his elbows that were as hard as scimitars, and slashed fiercely from top to bottom, diagonally towards Kuina's neck.

Kuina's eyes flashed red, and she turned around and lowered her head to avoid the fierce slash.

She walked forward from under Kroobi's arm.


Kuina stood behind Kroobi, quickly drew her sword, made a knife flower with her right hand, held the sword with her backhand, slanted backwards and upwards, pushed and pulled, and ignored Kroobi, and then rushed towards the group of fishmen.

When Kuina took three or four steps, Kroobi, who was behind her, seemed to be still, and kept swinging his wing fins to slash downwards, this Just as if he had lost all the strength to support himself, his legs softened and his body quickly fell to the ground.


There was a dull sound of an object falling to the ground, splashing faint dust.

Kroobi fell to the ground with his eyes wide open, his eyes full of unwillingness.

He was a fishman! How could he fall so easily under the feet of a human.

He wanted to struggle, but it was useless. On the contrary, the more he struggled, the faster his vitality was lost.

Blood gushed out of his mouth, eyes, and ears like a fountain, and soon dyed a large area under his body red.

In the end, his body twitched wildly for a few times, and then he was completely motionless, and the last bit of light in his eyes was gone.

Only then did everyone see that there was a penetrating wound on the back of Kroobi's head that went diagonally upwards.


Ju, who was also a cadre and came from the Grand Line, looked at Kuina in horror.

This feeling of facing a strong man made him feel as if he was back in Fishman Island. He was still a little Luo Luo at that time and could only hide behind the captain and Arlong.

Since he came to the East China Sea, he has never encountered this feeling that made him tremble all over.

There are no fierce pirates, no slave traders, and no celestial dragons here. It's like heaven.

At the back of the village road, the villagers stared with their eyes wide open, as if they had seen something incredible.

"Hey! Are you kidding me? You killed the leader of the Dragon Pirates with just one strike."

Takeru stood next to Kota, looking at Kuina's back in amazement.

"Is he really that powerful? The other party is a monster that can sink a warship with one blow!"

Then he turned his head to look at Kota, with a fiery light flashing in his eyes.

Kota didn't look back, but just patted Ken's shoulder gently and repeated

"I've told you, we are very strong! Just watch carefully!"

This time, Ken finally believed it a little bit, believing that Kota and the others could really defeat Arlong. He turned his head and looked at Kuina again. His face was full of excitement.

The human girl not only easily dodged the killing moves of Ju and Kroobi, but also killed Kroobi with one knife.

The fishman standing behind Ju was angry and terrified.

Since they came to the East China Sea, all the humans they met were no problem for them to solve.

Even the navy here had to cooperate with them, otherwise it would be as easy for them to crush those navy as it was to crush an ant. As simple as that.

Over time, the fishmen, who were used to being domineering, became more and more arrogant and brutal.

In their eyes, the humans in the East China Sea were a group of inferior races, and they, the great fishmen, were the masters of humans.

They killed and plundered humans just like they did pigs at home.

They completely forgot how frightened and humble they were in the Grand Line.

The appearance of Kuina was like a basin of cold water poured on their heads, making them collectively recall the terrifying humans on the Grand Line.

"You, a human, must not be from the East Sea."

Jiu looked at Kuina who was walking over, his eyes were red.

Kuina stared at Jiu coldly, without stopping.

It was this kind of look, he hated this kind of look, and he was also extremely afraid of this kind of look.

"You inferior person, go to hell!"

He widened his eyes, which had already turned completely red, and roared angrily, as if this could dispel the fear in his heart.

""Hundred Shots·Water Gun!"

He took a deep breath, puffed up his lips, and his lips began to tremble rapidly like the barrel of a machine gun.

Bubbles, like bullets, shot towards Kuina.

Kuina did not dodge, but faced the bubbles while waving the knife in her hand quickly.

There was a flash of knife light.

The bubbles that should have been shot directly at Kuina were immediately cut in half by the knife light, and shot on the ground on both sides of Kuina, leaving holes.

In just a moment, Kuina had rushed forward quickly and stood in front of Jiu.

She held the knife indifferently, ignoring Jiu's completely bloodshot eyes and his extremely frightened expression.

She did not give Jiu any chance to retreat, and cut quickly towards Jiu's throat from bottom to top.


Ju stood there stiffly, his hands covering his throat, his skin turning from blue to red. He wanted to make a sound, but couldn't.

Then he seemed to have lost all his strength, fell to his knees, and rushed forward.


Following in the footsteps of Kroobi.

Kuina stood beside Ju with an indifferent expression, and swung the knife in her hand downwards to shake off the blood on the blade.


Seeing Jiu lying on the ground and twitching wildly, the remaining fishmen screamed.

Then they ran backwards in fear, as if there was a flood or a beast behind them.

From the time Kuina walked towards the fishmen to the death of Kroobi and Jiu, it seemed very long, but in fact, only ten seconds had passed.

The villagers behind looked at the fishmen rushing towards them and quickly retreated to both sides of the village road.

Then they all stared at Kuina with excitement. With just two knives, this girl easily killed two cadres of the Arlong Pirates.

They had never seen such a powerful human being, nor had they ever seen a fishman. Such an expression.

It turns out that murlocs can also be afraid, terrified, and flee!

Kuina stood there, looking at the fleeing murlocs, her eyes full of indifference. She had no mercy in her heart when it came to killing murlocs.

She sheathed her knife, bent her left knee, tightened her grip on the knife, and looked up at all the murlocs fleeing in front of her. She charged up her strength and launched herself forward.


Kuina's body appeared in front of the murlocs as if she had teleported.

A flash of knife light passed by, passing through each murloc, making the fleeing murlocs freeze in place as if they were hit by a spell.


""One sword style, cut all things!"

At this time, the sound of Kuina putting away her sword came from the wind.

It was also this sound that broke the fishmen's immobilization technique.


A line of blood appeared on the waist of each fishman, and then their upper bodies were neatly cut to the side, spurting out a lot of blood.

Kuina turned around, ignoring the fishmen who had all been cut in half in front of her, carefully dodged the blood river on the ground, and went towards Kota.

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