At this time, a dirty deal was going on in Arlong Paradise.

Today was not only the time for the Dragon Pirates to collect head fees, but also the time for them to pay the black money to Colonel Mouse.

The entire Arlong Paradise was surrounded by high stone walls, with only a huge stone gate facing the sea.

Inside the stone gate was a long waterway, which was specially designed by the Dragon for their identity as fishmen.

There were two pools of equal width beside the waterway, which were the places where the Dragon Pirates usually played.

At the end of the waterway was a tall five-story tower-like building. On the top of the building was a shark spire with a big open mouth. The pirate flag of the Dragon Pirates was fluttering in the wind. In the aisle between the tower-like building and the waterway, there was a tall, sharp, and jagged shark man lying.

This fish man was the captain of the Dragon Pirates,"Arlong".

Opposite to Aaron sat a man who looked like a rat and was wearing a navy officer's coat. Behind him stood two extras.

I guess this guy must be Colonel Rat!

"This is this month's share, take it!"

Aaron took a thick stack of money from his men behind him, put it on the table, and pushed it towards Colonel Mouse.

"Chirp chirp!!"

"Brother Aaron, your mind is totally different from that of ordinary pirates!"

Colonel Mouse looked at the money in front of him with a smile on his face.

Then he quickly reached out and took the money, put it in his arms, nodded with satisfaction, and smiled at Aaron:"You really understand the ways of the world!"

"Hahahaha! We are the same!"

Aaron opened his hands and laughed,"As long as you are willing to be my friend, you can enjoy endless sweetness in the East China Sea."

Then he stopped laughing, retracted his hands, sat up straight, propped his hands on the table, and stared at Colonel Mouse with his eyes slightly narrowed.

"Being able to understand this proves that you are a smart naval captain!"

Although he had a smile on his face, his eyes were cold.

This guy is a complete racist.

He believes that"mermen are born stronger than humans.""、"Humans rebelling against mermaids is equivalent to defying the laws of nature". They adopt high-pressure rule over the humans under their management and rule, treating human lives as worthless.

This guy is not only greedy and cruel, but also loves money like his life, and believes that money is"the best thing and the most reliable thing."

Facing Aaron's cold eyes, the mouse broke out in a cold sweat and said with an awkward smile:"It has been really troublesome all along."

"Hahahahahaha…! Why are you saying this now?"

"Harmony brings wealth!"

Aaron lay back, straightened his body and relaxed.

He laughed at the mouse and said,"Money is a good thing, and it is more trustworthy than anything else."

"Although I hate humans, there are exceptions for sensible guys like you."

Looking at Aaron, Colonel Mouse felt uncomfortable.

Although he knew that what Aaron said was nonsense, he still had to smile and nodded in response.

Who said Aaron was better than him and was his cash cow!

After Aaron finished speaking, the mouse quickly stood up and said to Aaron:"Then I'll leave today."

He actually didn't want to stay here at all. The fishmen around him looked at him like an animal, which made him feel uncomfortable all over.

At this moment, a teasing voice suddenly came from the wall on the left.


"Where are you going?"

"You guys better wait to go to hell together!"


Twenty or so fishmen, Arlong, and Mouse, who were lying or sitting by the two swimming pools, all looked at the high wall on the left.

They saw two more people on the high wall. Of course, they were Kota and Kuina.

They stood on the wall, listening to the conversation between Arlong and Mouse for a while. It was not until

Colonel Mouse wanted to leave that Kota spoke.

The fishmen by the swimming pool breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that there were only two humans, and then they did what they had to do and no longer paid attention.

But Arlong was furious.

These two humans were actually standing in a higher position than him. How could such a lowly race as humans make him, a great fishman, look up to them?

He would rather these two humans break through the wall than stand on his own wall.

He stared at the two people on the wall with ferocious eyes.

""Just two humans, you dare to come to my dragon's territory, and threaten my guests, you are really looking for death!"

As he said that, he crushed the wine glass in his hand, and the wine fell into his palm.

He grabbed the wine and the glass fragments, and then threw them towards Kota and the other man with force.

Looking at the flying glass fragments and bubbles, there was no fluctuation in Kota and Kuina's eyes.

There was a red light in their eyes, and they slightly turned their heads and dodged.

As soon as Kuina stood on the wall, she stared at Colonel Mouse. This guy looked too eye-catching, and he was obviously a traitor. Kota stared at Aaron with interest, not hiding the disgust and indifference in his eyes at all.

It was Kota's eyes that looked like fish on the chopping board that completely angered Aaron.

After coming to the East China Sea, he was the only one who could look at humans like this. When did humans dare to look at him like this?

His eyes suddenly turned blood red, flashing with a bloodthirsty light. He stared at Kota fiercely and shouted loudly

"Fellow countrymen, tear them apart for me."

Along's murderous voice resounded throughout the Along Paradise.

The fishmen next to the swimming pool stood up when Along crushed the wine glass just now.

When they heard the boss's voice, they all rushed towards Kota and the others with fierce eyes and bared their teeth and claws.

Looking at the fishmen rushing towards them, Kota was about to move when Kuina spoke.

"Kota, as agreed, leave this to me."

She was about to kill him.

Kota quickly stopped, touched his head, and apologized to Kuina.

"Sorry, Kuina, look at my brain, I almost forgot."

He was itching to do it after seeing these fishmen, he hadn't done it for a long time. Although these fishmen can be killed with one knife, they can't fill your stomach, but they can quench your thirst!

Kuina's eyes were fixed on Colonel Mouse from beginning to end. She stood on the wall like a god of death, her eyes full of indifference.

The first person she wanted to kill was Mouse. The boundless murderous intent revealed in Kuina's eyes made Mouse's whole body feel a dull pain as if it was pricked by needles.

Alarm bells rang in his heart.

Danger, danger, danger...

Mouse froze in place, sweating profusely.

He looked up at Kuina and roared in his heart

"What's wrong with this woman!"

"He doesn't know her, why has he been staring at him since he came!"

Seeing that the fishmen were about to rush to the wall, Kuina retracted her gaze and jumped off the wall.

She ignored the fishmen who rushed over, looked at the mouse again, and walked towards him slowly.

Kota squatted on the wall with boredom, yawned, and pulled off the wine gourd from his waist.

Drinking and watching the show.

The two fishmen who rushed over first looked at Kuina, and their anger surged.

They were on the left and the right, one raised his fist, and the other raised a knife, and hit Kuina's head hard.

At this time

"Zheng——!"With a sound.

When the fishman on the left just threw a fist, a flash of knife slashed across his throat first.

Then, a red light flashed in Kuina's eyes, and she slightly turned to the left and took a step forward to avoid the knife of another fishman.

She paused for a moment, made a knife flower in her hand, held the knife in her backhand, stabbed to the right and retracted it.

Then she ignored the two fishmen, walked calmly between them, and continued to move forward.

At this time, the two fishmen who were standing there in a daze fell to the ground with a"bang".

Looking at the two compatriots twitching on the ground, the fishmen behind them all slammed on the brakes and stood there in a daze.

With just one encounter, the two compatriots were killed cleanly.


Then they were furious, their eyes instantly turned blood red, and they roared and rushed towards Kuina fiercely.

But Kuina continued to walk towards the mouse slowly, not affected by the fishman at all.

He turned his right hand and held the knife in his right hand. A cold and dazzling light flashed on the knife. The blade faced the rushing fishman and made a simple horizontal slash.

The knife flashed, and the fishman's body stopped in place instantly.


Kuina took a step to the right to avoid the blood spurting out of the fishman's chest.

She glanced at the fishman behind her indifferently, and swung the knife to shake off the blood stains on the knife.

The blood stains were scattered on the ground, forming a big"one", and under the sunlight, it flashed a dazzling red light.

Kuina's cold eyes made the fishman behind her feel pain all over.

They completely forgot that the way they looked at humans was actually exactly the same as the way Kuina looked at them at this time!

At this point, the fishmen were afraid.

They all stopped their forward movement and stared at Kuina. Their pupils shrank and their bodies retreated backwards involuntarily.

This human was definitely not an ordinary human, but a powerful god of death.

Three knives.

Three compatriots.

They couldn't even see the knives, only a flash of knife light.

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