Then he put his hands together, and the space around him collapsed instantly, and then a huge force rushed in all directions.

""False Shinra Tensei!"

The lion heads and slashes coming from all directions were instantly dispersed.

Kota stepped through the dust, holding a knife in his hand, and quickly approached the golden lion.

"Shave, step forward and cut"

"With a"whoosh", he instantly appeared above the golden lion's head and slashed it fiercely with a knife.


Feeling that there was no collapse of the domineering spirit at the collision of the blades, Kota laughed crazily


"Old man, you better just accompany me in training!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

He kept swinging his sword and striking hard, and the Golden Lion could only passively defend.

""What's wrong? Old man, you can't do it now?"

He shouted violently:"If this is all you have, then die!"

Then the veins on his arm holding the knife popped out, and he slashed at the golden lion fiercely.


A golden figure shot quickly to the back.

The golden lion wanted to stabilize his body, but the power from his arm made it impossible for him to stop.

He took advantage of the situation and shot towards his main island at a faster speed.

Kota looked at the golden lion flying far away, and a trace of doubt flashed across his face.

"Does this old guy want to run away?"

"It shouldn't be like this!"

"It is impossible for such a strong man to have the idea of escaping from his junior.

He shook his head and stared at the golden lion without thinking any more.


He instantly appeared behind the Golden Lion and stabbed him in the back.


A red light flashed in the Golden Lion's eyes, and he took the lead to block Kota's attack.

Although he couldn't keep up with Kota in speed, his observation Haki was top-notch!

Although he couldn't foresee the future, this top-notch observation Haki gave him a nerve reaction speed, and his decades of combat experience were not something that ordinary people could possess.

He used this force to fly towards the edge of the main island at a faster speed, and finally stood next to the sea water layer covering the outside of the main island.


"So you want to use the power of the sea water to deal with me!"

Kongta stood there, staring at the golden lion with interest, pulled off the wine gourd from his waist, and drank the wine leisurely.

"Old man, if you have any tricks up your sleeve, use them as soon as possible!"

"Next... accompany me to practice domineering"


He blew a breath of wine at the golden lion, and a blush flashed across his face.

Looking at the wine gourd in his hand, he shook it.

"Not enough to drink!"

""Hahahaha! Boy, don't be so arrogant. Do you really think you can beat me?"

The golden lion laughed loudly, and then kicked out a slash at the edge of the main island.

"" Chop the waves!"

The seawater layer at the edge of the main island was cut off in an instant, like jelly.

Then he spread his five fingers, and the cut seawater was decomposed into countless small water droplets like fireworks, and instantly spread out to the surroundings.

The whole world was wrapped in thick seawater raindrops.

Then his hand shook.

The water droplets in the sky were instantly decomposed again, decomposing into water mist.

The water mist enveloped the entire sky, making people in it feel like being in a heavy fog in the morning in winter.

This was specially prepared by him to prevent Kota from teleporting.

In this seawater mist, he didn't believe that Kota could teleport and escape.

He stared at Kota with an arrogant look on his face.

"Hahahaha! Boy, take it well!"

"This is a gift I prepared for you, a person with special abilities!"

He clenched his right hand as he spoke.

The mist scattered around quickly gathered towards Kota in the middle, as if being pulled by something.

Kota looked at the golden lion as if he was looking at a fool.

This guy has been preparing for so long, just to prepare these?

These things are totally unnecessary for him!

Because he has no intention of moving at all.

Since the old guy likes to perform so much, he should also show him a unique skill!

After all, the old man is about to be buried, and it would be bad for him to deprive him of his last happy time, right?

As the mist gathered quickly, it quickly condensed into water droplets on the surface of his body.

At this time, a look of fear appeared on Kota's face in real time.

Then his whole body was instantly submerged in the sea water formed by the connection of the water droplets.

He grabbed his throat, holding his breath, and kept spitting out small bubbles from his mouth.

He looked very uncomfortable.


The Golden Lion looked at Kota, who had been trapped in the sea water, and couldn't help laughing.

The depression he had felt from being beaten by Kota disappeared.

He just looked at Kota quietly and laughed.


Kota had been waiting for the golden lion's attack, but it never came.

He couldn't help but glance at the golden lion.


The old man was indifferent and kept laughing.

"Old man, you keep laughing, don't you? Why don't you end his performance with a slash?"

At this time, he really wanted to complain to the Golden Lion.

"His awkward acting was very hard, okay?"

This guy is not like this towards Wang Luffy!

How come his brain suddenly works better here?

Thinking of this, he gave up the performance and kept showing off various game postures in the water.

Breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke, butterfly stroke, even doggy paddle, lazy turtle swimming... everything.

Golden Lion looked at Kota who kept changing his postures in the water. How could he not know that he was fooled by Kota just now.

His useless performance just now may make him a fool in this guy's eyes!

Because this guy doesn't seem to be afraid of sea water at all

"This ability is too invincible!"

In his decades of life, he knew that there were only a limited number of fruit ability users who were not so afraid of sea water.

For example, he could easily control the sea water and ignore the curse of the sea.

But if you ask him to immerse himself in the sea water like Kota, it would be impossible.

However, what he didn't know was that Kota was not a power user at all.

The golden lion stared at Kota, with veins on his forehead bulging.

"Too arrogant. Too arrogant."

"This guy simply doesn't take his golden lion seriously at all."

Thinking of this, he swung his legs quickly at Kota.

"Go to hell!"

"Lion Chikiri Ya!"

Several golden slashes quickly rushed towards Kota who was wrapped in the sea water.


Kota stopped and turned to look at the angry golden lion. His eyes fixed.

"Now that you know the difference between you and me, then practice with me obediently!"

He didn't even look at the oncoming golden slash, and the space field was instantly expanded.


A huge force instantly shook away the sea water and the slash.

Then Kota teleported directly behind the golden lion, drew out the slash, and slashed at his back fiercely.


The golden lion was quite helpless about Kota's teleportation, he could only turn around and raise his sword to block the attack.

Then his body quickly shot towards the ground.

"With a"bang", it crashed into a huge mountain below.

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