There was a lively noise coming from the dock in the harbor of Ximozhiji Village

"Wow! What is Kota going to do?"

"He, he wouldn't want to fight that giant!"

"No way. After all, judging from their size, the difference in strength is too big!"

"It's hard to say, after all, that's Xiaokongtai"

"Yes, yes! Xiaokongtai is very powerful!"


Everyone on the dock looked at the two people facing each other on the sea with curiosity. Although they had seen Kota training on the seashore with a mountain of weights on his back, they still felt a little worried about him.

Just looking at their body sizes, the difference between the two men was too big!

Kota stood in front of the boat, looking at the crazy laughing Ivankovs, with a smile on his face, and shouted excitedly:

"Ambrio Ivankov."

Ivankov turned his head, leaned forward, and stuck his head out of the bow.

Because his head was too big, it blocked the sunlight and cast a large shadow on the sea.

And Kota was standing right in his shadow.

He looked down at Kota and asked in surprise:"Cute boy, do you know me?"

"I just came to spar with you. Please be serious, or you might die."

Korata looked at Ivankov who was approaching him, and did not answer anything, but just told him the purpose of his visit.

Then he bent his left leg, took a step back with his right foot, leaned forward, raised the knife, stared at Ivankov closely, and slowly grasped the handle of the knife with his right hand, making an attacking gesture.

Ivankov seemed to be really frightened by Kota's momentum.

He quickly shrank his head back, sweating profusely, and waved his hands in front of him repeatedly, speaking incoherently

"Please... please stop, don't use that weapon. It's dangerous, dangerous! It can kill people. If you get hit, you'll die, die, die.……"

He retreated to the middle of the boat, suddenly raised his head and chest, raised his hands high and shouted loudly:"I can't die!"

"It turns out that he won’t die!"

"I've been fooled again!"

Then there was a crazy laugh.

Kota's mouth twitched wildly. This guy didn't take him seriously at all!

He exerted force on his right hand holding the knife, and his entire arm expanded. A circle of light black gas wrapped around the knife along the handle.

His current armament color strength and quantity are still relatively low, so he can only do this.

He raised his head and stared at the back of Ivankov's neck. His feet suddenly stepped on the sea surface at high speed dozens of times in an instant.



The sea surface beneath his feet suddenly sank, and his whole body rushed towards Ivankov at an extremely fast speed.

Ivankov seemed to sense something, and suddenly turned around and blinked his left eye.

""The Eyes of Hell!"

A shock wave went forward.

Kota appeared in front of the shock wave and quickly drew his sword.

""Shave·Draw the Sword!""


A wave of air rushed in all directions from the impact point.

Kota and the shock wave were only in a stalemate for a few seconds, and he was quickly shot backwards by the huge force of the shock wave.

His body quickly passed through the sea, plowing a long gully, and he retreated dozens of meters before stopping.

Looking at the boat floating out in the distance with the air wave, Kota's excited face flashed a trace of solemnity.

So strong! Just a casual attack, the power is so great, it seems that only full strength can be used.

He rose from the sea, standing in the air on the sea, without a drop of seawater on his body.

At this time, everyone on the boat shouted excitedly:"It appeared, Lord Ivan's extremely ordinary wink, the wink of hell."

Lightning stood aside calmly, without the excitement of everyone.

Although her body rose and fell with the bumpy boat, her legs were firmly nailed to the boat, motionless.

She raised the wine glass elegantly, took a sip of red wine, and looked up at Ivankov.

"Ms. Ivan, we can't fight at sea anymore. This little boat can't bear it."

"Hmm! I can feel that the cute boy has no ill intentions. It seems that it is just a simple competition."

Ivankov looked at the creaking boat and thought for a while.

He looked up and shouted to Kota in front of him:"Hey! Cute boy!"

"What are you doing?"

"If you want to spar, let's go to land! If you want me to take you seriously, you have to give me a place to show my skills."

Kota looked at the boat pointed at him awkwardly, grasped the hilt of the knife, made a beautiful move with it, and sheathed it.

He glanced at the boat, turned around and walked towards the dock.

"Come with me!"


""Sora, are you okay?"

When they got back to the boat at the dock, everyone gathered around them.

Sora smiled and waved his hand.

"How could there be any problem? I tried to find out and wait until they reach the shore, then we can fight."

""Still fighting! The aftermath of that blow almost blew me away," Ah Hua shouted with an exaggerated expression.

Everyone nodded.

At this time, a greeting came from the village.

"Good morning, Mr. Koshiro!"

"Good morning, uncle."

"Why did Mr. Koshiro come out today?"

"Well! I just heard some noise and came out to walk around."


Koshiro had a smile on his face, and he nodded to the fishermen one by one, answering a sentence or two from time to time. When everyone on the boat heard the sound, they all turned their heads to look at the dock, and saw Koshiro coming towards them, so they hurriedly got off the boat. The dojo is on the hillside behind the port, not far from here, and the entire port can be seen at a glance.

Koshiro walked to the side of the boat, watched everyone get off the boat one by one, and then he asked Iku,"Uncle Iku, tell me what happened! I heard the noise from a long distance."

Iku roughly explained what happened, and Koshiro then looked at Sorata behind Iku.

""Sora, you are too reckless!"

Sora shrugged at Koshiro and muttered,"Who told you to be perfunctory every time you went to the master to learn from him this year!"

He raised his eyebrows and continued in an excited tone.

"I just happened to meet a strong man today, so of course I have to have a good fight, so that I can clearly know what level I am at now!"

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Koshiro's calm face.

He was simply annoyed by Kota. In the past few years, Kota would look for him to spar almost every few days, especially in the past year, as Kota was promoted to the swordsman level, the frequency of his visits to him increased significantly.

How could this be? Koshiro stayed in Isshin Dojo just because he was too bothered.

In addition, he was more casual in nature, so he became more perfunctory.

In fact, when you reach the swordsman level, simple sparring will not make much progress. What is needed is to fight with all your strength.

And for him and Kota, it is impossible to use all their strength.

The swordsman's lethality is too great, and you will be seriously injured if you are not careful.


Koshiro looked in the direction where the sound came from, and happened to see Ivankov who had just landed.

He pushed the frame of his glasses with his hand and put away his always smiling expression.

"Why would a big shot like you appear in the East China Sea and come to this remote village of Ximozhiji?"

"I also want to say that there is a strong man like you in the East Sea."

Ivankov looked at Koshiro with a serious face. He was able to be at ease with Kota because he didn't feel much threat, but the squinting eyes on the opposite side were different.

The aura of a strong man, if not actively released, is difficult for ordinary people to sense.

But for people of the same level, it is like a light in the dark night, not only bright, but also very dazzling. Unless you intentionally hide, it is difficult not to be discovered.

"What are you doing here?"

Koshiro asked Ivankov and his gang.

"Don't be so nervous, we are just here to replenish supplies and buy some food."

At this time, Lightning came out from behind Ivankov. He gracefully shook the red wine glass in his left hand, raised it to his lips, took a sip, and then replied.

"Food? Little Ivan, as long as you beat me, I will give you as much as you want," Kota took over Lightning's words and looked at Ivankov.

"Hey, hey! Calling him Little Ivan is too casual!"

The guys who followed Lightning shouted loudly.

"That's right, it's Lord Ivan, the King of Transvestites."

Ivankov raised his lips and said with a grin,"Be quiet, guys. It's just a small problem to call me something. The name doesn't matter. Just call me shit, it's fine."


The surroundings were surprisingly quiet, and everyone was watching his performance.

At this moment, this guy suddenly turned around on the spot, raised his hands and shouted loudly,"I don't want to be called shit!"

"It turns out to be disgusting!"

""I've been fooled again!"

The guys behind him yelled in unison.

Kota's body trembled slightly, a gloomy look appeared on his face. He looked at the guys opposite him and yelled angrily.

""You, you guys, how much do you look down on me that you don't take me seriously!"

As he said that, he suddenly teleported behind Ivankov. Before Ivankov could react at all, he kicked him in the butt.


After being kicked suddenly, Ivankov's tall body fell forward to the ground, splashing dust.

Kota let out a long sigh of relief. These guys kept taking him lightly, which really made him uncomfortable.

He landed on the place where Ivankov had just stood with a cool movement, and said to the front:"Can you take it seriously now?"

"You, what did you do to Lord Ivan?"

Seeing Ivankov falling to the ground, Yifu and others stared at Kota angrily.

Lightning, who was standing beside Ivankov and drinking red wine elegantly, thought of something when he saw Kota suddenly appear.

He quickly took a step back, his face suddenly changed, and he lowered his hands, staring at Kota with vigilance.

This guy is so fast, no, not speed, no matter how fast he is, it is impossible not to sense it.

"You ate a space fruit." Kota ignored Lightning and looked at Ivankov excitedly. He could sense a rising aura from him. Was he finally going to get serious?

"Okay, Lightning, don't be nervous,"

Ivankov sat up from the ground, staring at Kota with a little curiosity,"What ability did you have just now?"

"You'll know after you fight."


Ivankov stood up with his hands on the ground. He looked around and finally stopped his gaze on the beach on the left side of the harbor.

"It's impossible to fight here, let's go there! There's enough space."

Then he turned to Lightning and the others and said,"Wait for me for a while, I'll go and fight.……"

He suddenly got stuck, thought for a moment, looked down at Kota and asked,"By the way, little boy, what's your name?"

""Kongtai, Kongtai means space, Taitai means space." Kongtai replied seriously.

Ivankov's mouth twitched, and he turned and walked towards the beach on the left.

"Hey! Little Ivan, wait for me."

Kota hurriedly followed, and when he heard the noise behind him, Ivankov walked even faster.

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