"Haha! My lab is finally here, and now, when I come up with the research results that Lord Kaiser said, I can raise my eyebrows!

Kaji's old face smiled like a chrysanthemum.

He had long felt extreme heat in Doflamingo's rapidly rising status.

However, he is just a researcher, whether it is force or the ability to make money, then he will not want to catch up with Doflamingo in his life.

Only in the field of research can Gaji have absolute confidence.

"Especially the physique evolution potion mentioned by the adult, which can get the adult's own essence blood for research, is definitely the experimental material that all researchers in this world dream of!" That's the flesh that surpasses the strongest creature Kaido! "

Whenever Kaji thought about this, he couldn't sleep all night.

These days, you can't go to the happy streets of Cake Island.

"Alas, this man, when he is old, his waist is not very good. I have to quickly research out the physique evolution potion and give myself a whole bottle!"

Just like that, Kaji hummed a ditty and happily inspected the snail boats one after another.

When he jumped onto a boat again, he frowned and looked in amazement at the four masked men of different heights who came out of the cabin.

"Who are you?"

Gaji's Jerma Legion, except for him and his four sons and daughters, are all clones of the same template.

Whether it is height, body shape, temperament, clothing, all the same.

There will simply be no such tall, short, fat and thin people in front of you.

The most important thing is that the other party is still wearing a mask that hides people's ears!

"People like ants dare to shout?"

The tallest masked man, who was five meters tall, suddenly stretched out a big hand from his wide robe.

When Kaji didn't react, he instantly grabbed his head and threw it hard!


Gaji's body, like a cannonball, crashed straight into a nearby snail boat.

The giant snail let out a scream, and its body instantly exploded with countless flesh and blood, and it was actually smashed apart by Kaji's body!

This sudden change surprised Lei Jiu, Niji and the others, who were inspecting the other ships.

Yuji and Niji, who had fiery personalities, instantly put on their Djerma combat uniforms, flew into the sky, and flew towards here angrily.

In the port, Katakuri's face changed, and a substantial domineering aura exploded on his tall body, covering a radius of several kilometers!

Katakuri is a domineering expert, and his strong vision is also famous in the entire sea.

He can predict future results with his super domineering vision!

Although this foreknowledge of the future is only a small part of foreknowledge of the next.

But in battle, it's a divine skill!

But when he unfolded this super divine technique, his face changed again and again!

"Don't go over! Leave!

Katakuri burst out suddenly, and in his voice, it even brought an overlord-colored impact, rumbling on the sea surface of the port!

"Hahahaha, is the overlord domineering? The so-called king qualification is just that, what is great! The

tallest man ripped off his white robe and threw the mask off his face.





Almost instantly!

Four terrifying overlord-colored domineering auras burst out from the bodies of the four people!

One after another terrifying ring-shaped shock waves, stirring in all directions, like a sledgehammer, slammed into the flying Yongji Neji and the others.


Four figures flying in combat uniforms, like fallen leaves in a storm, were directly impacted by four terrifying overlord colors, spraying blood from the sky one by one, falling powerlessly from mid-air and falling into the sea!

Katakuri's face was extremely ugly, and without the slightest hesitation, he quickly took out a special black phone worm from his arms.

This black rare phone worm with extremely tenacious vitality was not stunned even under the impact of the overlord-colored domineering.

Katakuri immediately dialed Ember's phone.

The phone only rang once, and it was connected.

"Katakuri?" Ember's voice came from the other end.

"Ember! Immediately bring people to Donut Island, there are enemies, four, unidentified, top strength!! After

Katakuri finished speaking, he directly hung up the phone worm.

A sharp three-pointed spear soon appeared in his right hand, and glancing at Yamato in the air above his hand, Katakuri handed the spear earth dragon over.

"Yamato! Now the situation is critical, you don't have a weapon at hand, take this one of mine and use it first! Yamato

did not refuse, directly took this big karma, and the sky blue princess dress on her body was pulled by her!

With a sigh, the beautifully crafted princess dress was completely torn open by Yamato and thrown aside, revealing the sportswear with hot pants underneath.

Katakuri scratched his head, smiled bitterly, his face gradually became solemn, and his eyes looked at the four figures that directly swooped through the air!

Meanwhile! Cake Island!

After listening to Katakuri's short sentence, Ember didn't think about it, and directly boomed, smashed the wall in front of him, and the black wings shook and flew into the air!

He took a deep breath and burst into a burst!

"Dover! Kim! Smooge! Quinn! Donut Island has a strong enemy coming! Come quickly! As

soon as Ember's voice fell, only ten seconds later, he heard a whistling sound of breaking the air, coming from all directions!


A huge shock wave exploded, and Akin was wearing a pair of boxer shorts, and the first one fell in front of Ember.

Then, Dover, Quinn, Smoogie, and even Moonlight Moriah, who had lost a lot of weight, all used the fast-moving shadow skill to shuttle over.

What surprised Ember the most was that a swirling yellow salon cyclone fell from the sky, revealing Klockdar's figure!

"What's going on? Embers! What strong enemy? On Donut Island, isn't there Lord Kaiser? Who dares to come to the wilderness? Quinn

was the first to speak urgently.

Dover's face was solemn, and he quickly said: "My lord went to the country of Wano, and something happened over there, and it was occupied by an unknown force." Kaido and his aunt set off for Elbaf, and Wang Zhi was not there. Now there is a strong enemy, probably a conspiracy against us!

Ember quickly waved his hand and said, "Stop talking nonsense!" Katakuri said that there are four enemies, all of them are top powerhouses, that is, at least his level! If the weak go, they can only be sent to death! My idea is, let's just go over a few times, but we can't be left unmanned here, Dover, what do you say?

Doflamingo said directly: "I, Akin, Lao Sha, go with you, we can fly, the speed will be faster, and the others stay here in case of other changes!" Something happened to Donut Island, there can't be an accident here! The pirate group that has just joined on the island is watching us! Quinn, Smooji, Moria! A few of you, immediately contact all the combat power of the Beast God Pirate Group, block all routes in Totland, and call out those pirate groups that have just joined, let's say it is a military exercise!

Smugie stopped talking, looked at the embers, or nodded solemnly.

Quinn also put away his lazy and unreliable appearance and pulled out the weapon from his stomach.

"Don't delay, Katakuri is over there alone, the pressure is great!"


In an instant, Ember turned into a pterosaur, and as soon as his wings flared, he should fly high in the air first!

Almost at the same time, Dover used the ability of the thread fruit, Klockdar turned into a yellow salon roll, and a shockwave erupted under Akin's feet, rushing into the air one by one, galloping towards Donut Island!

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