Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 189 The Whole World Is Quiet

The situation on the battlefield is already very clear. Apparently, the Pendragon family has once again turned the world government and the Marine on its head. Facing the request made by Yan Luo. Sengoku can't call the shots. I can only think of the four old stars to report.

"Damn it, let me go. This old man will fight to the death with you. You despicable scum. I will kill you in a moment." Akainu's angry voice never stopped, even though he was being crushed by Yan Luo like a dead dog now Step on your feet.

The Pendragon family looked at the barking Akainu and smiled. The old guy is almost turning into a dead dog, so what are you talking about? And you dare to provoke your own boss, should you say that you, Akainu, are full of courage, or that your IQ is owed? Do you think you died fast enough? Apart from his strength, this guy is really useless.

Yan Luo looked down at Akainu who kept shouting. He smiled viciously, "Is it really ugly? Like a mad dog. Red dog, it seems that you really want to die. Laozi will help you."

The next moment, Yan Luo took the cigar in his hand. Aim at Akainu's face and press down "ZiZi..." Ah. . . "Akainu, who was handcuffed by seastone, had no ability to resist at all. He could only howl in pain. Normally, the heat from cigar butts would not hurt him at all, but it is a pity that he is now handcuffed by seastone.

"Stop, what are you doing?" Some hawkish Marines screamed as they saw Akainu being burned by a cigar. Immediately, he was furious and wanted to step forward to rescue Zhigou.

As a result, the knife flashed. A deep ditch appeared before them. Unohana Retsu shook Zanpakutō and smiled, "Crossing the line will kill you."

"Stop it." Sengoku finally finished the call. Come over, "Yan Luo kid, what do you mean? Are you going to kill the hostages during the negotiation? You are not following the rules."

Yan Luo casually threw the cigar away. He snapped his fingers, and immediately a younger brother rushed over and offered a cigar to help Yan Luo light up. Yan Luo breathed out a smoke ring deeply. "Rules? Sengoku, you are not qualified to tell me the rules. Besides this kind of rubbish, if you kill him, Laozi thinks his blood will stain Laozi's hands. Tell me. What do those old immortals mean~||?"

Akainu looked angry. Laozi is Marine Admiral after all. What do you mean old man's blood will stain your hands? This bastard is too much. "Miscellaneous... um...

Akainu didn't even finish a sentence [he was kicked by Yan Luo and followed his head under the ice. Yan Luo to Sengoku Tenth Episode "Less dog barking. The whole world is clean. Now you say it


The way the Marines stared at Yan Luo, Shendu could scare people to death. Sengoku looked at Akainu's feet that were still climbing, and heaved a sigh of relief. This thing is not dead. This is also good, at least the conversation will be smoother without the barking of the dog. At least no one would foolishly provoke this monster,

"Five Elders... The above means that your conditions can be agreed. But Akainu, and North Blue must be returned to the World government." Sengoku wanted to say Five Elders, but Yan Luo had killed one of them after all. So I spoke up.

Yan Luo wanted to laugh instantly. They still want to go back after being in Laozi's hands, those old guys want to eat farts. At this time, "Ding: It is detected that the World government has proposed ridiculous conditions. Please host to make a choice."

"Option 1: Promise to the World government and return North Blue and Akainu. The system rewards an exquisite tortoise toy."

"Option 2: Directly reject the conditions of the World Government. And scold the four old stars and Im a meal, and the system will reward 100 fairy beans.

"Option 3: Everything is negotiable. Bargain with the World government, and the system rewards a fat pig who can swim as a pet."

Yan Luo was speechless for a while. God damn toy tortoise, god damn fat pig that can swim, does Laozi lack some pork? There is no choice. Of course Yan Luo will not choose the other two. Want to take North Blue from Yan Luo. Unless you call back.

"I choose the second system."

"Ding: The system rewards have been issued. Please pay attention to check the host."

Yan Luo looked at the system backpack, there was a small jar inside, and he thought it contained fairy beans.

"Mr. Sengoku, are you sure this is the request of some old immortals? Or their owner Im's request? But it doesn't matter, I can tell you right now, let those four old guys eat farts. Like a dog Other than kneeling and licking that hermaphrodite of Im, do they have any skills? Anyone with a little IQ will know. Do you want to take back the things in Laozi's hands? Tell them to wash and sleep quickly, maybe they can still lick the two in their dreams Twice that Yin and Yang of Yim." Yan Luo mouthed a mouthful of fragrance.

He only looked at Marine and the agents dumbfounded. Cold sweat drenched. Especially the Masked Man, Im's direct army, almost didn't jump up and fight Yan Luo desperately. However, thinking of what Lord Im said, it is absolutely impossible to start a war with the Pendragon family now. A group of people can only bear it.

Sengoku was stunned by Yan Luo's sudden breath, speechless. Who are these people, can they have some qualities? Since the negotiation fails, we can have something to say. Is it worth cursing like that? The most important thing is. The four old stars agreed to Yan Luo's conditions unconditionally. The last so-called return of the North Blue is not a condition of the four old stars. Instead he Sengoku brought it up.

Now because of this condition, the four old stars and Im are scolded by Yan Luo. If the four old stars know, Sengoku can imagine that his future is really dark.

In fact, Sengoku is also right. Negotiation. According to the past practice, one party asks for the price, and the other party pays back the money. It is only right and proper, in line with the rules and morals. Who knew that Yan Luo would not play the cards according to the routine. It would be a humiliation to speak directly. I guess it would be good for him to go back. I ate the fruit. Thinking of this, Sengoku's face darkened even more.

I'm going to take the blame again and I'm doomed to be scolded. It's so hard for me. If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have made my own claim and added any conditions. Now screw yourself over. Sengoku gritted his teeth, although he was upset, the negotiation had to continue. ".|| Yan Luo (Wang Nuohao) kid. Young people, please keep some morals. What do you want?"

Yan Luo flicked the cigarette ash. "Laozi said it just now. If you want a truce, you can. Compensate Laozi for 50 billion mental damage. And 100 Devil Fruit. As for North Blue, her surname is Pendragon now. It's mine. Understand? The last one. This The garbage is given to you for free. Dirty Laozi's shoes."

The next moment, Yan Luo flew Akainu towards Sengoku with one kick. His face was full of disgust. I don't care at all. It seems that this put back is not an Admiral level combat power. But like a cannon fodder. Sengoku catches Akainu. It was found that Akainu's eyes were red with anger at this moment. "Bastard. I'm going to kill that bastard. Sengoku, uncuff me. I'm going to kill that bastard."

"Touch" Sengoku cut Akainu unconscious with a knife in his hand. Suddenly Sengoku felt an indescribable relief in his heart. The whole world is quiet. .

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