Pirates: Laozi Is The Villain

Chapter 275: Two Beauties Doubt

"This is the health care room. In the health care room of the Kuou Academy building, Shitori Sona introduced to Yan Luo.

"The predecessor of this academy was a girls' school, and the girls' bodies are generally relatively weak. The health room is an indispensable facility in Kuou Academy. If possible, it is better for the teacher to stay in the health room as much as possible.

"Since the health care room is so important, what about the former health care teachers?" Yan Luo became a little confused.

"Before me, there should have been teachers who served as health care teachers, right?"

"The former health care teacher has retired." Chitori Sona replied.

"Because it is a health care teacher who has worked here for a long time, the school has not hired a health care teacher for a long time, so the school will be anxious to hire another health care teacher after the former health care teacher retires."

Coincidentally, in the resume uploaded by Yan Luo on the Internet, it is indicated that there are projects involved in this aspect.

Therefore, Kuo Academy replied to Yan Luo.

After all, in an academy with a relatively high proportion of girls, there are definitely many, if not all, girls with weak constitutions, and if there is any twists and turns, they will be easily injured.

For Kuou Academy, health teachers are really important.

Thinking of this, Yan Luo suddenly realized a very serious problem.

Since the proportion of girls in Kuou Academy is relatively high, and girls are more likely to come to the health room, doesn't it mean that Yan Luo has to work as a nurse for a large group of girls?

However, in some places, it seems that it is not very suitable for boys to do it, right?

Yan Luo, who had such a thought in his mind, secretly smiled bitterly.

For doctors, there is no difference between boys and girls, only the difference between healthy people and sick people.

It's a pity that Yan Luo is not a regular doctor.

Could it be that the people of Juwang Academy are not afraid of hiring a scumbag who can't control his lower body very much, and use his identity as a health care teacher to have sex with female students?

Forget it, no one else minds. Then Yan Luo naturally wouldn't mind it.

"Understood, I will stay here forever if nothing happens." Noah said to Shitori Sona.

"I'm sorry to trouble you. If you withdraw from your classmates, you can go back to class."

"Understood, teacher." Zhiqi Cangna bowed to Yan Luo to salute, and behind him, Zhuang Ji also made the same movement almost at the same time.

"Then, let's take our leave first."

When the words fell, Zhiqi Cang took Zhuang Ji with him. left the health room.

It was only then that Yan Luo walked around the rather vast health room, and stopped at a desk after a while, looked at the white coat stacked on it, and shrugged.

"I didn't expect that I would also wear this thing. I really want Erica, Liliana, and Luo Hao Hancock to see this scene. I guess they will have a dream together."

After speaking, Yan Luo picked up the white coat that was stacked on the desk, put it on his body, and (cfai) sat down. He casually took a book on health and sports on the table and flipped through it.

Shitori Sona with Zhuang Ji walked in the empty corridor at a leisurely pace, his face was still full of intelligence and a bit serious and cold.

After a while. Zhituo Sona stopped his footsteps, and lightly opened his red lips.

"I just came to urge me to enter the classroom before. Why are you still here now?"

Just as the voice fell, a red-haired girl came out from behind a pillar, leaned her back on the pillar, folded her arms, her beautiful eyes were directly fixed on Shitori Sona, her expression became a little funny up.

"I'm rather surprised that you are so concerned about a new teacher who just arrived. Usually, even if there is such a task of leading the way, don't you just give it to someone in the student union?"

"Aren't you the same, did you come out of the school building specially for the teacher?" Zhiteng Sona closed his eyes. Gujing Wubo opened his mouth and said such a sentence.

"Rias, do you really think that teacher is just a new teacher at Common?"

These words changed the atmosphere of the scene.

"If you must know an answer, then I can only tell you that I don't know." Rias said bluntly.

"That teacher is the same as ordinary Common people, there is nothing special about him, at least, I can't feel that he is different from Common people."

"Me too." Jitori Cang's already serious expression became more intense.

"However, I always feel that something is wrong."

"Ah La? Do you think so too?" Rias smiled slightly, but there was no smile in her eyes.

"Obviously there is nothing strange about it, but it just feels a little wrong. I had this feeling when I saw him from the school building, but when I came out to meet him, this feeling disappeared. I didn't know what to do with that. What does the teacher say.

"So, you came here specially to take a look, right?" Zhituo Sona's tone became a little helpless.

"I knew you weren't the type to rush me into the classroom.

"I'm really sorry, I was a little naughty." Rias said after teasing such a sentence.

"Hey, Cangna, do you think we should get in touch with that teacher?"

"...Do you think he might be related to our side?" Zhiteng Sona opened his eyes, with a strange light in them.

"But, haven't we all noticed something strange?"

"That's what I said, but I think it's better to get in touch with it." Rias turned her eyes to the direction of the health care room, and smiled suddenly.

"Such an interesting person appears in my territory, how can I not get in touch with him?"

"Really?" Zhituo Sona said lightly.

"What if, in the end, the other party is just a Common person?"

"Well, isn't that good too?" Rias's smile became even more beautiful.

"As a human being, if Rias Gremory is interested in me, that's enough reason for me to get in touch with it. Maybe it's a good seed.

"A good seedling...?..." Zhiteng Canna asked after hesitating for a while.

"You want him to be your pawn?"

Rias didn't answer Shitori Sona's question directly, but shrugged her shoulders.

"Who knows?"

In this way, until after school, Yan Luo stayed in the health room reading, and did not welcome even a single patient.

That's probably because the academy's re-employment of health teachers has not been announced yet, or the school plans to let Yan Luo get acquainted with the environment of the health room before officially opening the health room?

No matter what, Yan Luo stayed idle all day, until after evening, after confirming that no one would come to the health room, Yan Luo took off his white coat and walked out of the health room.

In the evening, the students in the academy had almost left.

Because of this, Yan Luo didn't suffer the same heavy crowd as when he came to the academy in the morning, and walked out of the academy calmly, and walked towards the apartment.


On the highway, the sound of car horns constantly echoed around.

Standing at the crossroads, Yan Luo, who was waiting for the green light, suddenly had a heart move and glanced not far away.

There, a girl dressed as if she came from the second dimension distributed flyers to the people around, and after a while, they were sent to Yan Luo.

"Please take this!"

Yan Luo took the leaflet in the girl's hand in silence, his eyes moved as the girl left, and a hint of surprise slowly appeared in his dark and deep eyes.

"Then, it's not human, is it?"

Saying so, Yan Luo lowered his head and looked at the flyer in his hand.

It was a leaflet that looked like a card.

Such a sentence is written on it with an exaggerated text circle.

Make your wish come true.

And under such a sentence, a precise magic circle is drawn.

Normal people would probably regard this flyer as the spread of some inexplicable religion and belief, or a prank by some abnormal person and discard them?

However, Yan Luo will not do this.

Because, Yan Luo found that the construction of this magic circle is quite reasonable. If this magic circle is really activated, it will definitely cause magic and magical phenomena to happen.

Calmly stuffing the leaflet in his hand into his pocket, the corner of Yan Luo's mouth raised unconsciously.

"Things seem to be getting more and more interesting...".

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