To be honest, if you put such a door somewhere else, you have to go over and yell ‘The mushroom house is the best’, then it will be a bit of a shame, right?

“Confirm the location of Gate 1, and start setting the location of Gate 2, which is the same position as Mushroom House No. 2.”

“Tip: The setup is complete, you can go to the No. 1 Mushroom House at any time.”

“So that’s okay?” Xia Yu opened the door of the wardrobe, and the inside was still the original, which means that the password must be shouted, right.

Well, there’s no way around it.

“The mushroom house is the best!”

The space inside the wardrobe began to become illusory and elusive, Xia Yu put his hand in, and the hand disappeared directly, it seems that it can indeed pass.

Xia Yu walked in directly, and when he came out, the place where he was was the No. 1 Mushroom House.

At this time, he looked up and down the situation around him, and it seemed that he had not used it for a few days.

The next first target is naturally Nami’s room, things are not messy, and they are regularized, it seems that they are ready to travel, so Nami is leaving by herself?

But where is Nami going?

Did you say that you went to Sanji’s restaurant?

It’s possible!

Thinking so that Xia Yu walked to the courtyard, it looked like this, Nami left on her own, and took away a change of clothes, so is it really so simple for her to go to the restaurant on Sanji’s side?

Forget it, let’s go and ask the villagers.

Xia Yu directly ran to Moxi Village and asked, so after asking in such a circle, Xia Yu knew what happened here, it turned out that after he left, Sanzhi ran away with the old man.

When he heard this, he felt a little uncomfortable, and actually ignored the agreement he had made with himself and ran away?

If you say that you have something urgent to leave, forget it, but they obviously took advantage of Xia Yu’s departure to sneak away!

Thinking of this, Xia Yu has already clenched his fists, and he can’t find these two guys to settle the account!

When he thought about it like this, Xia Yu was already ready to go directly to the sea restaurant to talk about ‘reason’ with these two guys, but he frowned instead, but is there any inevitable connection between these two guys leaving and Nami’s disappearance?

“By the way, do you know where Nami went?”

“Oh, that girl!” One of the old fingers said, “She kept talking about going to the boss or something last week, and then the other day she pulled a boat.”

“What!?” Xia Yu almost vomited blood, and he realized that he hadn’t told Nami where he had gone, if so, where would Nami go to find herself?

Just find a place to find that, after all, Nami is not Luffy’s idiot nerves, wait, if she can’t find herself, the first step is definitely to go to the sea restaurant!

After thinking of this, his face turned straight and said, “Thank you so much old man!” ”

If you don’t go to the sea restaurant, you will definitely not be able to row! So take advantage of fruit powers? Thunder has been redeemed before, so try it with that fluttering fruit?

“Exchange for Fluttering Fruit!”

“Tip: The host spent 10,000 points to redeem the Peopeo Fruit One-Day Experience Card! The fruit has been developed by the system to reach the stage of great consummation, please use it with caution! ”

The reason for exchanging the fluttering fruit is naturally for the ability to fly, now he does not have a boat at hand, even if there is a boat, he is too lazy to row, so flying directly with the fluttering fruit is the best way!

At this time, above the sea restaurant, Yamaji was lying on the railing on the second floor, with a grievance on his face, “Old man, you said that the beauty will not have an accident, right?” Although it is really possible that Xia Yu went to the Great Voyage, if she accidentally went wrong over there, I am afraid that Xia Yu will blame us for the matter, right? ”

“How? This is scary? Jepp raised his eyebrows, the reason why he left the mushroom house at that time was actually that he couldn’t worry about the sea restaurant, and how could he be a big pirate back then, so he was kept in captivity as a chef by a person To be honest, he was still quite unhappy in his heart.

At the very least, you can be polite to me, come and invite me over, right?

Therefore, his purpose is very simple, one is to come back and clean up and arrange the things in the restaurant, and the other is to make some face for himself and let Xia Yu come over and invite him over.

But he didn’t think that Xia Yu never came back from that trip, and he also asked people to go to Rogue Town to ask around, and some people did say that Xia Yu had been there, but then he disappeared.

Then there are basically two possibilities for Xia Yu to disappear, one is to go to the Great Route, and the other is to be captured by the Navy.

It’s just that this guy, can he be caught by the Navy?

The existence of the sword and the golden lion, if the navy is dispatched by the whole army, there may be some hope, but that movement will definitely not be small, at least it will not disappear so quietly!

Thinking like this, suddenly Yamaji shouted, “Hey! Old man, look what’s going on over there! ”

With Sanji’s shout, Zhepu also looked at the sky of Yuancou, only to see that at this time, a huge cloud of air flow was sweeping towards this side above the sky in the distance, and the huge impact fluctuations made the clouds above the entire sky also distorted, involuntarily shifting towards this side.

As for the sea surface, it is even more terrifying, the sea water involuntarily rises upwards, almost wherever the huge air cloud goes, the sea water rises tens of meters high from there as the center, and the fish in it are directly absorbed into the sky and integrated with the wonder.

Seeing such a scene, Jepp’s face became even more ugly, “Sure enough, the final return that should have come is coming.” ”

“What? What do you mean, old man? Did you provoke enemies when did you provoke? Sanji’s first reaction was the arrival of Jepp’s enemy, but Zhepu shook his head and said, “It’s not the enemy, it’s the creditor, have you forgotten the huge debt you and I owe?” ”

“Huge debt?” Sanji was stunned for a moment before reacting, isn’t that huge debt the same debt that Jepp owed in the mushroom house?

Wait, so this is that Xia Yu’s ability? It’s terrible, right?

At that moment, he quickly blocked in front of Zhepu and said, “Old man, I said it at that time, in order to be able to restore your legs to their original state, I will pay the price no matter how high it is!” Don’t do it now! ”

Hearing Sanji say this, Jepp snorted coldly and said, “What big words do young people say, you…”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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