After hearing Kenichi Ogata say this, the other five old stars were confused, not knowing what Kenichi Ogata was talking about, and they didn’t know what happened after he went down.

“It will be a long time before the World Conference begins, so should preparations begin now?”

Hearing Kenichi Ogata say the word “meeting”, Keiichi Noda on the side thought that he was talking about a world conference, and this was the only meeting that could be mobilized.

“No, no, I’m not talking about this, when I went down just now, that Xia Yu told me something, if we can really deal with this matter, maybe we have a way to directly disarm the revolutionary army fundamentally.”

Hearing Kenichi Ogata say this, the other five old stars were wide-eyed, the struggle between them and the revolutionary army had been going on for many years, and now they also attached great importance to such an opportunity.

“What the hell is going on? And where did this opportunity come from? ”

“It’s Xia Yu, Xia Yu, he joined the revolutionary army…”

Kenichi Ogata went to the mushroom house, and Doflamingo told the others what happened after leaving the mushroom house, and when they heard what Kenichi Ogata said, everyone else showed shocked expressions.

“Are you sure this is true? Xia Yu, that kid directly became one of the four army commanders? ”

“And after he joined the revolutionary army, although we may get intelligence from the revolutionary army, but similarly, there is a risk of intelligence leakage on our world government side.”

After listening to what Kenichi Ogata said, Masato Hirano and Yasuki Masayaya also expressed their opinions, after all, although Xia Yu’s approach will allow their world government to obtain the intelligence of the revolutionary army, similarly, Xia Yu may also send the information of the world government to the revolutionary army.

“I also thought about this before, but we have already told him before, he will not come to Mary Joya, just to be able to open the shop in this place, and if Xia Yu does not come to Mary Joya, we will not have the possibility of intelligence leakage, what do you think?”

What Masato Hirano and Yasuki Masayaya were worried about, Kenichi Ogata also thought about it, but when he thought about it on the way back, he found that as long as they could control Xia Yu’s range of activities, there would be no information leakage for them.

“In this way, we can use Xia Yu to obtain intelligence on the revolutionary army, but why did the revolutionary army find Xia Yu and let Xia Yu directly serve as the commander?” What do they want to do? ”

Keiichi Enbe thought about this question, they didn’t know why the revolutionary army found Xia Yu and directly made him a military commander, which made them unable to understand, could it be that Xia Yu had already been in contact with the revolutionary army before?

“Now we don’t care what Xia Yu’s background is, and no matter what his identity is, we only need to know one thing now, we have the opportunity to get the intelligence of the revolutionary army in Xia Yu, and our intelligence has no way to be known by Xia Yu, which is already a very good thing for us.”

Ogata Kenichi said, for this love, no matter how you look at it, you can get benefits from Xia Yu, for them, why not.

“So be it, since this is the case, we must also let the Draco side and the naval headquarters send representatives to discuss this matter, let it be notified, the sooner this happens, the better, the sooner we know the situation on the revolutionary army’s side, the more beneficial it will be for the strategic deployment on our side.”

Keiichi Enbe said, and after speaking, he had already walked out of the conference room and began to talk about this to the Draco and the naval headquarters.

“Boss Xia Yu, how are you sure that they will definitely agree, if they don’t believe you so much, won’t your revolutionary army identity be exposed, and they will definitely not let you join the world government, then won’t all the advantages you played before be gone?”

Betty on the side said to Xia Yu while cleaning up the ruins after the battle, in his opinion, Xia Yu’s approach is very dangerous, after all, no one is 100% sure.

“But I’m one hundred percent sure, first, I’m not going to get into Mary Joa, so they don’t think I have a way to get information about the world government; Second, what they promised me before will let me continue to operate here, which is also a problem that they must face squarely; Third, presumably you also know my strength, will the world government make people like me their enemies? ”

After listening to Xia Yu say this, Betty couldn’t help but give a thumbs up, Xia Yu’s logical thinking is really terrible, and he also understands why Dorag took a fancy to Xia Yu.

“Alas, after this period of time, our store will really get busy, and you may be a little tired by then, so let’s consider whether to add another helper to you.”

Looking at Nami and them who were cleaning up the ruins, Xia Yu said lightly, but now he didn’t have a suitable candidate in his mind.

“What! It’s really too much, this Xia Yu actually has to step in! I don’t go to him, does he really think I’m afraid of him! ”

Rozwald Sheng, who got the news of the five old stars, patted the seat on the side and said, after hearing the news, he really felt that Xia Yu was too much.

“Father, what happened that made you so angry?”

Charross, who was standing on the side, looked at his father so angry and asked.

“It’s not that Xia Yu yet, he actually wants to let those inferior people enter our Mary Joya’s city.”

“How can this be! I smelled them and was very disgusting, why let them in. ”

Hearing Rozwald say this, Nacharros said.

“It just so happens that I haven’t asked him to settle accounts with the last time he threatened you, and this time at this meeting, I want to be opposed, but I want to see how they pass this meeting.”

Thinking of this, Rozwad Sheng said that as a Draco, he had supreme rights, and he said that he did not agree, but he wanted to see what Xia Yu could do with him.

“Understand, I’ll rush to Mary Joa.”

Karp said with a sigh after walking out of an office.

“Xia Yu, what are you kid going to do.”

With that, Karp walked out of the naval headquarters and walked towards his warship, where he was going to Mary Joa as a representative. _

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