After Pingtou woke up from his slumber, it also brought a lot of joy to the mushroom house, and Pingtou couldn’t see what had changed anywhere except for the color of his eyes.

“Little fellow, others can’t see it, but I can see it, in addition to your eyes turning blue, you exude a unique momentum, which is not lower than those pirates with a bounty of 100 million.”

Xia Yu held the flat head and said, from the flat head’s body exuded a unique aura, this breath can be felt by anyone who has seen and heard domineering, and this breath is also extremely powerful.

After listening to Xia Yu say this, Pingtou also nodded, as if it could understand what Xia Yu said, it rubbed back and forth on Xia Yu’s body, as if there was no difference from ordinary pets.

“Report Vice Admiral Mole, there seems to be something on the sea coming towards us!”

The soldier observing the sea in the special harbor looked at the black dots in the distance and shouted at the lieutenant general of the mole on the ground.

“Huh? Is it a pirate ship? ”

Hearing the soldier say this, the mole came out of the tent and asked.

“No, but the distance is too far to see what it is for the time being!”

“Keep watching, make sure I find out what it is, if there is another character like Blackbeard, we won’t be able to stop them so easily.”

Lieutenant General Mole said that he did not expect that this Mary Joa would actually recruit a figure of the level of the Four Emperors, and because Blackbeard appeared here, his vigilance was instantly raised.

“Oh? Is Mary Joa up front? I want to see what kind of character can defeat Blackbeard! ”

The man riding on the sea looked at the island in the distance and said, although this person is riding a bicycle, as long as the sea he passes, it is a thick layer of ice.

“Newspaper … Report Lieutenant General Mole! It is a bicycle that appears on the sea! Sitting on it is… It’s a pheasant general! ”

The naval soldier who had been monitoring the sea, when he saw what was on the sea, his face changed.

“Pheasant? Why did he come here? ”

After hearing the navy soldier say this, the mole’s brows were also tightly furrowed, although the green pheasant is a senior admiral, but now he has withdrawn from the navy, and he has disappeared for a long time, I don’t know why he appears here again.

“All soldiers pay attention, Kuzan is no longer in the navy, if he has any dangerous behavior, arrest immediately, hear no!”


All the soldiers also shouted loudly, although the soldiers knew that the pheasant was once a naval admiral, but now in this situation, they also had to obey the orders of the mole.

“Oh? Mole, ghost spider, you two are guarding this port here? Why, I haven’t seen you for so long, so cold to me? ”

The green pheasant looked at the two people of the mole and the ghost spider who did not say a word and said, after speaking, he had already landed on the territory of Mary Joa.

Just as the pheasant was about to continue walking forward, the three pacifists appeared in front of the pheasant, blocking the pheasant’s path.

“Huh? Why, does this mean not letting me in? You’ve got to give me a reason, right? ”

The green pheasant looked at the pacifist who stood in front of him and said to the mole, which obviously meant that he would not be allowed to land in this place.

“Kuzan, now you are no longer a naval officer, and now Mary Joa is also out of extreme vigilance, anyone who comes in must be investigated, moreover, people of your level must be investigated, and they can only enter one place…”

“Oh, okay, okay, I know, I’ve seen this in the newspapers, my purpose this time is to come and go to the mushroom house, if you don’t believe it, just follow along, I want to see what kind of person can defeat Blackbeard.”

After that, the pheasant walked directly through the pacifist towards Mary Joa, and seeing the pheasant like this, the mole also raised his hand and stopped the soldiers who were ready to catch up with the pheasant.

“I’m sure this guy won’t make any big moves, he’s not such an easy person, especially here, but why did this guy leave this place?”

The mole looked at the fading pheasant and said, he and the pheasant have been colleagues for so many years, and he is very clear about the character of the pheasant, but why the pheasant chose to leave the navy has always been a mystery, and where he will go in the future is also an unknown thing.

“This is the mushroom house, right? It also looks like a very ordinary place, is it the people here who defeated Blackbeard? ”

The green pheasant also came to the mushroom house, he looked at the appearance outside the mushroom house, he really couldn’t imagine that this seemingly ordinary mushroom house would have someone who can defeat Blackbeard here.


After the door of the mushroom house was pushed open, the cool feeling on the pheasant instantly enveloped the entire mushroom house, and the flat head looked at the green pheasant who suddenly rushed in and bit towards the pheasant, but this time it was not the crotch of the pheasant, but the thigh.

The green pheasant did not dodge, because the flat head bit the ice leg that he turned into with his ability, and the flat head bit on the top to face the green pheasant with no effect at all, but the flat head, feeling that the place where it bit was very hard, it also let go of its mouth, and then ran to Xia Yu’s side.

“Huh? What kind of animal is this, and why is the aura emitted from the body so powerful? ”

Similarly, the green pheasant also felt the breath emanating from the flat head, and he thought to himself.

“Green pheasant, right, former admiral of the navy headquarters, I don’t know if you came to my mushroom house today, did you come to eat, or did you come to find fault?”

Xia Yu looked at the green pheasant in front of him and asked, the green pheasant listened to Xia Yu ask this, his face was also full of doubts and puzzlement, I don’t know why Xia Yu asked this, he just wanted to come and see.

“I just came over for a meal, didn’t you report it in the newspaper?” Why do you think I’m here to find fault? Do I look a lot like a bad guy? ”

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