A few minutes later, Mu Yunfeng completely withheld the main text of the history, and the operation method was very simple, directly cover the domineering with the soul breaking halberd, and cut off the excess gold.

At this time, Yamato also removed the base of the golden bell and the golden bell, and looked at Mu Yunfeng with the golden bell puzzled, "Why don't you go and get some gold, but carry a broken stone?"

"You know a fart, this stone is much more important than gold, remember, if one day you have to choose between a stone and a golden bell, you must choose a stone."

Suddenly, Mu Yunfeng's sight and smell noticed an abnormality, and then one by one the empty island people walked out from behind the surrounding buildings, and in a moment surrounded Mu Yunfeng and Yamato.

Gan Fore went to the front and said, "Guest, I don't know how you got here, but you can't take this golden bell, if you like, you can bring as much other gold as you want." Hearing

that Gan Fore asked the two to put down the golden bell, Yamato directly refused, "Dame, I will install this golden bell on the deck of the Xuri and the wind." Seeing

Yamato's reluctance to return the golden bell, Gan Fore also continued to explain.

"This golden bell has a special meaning for us, and the contradiction between us and the Shandians has always been because of it, and if you take it away, I am afraid that the contradictions with the Shandians will intensify."

Hearing Gan Fuer's explanation, Mu Yunfeng also said with a smile.

"Ah, it turns out that this golden bell still has this meaning, but that's your business, what does it have to do with me, everything I fancy, I must get my hand."

I'm really sorry, we are pirates, and we are robbing things, not buying things, there is no need to ask for your consent, it is better for you to sleep. "

Then Mu Yunfeng's body exuded a tyranny color, and those ordinary warriors instantly rolled their eyes and fainted, only Gan Fuer and several priests were still standing in place, but they were already struggling just standing."

Ganful even tried his best to shout at Mu Yunfeng, "Why, since you came here, I have been very polite to you, I don't have any bad hospitality, why do you come to rob us of things."

"Mr. Gan Faure, pirates don't need a reason to rob things, robbing things is the right of pirates, because we are all criminals, but I am kind and occasionally do some good deeds."

It is precisely because you have always been very polite to us that we have not hurt people, you have to understand, stun them and kill them, there is really no difference for me.

"Pirates, kind pirates, the pirates I know are not like this, there was a pirate named Gal D. Roger, who came here ten years ago.

But he's not as unreasonable as you, that guy is a very bold person, we get along quite well, compared to Roger, you are villains.

Mu Yunfeng laughed when he heard this, "Haha, are you talking about One Piece Roger, if I am a villain, Roger is definitely not a good person."

Gan Faure, do you know how many people died because of Roger, don't say that, you don't have to compare me to anyone, 'I' is 'me', 'I' is just 'me'.

Thank you for your hospitality during this time, and we will not continue to bother, Mr. Gan Fore, and we will see you again. As

soon as the words fell, Mu Yunfeng turned into Poor Qi, opened his mouth and spit out a pillar of energy to pierce the island cloud above, and then flew away with the golden neutralization history text.

After returning to the ship, Mu Yunfeng put the historical essay in the cabin, and after returning to the deck, he saw the golden bell that occupied almost the entire deck.

"Isn't this golden bell too big, it almost occupies this deck, or we won't take it, this thing seems to be very heavy!"

Yamato heard Mu Yunfeng say that he was going to lose the golden bell, and directly opened his arms to block the front of the golden bell.

"I don't want to lose it, I took it down myself, and it must be fun to take it to sea."

With one last glance at Angel Island, Mu Yunfeng decisively opened the sails, and the Xuri and Wind sailed towards Beika under the control of Mu Yunfeng.

An hour later, Mu Yunfeng fixed the boat on the shore of Bika, and went to the priest's wooden house with Yamato, and when he walked to the wooden house, Mu Yunfeng saw Aini Road sitting on a tree not far away.

"Yo, wake up, but you slept really enough, I dragged you all the way back and you didn't wake up, did you stay up late yesterday."

Anilu touched his back with his hand, he finally knew where so many small wounds came from, it turned out that he had been dragged all the way back.

"Why is this guy of yours coming back, shouldn't you have already left."

"Anilu, don't forget, you are my little brother now, of course I came back to take you away, you shouldn't want to play tricks, right?"

"Of course I won't play tricks, but I'm not convinced, I'm going to fight you again."

"The result of playing 100 times will not change, now you are still too weak, if you disobey me will accompany you to fight, then how long will it take?"

You can challenge me once a year, as long as you win me, I will return your freedom, and if you lose again, you will continue to be my little brother.

Anilu pinched his chin with his right hand, "Once a year, yes, believe give me a year, I will definitely be able to defeat you."

"Are you drinking too much, you can't beat me for ten years, I really don't understand where your confidence comes from, and you are not the protagonist, how can you explode so easily."

At this time, the priest had also prepared the meal, and beckoned the three people to enter the house to eat, probably because of the last meal, the priest seemed to be very attentive and made a large table full of dishes.

After eating, Mu Yunfeng was ready to take Anilu to leave, but to Mu Yunfeng's surprise, although Anilu and the old priest were going to separate, the two did not have any communication.

After Mu Yunfeng and Yamato left the house, Anilu hesitated at the door and glanced back at the old priest.

"Let's go!"

The old priest also waved his hand with a smile.

"Let's go!"

Then in the eyes of the old priest, the backs of the three people stretched longer and longer, until they could no longer be seen, the old priest sighed and began to clean up the dishes and chopsticks on the table.

"Anilu, although I don't know what you will experience next, this should be the best choice for you, go, go and live your own life."

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