After seeing the name of Vegapunk, Mu Yunfeng was not the only one who was shocked, obviously for the name Vegapunk, Reyna and Robin were no strangers.

Yamato looked at the strange reaction of the three and asked, "Why did you suddenly stop talking, are you too hungry to speak?"

Mu Yunfeng walked to Yamato's side, then put his hand on Yamato's shoulder and pointed to the name on the sign to explain.

"Yamato, we may have come to a great place, Vegapunk is a very good person, I suspect that he is Grandpa Rick crossed."

"Who is Grandpa Rick?"

"Grandpa Rick is a very powerful scientist, well, don't talk about this, maybe this time we will have unexpected gains, let's go, let's take a look first."

Then Mu Yunfeng and Yamato led the team in front, Robin and Reina followed behind the two, and the four of them walked into the second area on the left.

Area Two was run by Vince Mock Gaji, and most of the rooms here were laboratory benches with a lot of equipment similar to some microscopes.

None of the four were engaged in biology, and they had no interest in these devices, so they stopped in front of a door with a reference room written on it, and Mu Yunfeng opened the door.

Of course, Mu Yunfeng did not use the key to open the door, but opened the door with his fist.

There was a huge safe in the room, and after Mu Yunfeng opened the safe in the same way, a stack of paper documents appeared in front of the four people.

Each data bag has a name on it, Mu Yunfeng took some casually and looked at it, and found that here are all kinds of experimental records.

'Gene Research Record', 'Gene Optimization Experiment Record', 'Super Gene Soldier Experiment', 'Combat Suit Concept Concept', 'Poison Gas and Chemical Weapons Allocation Record'.

Mu Yunfeng put these experimental records back into the safe, and then carried the safe on his shoulder, and asked curiously.

"What are you carrying the safe for, are you going to take these things away, we just learned some simple words, it's useless to ask for this waste paper."

"Of course, it's useless for us to ask for these, but these records are all ultra-modern technology, let Quinn study it, maybe the overall strength of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group will be improved."

As far as I know, Quinn is already studying poison gas, and he must use this information, maybe with this information, Quinn can invent something interesting.

You will also pay attention to it later, whenever you see experimental data, no matter what type of it is to take away, this is a good thing that is hard to find.

Mu Yunfeng then put the safe at the door, there were still many areas to explore in this laboratory, and he didn't plan to carry a safe all the time.

After going deeper for a distance, the four of them saw a huge iron gate, and the gate had the words 'poison gas storage room' on it.

After opening the door, five cylindrical glass jars with a diameter of 7 meters and a height of 10 meters stand in the room, the top of which is connected to the roof.

There is no doubt that their role is to store poison gas, and four of the jars have some strangely colored gases, only the middle one is empty.

Mu Yunfeng stepped forward to take a closer look and found that the iron plate on the top of the jar had cracked, and some dirt had leaked into the glass jar.

In an instant, Mu Yunfeng became clear why the plants on this island were poisonous, and then Mu Yunfeng turned to the three people behind him and said.

"I figured out the reason why there were no animals on this island, it must be because of some unknown reason, the top of the tank where the poison gas was stored was cracked, allowing the poison gas inside to contact the land.

Because of the particularity of this poisonous gas, it did not cause the toxicity to disappear over time, but merged with the land and plants on the island, and finally caused the plants and river water of this small island to carry toxins. With

Yamato's adoring expression and Reyna and Robin, I know if you don't say it, Mu Yunfeng took the lead in leaving Area Two and walked towards Area One in charge of Vegapunk.

Mu Yunfeng thought as he walked, looking for a wife or looking for a cute, cute and loving person like Yamato, not only is it very good to coax, but also whether it can be worshipped.

The situation in Area 1 is similar to Area 2, most of them are some instruments that cannot be understood, and after finding the experimental database here, the four people took the safe and turned around and walked towards Area 3.

After coming to Area 3, the four people were shocked by the scene in front of them, if the No. 1 and No. 2 areas give people a feeling of developed technology, then the No. 3 area is a sense of déjà vu of the future world.

The passage in area three has many glass display cases, and the exhibits inside are also everything, there are chip-like things, there are body parts of robotic creatures, and all kinds of strange objects.

After going deeper for a distance, it seemed to come to the display area of energy weapons, and there were various firearms in the glass cases on both sides, which were obviously different from the flintlock guns in the hands of ordinary navies.

Looking at those firearms with a sense of technology, Mu Yunfeng directly punched a glass display case, took out an orange-yellow color matching pistol, and after opening the safety for the gun, the pistol flashed a green light.

Without saying a word, Mu Yunfeng aimed at the open space in front of him, and then gently pulled the trigger with his index finger.

"Zi~, buzz~"


Then the pistol exploded in Mu Yunfeng's hand, and the explosion did not hurt Mu Yunfeng's body, but the sleeve of his right hand was blown up.

Looking at the fragments of the pistol in his hand, Mu Yunfeng's face was full of question marks, thinking whether this was not a pistol, but a pistol-shaped grenade, which was to be thrown at the enemy after pulling the trigger.


When Mu Yunfeng was in his brain, there was another explosion beside him, Mu Yunfeng turned his head to look, and found that Yamato was also holding a pistol part in his hand.

Then the two looked at each other and laughed at the same time, and Mu Yunfeng also said while laughing.

"Hahaha, sure, this is not a pistol at all, this is a grenade, otherwise why was each exploded."

And Reina behind the two fell into shock when she looked at Mu Yunfeng and Yamato's heartless and lungless appearance.

But Reina was not shocked by the pistol explosion, but the two who had not been injured in the zero-contact explosion and had not yet laughed were shocked.

Looking at the two without heart and lungs, Reina reminded, "You two better not touch these things, it's very dangerous, okay."

Mu Yunfeng turned back unpleasantly, looked at Reina and said

, "Why listen to the tone of your words, the two of us are like bear children, not because you are a few years older than us, you bring yourself into the role of a parent, believe it or not, I will spank you in a while."

Robin also appeared behind Reina at this time, comforting Reyna in a calm tone.

"These two guys are monsters, even if they blow up the base, they will be fine, you don't have to worry, let them destroy it at will."

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