After reading out the list of these people, Mu Yunfeng led them to the hall of the palace, and those who did not read their names also walked back disappointed.

The hall of the palace is very large, and the nearly 60 people standing did not seem to be crowded, seeing that these people below looked helpless, Mu Yunfeng walked to the opposite side of everyone and said.

"Everyone is nervous, I'm not a demon, what are you so afraid of me doing, the daimyo who just read the name, now let me go to the front of the crowd."

After Mu Yunfeng's words, Hicaris took the lead and walked out, and the other five people were also squeezed out of the crowd one after another.

Lag Correa is an old-looking old man, around 50 years old.

Fengyue Higashihiko is a man in his thirties, and the calluses on his hands and tanned skin indicate that this person should be a farmer.

Toru Tani looked like a wandering samurai, and the scabbard of the knife around his waist was rusted and looked like it hadn't been maintained for a long time.

Tamagawa Heihachi looks like a scholar, and he is not very old, just like those poor talents in ancient times.

Kurokawa's eyes were difficult to judge age from his appearance, because this person was too sloppy, not slender at all, and there was a smell of alcohol all over his body, as if he was still confused.

After seeing this person stand up, Mu Yunfeng cleared his throat and said, "You are the daimyo I elected, which means that in your area, you are the boss.

I am a very kind person, I will give you very great power, but you must be clear that this right is given by me, don't make small moves, after all, I am also a pirate, right.

But you don't have to be too nervous, what I said through the phone worm is true, I really hope that this country will become better, and I called you here today, there are three main things.

The first thing is money, I will give you some start-up capital, take the money issued to you, buy your own house and office space, and then recruit a group of subordinates to get me into work as quickly as possible.

The second is the reforestation program, and I will give each of you some seeds, which will be used later, because it is time-consuming to explain.

The third is to collect identity information, I want you to collect the identity information of everyone in your respective area, age, gender, origin, as detailed as possible.

You reassure everyone that I will not do anything bad by collecting this, just to make something called an ID card, which is related to everyone's future.

In order to get everyone to cooperate, you can tell them, I know that Ho Zhiguo is in a very bad situation right now, and every year people will starve to death, but this situation will not occur this year.

This year, I will give everyone enough food for the New Year, of course, provided that they need to register with their ID card, and if they do not submit their identity information and do not receive food subsidies, then they can only blame themselves.

After Mu Yunfeng's words, Kong Ming also came out to explain more detailed things, such as how much money was distributed in each region, and the role of those rice tree seeds and emerald grass seeds.

After these people heard Kong Ming's explanation, everyone's faces showed excited expressions, because they could see that the current situation in the country of Wano was really about to change.

Hikaris suddenly had a flash of light, took a step forward and knelt directly in front of Mu Yunfeng and Kong Ming, and then said in a passionate voice.

"It is our honor to have such a general, I thought that the general's speech on the phone bug was a lie to us, but now it seems that I misunderstood.

And this year finally there is no need to starve to death, the country is finally going to return to its former prosperity, I Hikaris is willing to follow the general, no matter what your status, I am willing to be loyal to you. After

hearing Hicaris's heartfelt speech, the entire hall seemed infected, and one by one began to show their loyalty.

In the eyes of these people, Hikaris is like them, a young man with aspirations with the ideal of saving the country, and then after taking the exam, he was selected as the daimyo of the flower capital, so he was infected by Hicaris's emotions.

But if these people knew that Hicaris was escorted and became the daimyo of Huadu after not taking the exam, maybe they would not be infected by Hicaris's emotions.

Half an hour later, everyone left the palace, and Hikaris came back after a circle outside, and Mu Yunfeng stepped forward and patted Hikaris on the shoulder.

"You guy has grown ah, more and more clever, the improv performance you just had is very good, directly pushed the atmosphere just now to a climax."

Hicaris said with a flattering look, "Wherever there is, it is the blessing of the boss, don't you always say that the near Zhu is red, and the near ink is black?" It's hard to always follow the boss and be smart.

"Yes, I love to hear this, now that those people are gone, you two find seats and sit down, and we will discuss the next thing."

After seeing Hicaris and Kong Ming sitting down, the three began to discuss the next thing, and two hours later, Mu Yunfeng Mu Yunfeng concluded.

"Okay, then plan this way for the time being, Kong Ming, you first send the grain out to other areas, so that those civilians can eat, after all, only when they eat enough can they have the strength to add bricks and bricks to the country."

But to let them know who gave them the food, the cars carrying the grain had my face printed on it, although it was a little inappropriate, but my status was special and they had to be favored by me.

Then came the construction of the botanical laboratory and the library, which I didn't know much about, you can find some shipbuilders or architectural talents to design drawings.

Finally, it is necessary to recruit coolies from the mining plant, set the remuneration of the mining plant at the highest standard, and then you add that if someone in the family works on the mining plant, his family can go to the canteen of the mine for lunch.

Of course, there is only lunch, I believe that with the addition of this article, there will be people lining up, and people who are dying of hunger may not care about money, but they must care about food.

Hicaris, you open a factory, and then find some reliable people to make ID cards, and the materials for ID cards are made of pulp and wood chips of 'two-colored trees'.

Because of the particularity of this tree, we can easily distinguish the authenticity, and this tree seed is only owned by Rena, so there is no need to worry about being forged.

After hearing Mu Yunfeng's words, Hikalis said that there was no problem, but Kong Ming said.

"I just noticed that the eldest brother seems to have entrusted all the work to us, don't you personally supervise."

Mu Yunfeng said casually, "Originally, I wanted to personally supervise, but now that Kong Ming is here, I believe you can do this instead of me, and I will do another thing." "

What's going on?"

"Go to sea."

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