At this moment, Solon was standing in front of a skull building, and after looking at no one left and right, he said to himself.

"Where did Mu Yunfeng's guy go, why did they suddenly disappear, is it lost, this building looks so strange, I'll go in and find it."

Because Mu Yunfeng ordered that all the pirates were not allowed to run around today, only Kaido was drinking alone in the skull building at this time.

After Solon walked into the skull building, he saw Kaido sitting at the top, and then swaggered over.

"Uncle, let me ask for directions, do you know where Mu Yunfeng's home is."

Kaido was also interested in this grinning little ghost, and swallowed the wine in his mouth into his stomach.

"Oh, the new little ghost? Do you know where this is? Do you know who Lao Tzu is.

"I don't know, I'm here for the first time, I haven't seen you before, I just want to ask for directions, where is Mu Yunfeng's home."

"Oh, blah

"Okay, goodbye uncle."

Solon then walked out of the Skull Building and followed Kaido's finger.

Ten minutes later, under Kaido's puzzled gaze, Solon walked out again at the back door of Ghost Island.

The little ghost that Kaido had just left looked at returned, and asked a little puzzled.

"Little ghost, Lao Tzu has shown you the way, how can you walk back through the back door, you little ghost should not be a road idiot, right?"

Hearing the two words of road idiot, Solon directly began to quibble, "I'm not a road idiot, it's just the first time I came here and I don't know the terrain, I will definitely find Mu Yunfeng's house this time." Solon

then left the Skull building again.

After another ten minutes, Kaido looked at the imp in front of him and laughed.

"Oh, blah

Solon could not refute Kaido's ridicule, and left the Skull building without a word.

Two hours later.

Mu Yunfeng looked at the new house that was arranged, and also nodded with satisfaction.

"Good job, everyone, let's go to the skull building and arrange the place for tomorrow's ceremony."

As soon as several people left the courtyard, Mu Yunfeng saw Solon walking over on the opposite side, rushing forward with an iron fist of love.

"Little ghost, I can't think of your thick eyebrows and big eyes, but you are very lazy, you came over after the work on our side was done, where to run to play during this time."

Solon was also embarrassed to say that he was lost, and directly remained silent and did not speak.

Just when Mu Yunfeng was about to continue teasing Solon, Kong Ming also came from a distance and greeted Mu Yunfeng.

"Congratulations on getting married, the affairs of Wano Country have been busy in the past two days, by the way, this is my manuscript for tomorrow, let's see how it goes."

After Mu Yunfeng took Kong Ming's manuscript, he probably glanced at the content on it a few times.

"On this special day, there is a couple who are here to tie the knot, and I represent ...

Seeing this old-fashioned greeting, Mu Yunfeng directly crumpled the manuscript, and then threw it aside, seeing Mu Yunfeng's action Kong Ming was also a little unhappy.

"Hey, what did you guy do, I've been writing a manuscript for a long time, you say throw it away."

Mu Yunfeng waved his hand, "Because it's useless, those words above are too old-fashioned, and tomorrow I will be the protagonist, why do you say so much."

"But I'm the emcee! Didn't you let me be the celebrant just to officiate at the wedding?

"I'll officiate the wedding myself, just stand next to you, and your role is to make a joke next to me when I need to cheer."

Kong Ming also looked puzzled, "The first time I saw myself officiating my own wedding.

"How old are you, an 18-year-old brat, I've eaten more salt than the you've ever eaten, and besides, don't compare me to the average person."

Marriage is such an important thing, of course, you have to host it yourself, brother is destined to be different, you came just right, the next step is to decorate the wedding venue, come and work.

Then Mu Yunfeng grabbed Solon, and then took the lead to walk towards the very center of the ghost island, and then Solon, who was being carried, also began to struggle.

"You put me down, I'll go myself."

Mu Yunfeng squinted at Solon, "Will you really leave yourself?" Why should I get lost, if I don't carry you, you will definitely be lost again. When

he came to the skull building, Solon also recognized it, and his heart was full of regret at the moment.

He must have known that Mu Yunfeng would come here, and he was directly waiting here at that time, which was the use of running around the ghost island.

Entering the inside of the skull, Kaido also looked at Solon and said, "Little ghost, why are you back." Hearing

Kaido's words, Mu Yunfeng also looked at Kaido curiously.

"Boss, have you met this green algae-headed imp, and together with your words, has Solon come back many times."

"Oh blah,

After hearing Kaido's words, Mu Yunfeng chuckled and said, "Decorate the venue, don't I want to marry Yamato here tomorrow, of course, I have to decorate it."

I'm going to decorate this place very floating, and then I'll stand in the center of the ceremony with Yamato tomorrow, and finally have a vow kiss, boss, what do you think? Isn't that picture very warm? Very healing. Hearing

Mu Yunfeng's words, Kaido also subconsciously made up his brain, and then his blood pressure came up and he stood up directly on the seat.

"Lao Tzu wants to go out for a spin, you can look at the arrangement yourself."

After Kaido left, Mu Yunfeng flew directly into the air to tie the bunting, Jack and Anilu began to lay the carpet, and Kong Ming took the two little ghosts to worship and place flowers.

Looking at the few people busy below, Mu Yunfeng laughed unconsciously.

"It turns out that this is the feeling of getting married, haha, and the mood is inexplicably better at this moment."

After seeing Mu Yunfeng's smile, the others subconsciously complained in their hearts.

"It turns out that this devil can laugh so brightly."

PS -----------

(the following is not the number of water words, because the text is enough)

The author has recently fallen into a tangle, because in the outline, Mu Yunfeng and Yamato get married, and then have two more children, and then it ends perfectly.

Although this book has a lot of bad reviews, there are also people who like it, and the income is reasonable, and it is still very good as a part-time job.

So author bacteria are faced with three choices.

First, the daily unlimited water until you can no longer make money.

Second, change the style, then snatch the Hades drawings, cooperate with the revolutionary army, put the whole war, overthrow the navy or something, so that a million words is not a problem.

Third, open and consider filling and finishing.

Because I was thinking about these for two days, I have been without codewords, and I was originally updated at zero every day, because the saved manuscript was not updated so late today.

After thinking for a long time, the author decided to finish, and the next volume with a baby is the last volume.

After all, I can't grasp changing the style or something, and the daily life of infinite water is not much interesting, so I will finish this book after Mu Yunfeng and Yamato get married and have a baby.

This book is just that I can't find it when I look for daily pirate texts, so I wrote it on a whim, and it immediately became 500,000 words, and even I was a little shocked.

But I don't think the word count of a book means anything, and it's important to finish when it's time to finish.

Let Mu Yunfeng start with Kaido and finish with Yamato with a baby!

A short story with a beginning and an end.

After the end of the main story, the author Jun will write a few small banji, (kill Momonosuke).

Tomorrow I take a day off, and I can't keep up with the manuscript.

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