
The clear splash of water above the sea surface, a figure directly planted into it.


In a moment, the sea door opened, and Jiang Chen’s disclosure was wet.

“Sure enough, it’s not so easy to control!”

Looking at the distance of less than fifty meters from his boat, Jiang Chen said to himself with a wry smile.

After finding that Chakra couldn’t withstand more, Jiang Chen remembered a skill that he knew and was very practical at the moment—treading water.

In Naruto, in order to have a more perfect control over Chakra, treading water and climbing trees are essential skills for ninjas.

The principle of this thing is also not complicated, as long as the chakra is evenly packed under the feet.

Quite simply, Jiang Chen also thought so, but he seemed to overestimate his own talent, the steps and tips he knew, but he was not the same as Sakura, as soon as he got started, he could only barely walk on the sea after practicing for a whole afternoon.

And it can’t last long, if you want to reach the level of those ordinary ninjas in Naruto, for a while, you don’t have to think about it.

Shaking his head, let the water above the black broken hair disperse, Jiang Chen’s figure immediately rose, the whole person broke through the water, and in a moment he crossed a distance of fifty meters and landed on the boat.

After strengthening the bloodline twice, all aspects of his physique had reached a terrifying level.

“It seems that you still need to practice these days, but unfortunately there is no treasure chest, otherwise there is a chance to open this skill, it will be much simpler!”

Speaking to himself, this time he also felt the difference between the skills opened in the treasure chest and the skills he had learned.

The skills opened in the treasure chest, even if they are as strong as the eight doors of Dun Jia, he will know it so far, the main thing is whether his body can withstand it, but to learn, it requires him to practice step by step, compared to it is too difficult, with his conditions, a lowest-level treading water, he has not fully learned it in an afternoon.

With thoughts flowing, Jiang Chen got up to see if the seagull delivering the newspaper was coming, he hadn’t read the news for a few days, he had to find out.

“That is!”

However, just getting up, Jiang Chen’s pupils couldn’t help but shrink all of a sudden, and the three sea ships in front of his eyes that were larger than any he had seen before quickly rode the wind and waves.

What’s more, the tall white sail navy’s logo looks so eye-catching.


For a moment, thoughts flowed in his heart, and I don’t know why, Jiang Chen had a feeling that these three huge sea ships were probably coming at him.

The distance between the two sides was getting closer, and as if Jiang Chen’s boat was not moving, after the three sea boats were pulled to a certain range, two of them were scattered to both sides.

“Sure enough, it came at me!”

Looking at the direction of the sea ship change, Jiang Chen frowned, and there was more solemnity in his eyes, now don’t say anything, his thoughts are obviously right, these three sea ships are coming at him.


When the distance was drawn to a certain distance, each colonel on the three sea ships waved his hand.

There are no words, and there is no need for words, at this time the shelling was directly chosen.

The order they received was to shoot, then there was no need to think about anything else.

“Boom, boom, boom!”

Each huge sea ship had several, even dozen, artillery pieces on it, and at this moment, under the order of the three colonels, a deadly fire snake spewed out in an instant, and rushed directly to the center, where Jiang Chen’s boat seemed so small at this moment.

“Poof, poof, poof!”

The shell flew and fell to the surface, and the surface of the water was immediately exploded, and it was clear that the bombardment was obviously a precious flowering bullet, not a solid iron ball bullet in general.

In an instant, a violent shaking came, the boat swayed, and under the fierce artillery fire, although it was extremely lucky not bombarded, but the splashes that exploded around seemed to capsize at any time.

“Boom, boom, boom!”

One cannon, almost no gaps, densely covered the area, and the sea water even splashed tens of meters high because of the violent explosion.

It lasted almost a quarter of an hour before the artillery bombardment gradually stopped.

The water curtain in the center fell down, and when the aftermath stopped, the sea area where the boat was located before was only floating wood chips and scattered materials prepared by Jiang Chen at this moment.

“All right!!”

On the ship, the three colonels waved their hands and prepared to issue the final search mission.


However, at this moment, the navy with the tip of the ear couldn’t help moving, and one after another extremely slight sounds came into his ears, subconsciously looking up at the sea.

“So, that’s?”

When his eyes converged, the face of the navy who saw the scene suddenly turned into a look of shock, with a fundamental disbelief.

The sound of water was extremely slight, and a figure that surpassed their common sense stepped directly on the surface of the water and quickly approached them.

Fast, the speed has almost reached an incredible level.

“Up, Colonel!”

And when the consternation passed, these navies quickly turned into panic, because the figure was coming towards them.

“What’s going on?”

On the deck, the colonel who had just turned around seemed to have noticed something strange at this moment, and the figure turned around again, and said with some displeasure.

However, turning his head in an instant, his pupils couldn’t help but contract, and the sun where his gaze was born was completely obscured by a black shadow.


Almost subconsciously raised his hand, and the next moment a leg shadow directly slashed down.

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