Shen, his mind was extremely heavy, and Jiang Chen didn’t expect that the side effects of his forcibly opening the seventh door would be so big and obvious.

In the original work, the seven gates of Kai Huang are just weak, but obviously, he didn’t think at all that he was not Kai Huang at all.

Even after three bloodline enhancements, there was a clear gap compared to Kai Huang.

This side effect must also come more obvious and serious, but fortunately he fell into a coma, otherwise Jiang Chen would be even more frightened to find that his body was painless everywhere.

The side effects of the seven doors are almost expanded several times, and even more serious.

And the outside world

Time is passing silently, without Klockdar, and even as the boss of the Baroque Work Society, Klockdar was crushed on the spot, making the entire Work Society collapse almost instantly.

And everything seems to be back on track again, and it is even simpler, the Straw Hats, plus the child who shows up to explain, and the king who has not been taken away.

In addition, that sudden rainfall, everything was like repeating the plot of Jiang Chen’s previous life.

However, this time there is a clear difference, the protagonist is no longer Luffy, but Jiang Chen.

This one, they didn’t even see their faces clearly, and they weren’t tall figures.

However, whether it was the rebel army, the king’s army, or the newly arrived navy, no one could ignore it.

Even, that simple, but impactful picture has been deeply reflected in their memories, and perhaps this life cannot be erased at all.

The rumbling voice, his own not tall but filled all their sights, seemed to still appear in their eyes.


“That guy, it’s really strong!”

Luffy’s childlike voice echoed through the streets, and Solon, Shangis, and the Straw Hat were all a little embarrassed.

However, that’s all, after all, this time, it is completely different from the scene in the plot, although the enemy is exactly the same.

However, Luffy, as one of the three main forces, did not choose to single out Klockdar, so their pressure was doubled.

“Luffy, you know that guy?”

Nami stepped forward, her body a little messy, but she was also a little curious at this time.

At this moment, the entire royal city was announcing the broadcast, and of course there was Jiang Chen’s information.

“Yes, I saw it in the rain before, I thought he was killed by Klockdar!”

Luffy touched the straw hat on top of his head and said without caring at all.

Indeed, when Wang Cheng found Klockdar again, Luffy really thought that Jiang Chen had been killed, so he wanted to go to Klockdar again.

Unexpectedly, before he could act, he discovered that Jiang Chen had killed Klockdar.

The Straw Hats were talking excitedly, as were the other forces in the entire royal city.

The people of the royal city breathed a sigh of relief, after all, the army of two million is by no means a joke, the king’s army can not be blocked, no one dares to pack tickets, once the rebel army rushes in like this, the consequences are absolutely unimaginable.

The rebel army was dazed, for a while, they didn’t know what to feel, even if they didn’t want to believe it, they couldn’t believe it, but in fact they seemed to be played, which was a mocking answer, but it was a fact.

“Colonel Smogg, me, we?”

On the other side, the navy had just gathered in one place, and a navy saluted Smog respectfully, and then said with some trembling.

“Say, what’s the matter?”

Smog had two blood sacrifices in his mouth, his eyes looked ahead, and he did not turn his head, but a deep voice came out immediately.


“Colonel Smogg, at present, we have found out whether the straw hat with a reward of 30 million in the royal city, as well as his accomplices, and the unknown pirate with a reward of 50 million, want to arrest!”

Hearing Smogg’s words, the navy was startled, and quickly opened his mouth upright, hurriedly, and even finished his words at one time.

Although the navy has just arrived, its strong influence is enough for them to obtain the information they want in a short period of time.

“Arrest, you can arrest!”


“Announce my order, all navies are ready to evacuate!”

The cigar was bitten off, and Smogg spoke coldly, then turned directly and walked to another place.

“S… Yes…… Yes, understood! ”

The navy opened his mouth, and was about to say something, when Smog had already walked away, and he did not dare to say anything else, but respectfully spoke.

After a brief disturbance, it quickly calmed down, and as in the plot, Smog did not launch the arrest of Straw Hat and Jiang Chen.

No one knew what Smogg was thinking, but it was clearly a principled man, even if he was a navyman, and in most cases there was no choice.

And the withdrawal of the navy also seems to announce the end of the chaotic formation of the Alabastan State for several years.

Nafirutali Kobra is not an ancient king, nor a powerful character, otherwise he would not be played by Klockdar.

However, after the ongoing chaos, the people’s desire for peace, and as the twelfth king of the state of Alabastan, Nafirutali Kobra had limited abilities but did love the people, and the situation in Alabastan gradually stabilized.

The high-level of the rebel army, because of the heavy casualties in the battle between Jiang Chen and Klockdar, could not be maintained at all, and with all this, the dissolution became inevitable.

(After thinking about it for a long time, in the end I didn’t choose to go with Luffy, after all, first of all, everyone is tired of reading this kind of text, and secondly, if One Piece goes according to the plot, there will be water, so many episodes of really wonderful plot so little.) )

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