
The loud noise echoed in the void, shaking the entire jungle, causing all perception and even hearing to be completely lost almost instantly.

Among the dust boiling sheep, a terrifying aura swept all around.

The pit, which had been smashed down by Dalmesia’s body, suddenly dented again at this time.

This time, it completely collapsed, and the prison below was also raging with energy, turning into nothingness.

“Good, so strong!”


The smoke gradually cleared, and the last blood of Dalmesia could not help but spew out.

“Tick, tick!”

Drops of blood fell, but at this moment it seemed so abrupt, Dalmesia stared at the top deadly, and did not leave again to the left.

There, one of his arms was completely gone, although he was very strong, in a sense, he was much stronger than Klockdar.

However, at this moment, Jiang Chen also faced Klockdar from time to time, and the bloodline between the Thousand Hand Pillars was not the same as the bloodline strengthening, which enhanced his strength, but a sublimation.

This kind of sublimation is not only itself, but also strength, not to mention the unimaginable Mu Duan, Jiang Chen at this time and him a month ago, can be said to be completely different.

In theory, he was even enough to completely beat him a month ago, even if the same eight doors were all open, the outcome would not make any difference.

In the face of such a situation, even if he was vigilant before, it would not help at all, and the inherent thinking was simply not enough for Dalmesia to make any reaction.

And the momentary negligence in the middle of the battle can be an irreparable tragedy, not to mention a wrong feeling.

And in fact, it seems to prove this, in just a moment, Dalmesia has already explained that an arm is here.


The air was directly cut through due to its speed, and Jiang Chen’s movements did not end there.

“Lieutenant General, it’s not over yet!”

The hoarse sound sounded with a somewhat ugly sound, and now that the eight doors of Dun Jia and the seven doors were opened, the same vocal cords were affected.

However, at this moment, Dalmesia also moved directly, and the broken arm of his left hand did not pay attention at all, as if he could not feel pain, and his right hand suddenly burst out, as if he was directly smashing the yellow dragon.

The pitch-black color gradually covers the entire arm.

At the moment of the first shot, it actually appeared directly on Jiang Chengang’s punch, as if it had been rehearsed countless times, it was so accurate, it was also the same coincidence, and the fist and fist collided directly in mid-air.


The next moment, a terrifying sound, terrifying aura swept out madly from the contact surface of the two fists in an instant.

In the midst of the boom, the depression of the ground collapsed again.

Hard, unimaginably hard, Jiang Chen’s punch felt completely bombarded on the iron, and the terrifying power poured out, which was completely offset by the rebound force group.


The terrifying aura swept across, and in the collision of fists, Jiang Chen’s figure could only turn over in mid-air and fell directly on the opposite pit.

“Armed color domineering?”

Looking at the distance, Dalmesia’s right hand, which had completely turned into pitch black, his gaze couldn’t help but become a little solemn.

For One Piece, he was not too familiar, but as an extremely important part of the later stage of the power system, Jiang Chen still knew.

The latent power that all humans in this world possess, and legend has it that this power is innate.

And this ability is called domineering, generally speaking, it is divided into three types, and at this moment Dalmesia is obviously using armed color domineering.

Armed color domineering, can enhance the individual’s defense, the effect is like invisible armor; It can also evolve into attack power, and legend has it that it can compete with Devil Fruit Ability, and can even touch the entity of “Nature” Fruit Ability.

However, according to Robin in the plot, the armed color domineering can only seize the ability entity, but it cannot take away the ability of the ability person like “Sea Lou Stone”, in addition to the body, the armed color domineering can even be wrapped around the weapon to strengthen the attack power.

For the vice admiral of Dalmesia, Jiang Chen did not have much surprise, after all, in theory, the existence above the vice admiral will basically be used.

However, Jiang Chen still dignified a little again, although the domineering setting is a bit of a pitfall, plus as if he is not a devil fruit, the effect on him is not so obvious, but there is one point, but I have to be sure, that is, the domineering strength bonus, that is completely undoubted.

Without speaking, in the face of Jiang Chen’s voice as if talking to himself, Dalmesia did not answer, and with the domineering coverage, the blood that dripped from the last of his lost left arm also stopped.

The breath was raised frantically, and vaguely Jiang Chen seemed to feel that Dalmesia’s canine transformation was a little deeper, and the white hair spread to the surroundings.


The next moment, almost another rehearsal, the figures of the two moved almost at the same time.

Fast, unimaginably fast, Jiang Chen’s speed after the seven gates simply reached a terrifying level.

This kind of speed, even the “paper-painted martial body” of Dalmesia is simply beyond the reach of dust, but Dalmesia also seems to understand this, and has no intention of competing with Jiang Chen at all.

The canine body, as well as its own super instincts, could almost collide with Jiang Chen’s attacks in the impossible again and again.

The breath, strength, and mood were raised to the peak on both sides at this moment, and neither Jiang Chen nor Dalmesia dared to slack off in the slightest, because they knew that in this case, any negligence would only usher in defeat.


“Boom, boom, boom!”

The loud noise reverberated, and with each collision, the terrifying aura swept across the entire surroundings like a typhoon, making people tremble and make people frightened.

And the surrounding ten pieces, ten layers, sand grains, almost everything that is close directly turned into powder, and the towering ancient trees seemed to collapse at any time.


(The first more, the second more served, yesterday finger cramps, head dizziness, caused a little sorry for today!) )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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