Wei Wei’s eyes gradually transformed into fox pupils, and the inexplicable aura around her was rapidly expanding.

“Bang bang!”

With light footsteps on the ice, a navy that surrounded her completely collapsed one after another.

“This, this!”

Piece by piece, like cutting wheat, a famous soldier seemed to be completely deprived of consciousness for a moment.

“Everyone be careful, she is a capable person!”

“Prepare the Sea Lou Stone!”

A hurried voice sounded, and it was obvious that the school officials reacted at this moment.

Faced with this strange situation, as well as Vivi’s form, it was determined that Vivi was a Devil Fruit Ability.

The figures quickly retreated and began to run back to the warship, obviously to prepare for the sea lou stone that specialized in restraining the capable.

But obviously, this time they are going to be disappointed, after all, Wei Wei is not an ability, strictly speaking, it is also a half-demon, not a devil fruit ability.

The white tail was pulled on the ground, but Vivi’s eyes did not focus on the naval soldiers in front of her, which was almost tens of thousands of people.

From time to time, she looked at the sky in the distance, with a touch of worry, and a touch of anxiety.

General, after all, it is a general, that is the strongest combat power in the entire naval headquarters, and it is also the peak of the three major forces.

What’s more, the yellow light that ran through the sky behind, how she didn’t see it, which also made her even more worried.

A great general is terrifying enough, not to mention having to face two at the same time, such a scene even one of the four emperors, I am afraid that it has not been treated.

At the moment just now, Wei Wei even had the idea of rushing directly to it.

But obviously, she can’t do a volley now, she can, but the height and distance can’t reach that far.

But fortunately, the battle situation at high altitude did not seem to be developing in the direction she was worried about, and even if she was below, she could clearly feel that Jiang Chen had suppressed the two generals.

This couldn’t help but make Vivi breathe a sigh of relief, but it was only that, all her thoughts were still mostly in the air, in case any accidents happened.

The surrounding naval soldiers were completely affected by the pond fish, because from the beginning, Vivi completely unfolded her own illusion and spiritual impact.

With itself as the center, it radiates in all directions, and in this way, the surrounding navy will be affected by the spiritual impact as soon as it gets close, and the illusion is double-affected, and this result can also be imagined.

Even due to the special bloodline of the Qingqiu Fox Clan, Wei Wei’s illusion and spiritual impact can almost be called terrifying, and ordinary naval soldiers have no possibility of resistance at all.

Even the so-called generals, in Wei’s radiation range, will not be any different from ordinary soldiers.

“Quick, quick, Hailou Stone is here!”

“Launch, launch, launch immediately!”

A hurried voice sounded, and Wei Wei, a named naval soldier, had a look of horror on her face, and their figures were retreating step by step.

On the other hand, the navy, which was rushing back to the warship, also rushed back, accompanied by a hurried sound.


However, at this moment, the space suddenly rippled, and before a cannon and the prepared sea tower stone were launched, the originally quietly suspended aura around Wei Wei’s body expanded suddenly almost instantly.


“This, what kind of smell is this!”

In the midst of nervousness, a naval soldier inexplicably smelled a smell, and couldn’t help but say with a strange opening.

However, before their thoughts could rise to other thoughts, the surrounding scene suddenly changed.

Warships are gone, glaciers are gone, and even the cannons in front of them are gone.

No, no, in the end, even the surrounding colleagues disappeared completely, and the white mist began to fill the whole world.

“Del, Galen, Helen, sir!”

Panic sounded with a panicked voice, but in the white fog gradually filled, even the sound was completely covered.

Their shouts were completely useless, but instead caused the panic in their hearts to completely erupt in an instant with the emptiness.

Silence, deathly silence, all the navies either shouted frantically or rushed quickly, but to no avail.


A famous naval soldier seems to have been hit by an evil, the weapon dropped, and the whole person was completely demented, forgot to fire, forgot to act, and forgot to attack, and his eyes were completely godless.

“Damn, what’s going on?”

Five vice admirals of the navy headquarters flashed out, and all of a sudden, their brows couldn’t help but wrinkle.

The weirdness around them, even they couldn’t help but be completely startled at this time.


The five scattered, glancing around with frowns, but before they could react in any other, a clear voice gradually entered their eardrums.

“Is she?”

The squirrel’s pupils contracted, and it was obvious that he had recognized Vivi’s identity in an instant.

After all, when the two landed, they still saw it with their own eyes.

“Everyone be careful, there are oddities!”

The squirrel spoke, and once again pressed the hilt of his right hand, and a deep voice sounded.

However, his voice had just sounded, and he suddenly found that the four colleagues around him had completely disappeared.

And in front of him, there was only the figure that gradually walked towards him, or Qianying.

The absolutely beautiful facial features, delicate face, and even in the eyes of the squirrel, this seems to be a beauty that only the female emperor of Nine Snake Island can match.

“How, what’s going on?”

It was difficult to speak, but it was at this moment that he suddenly woke up, but unfortunately it was obviously too late, and his eyelids became heavier and heavier.



The figure of the squirrel suddenly fell to the ground, the expressions of the four people seemed to freeze, and Wei Wei’s figure passed directly through.


(The protagonist will not be arrested, and it is not to weaken the eight-door dunjia, you look at Kai, his father opened the eight doors and hit the fog ninja seven people without killing all the people, Kai Huang is Ban, the same trick is different for different people to show)_

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