"What is the matter with Roy Saint looking for the next place?"

Morguns in the phone worm was very puzzled why this sage of the Draco suddenly found him, and some funny voices were full of doubts.

The World Government cannot find the headquarters of the World Economic News newspaper, not that Morguns cannot be found, and there is a connection between Stussy and Morguns, who are members of CP0 known as the 'Queen of Happy Street', in the subordinate organizations of the World Government.


"You mean..." "

The sun and the moon are me."

Too lazy to play the edge, Roy directly indicated his identity, Morguns was surprised and not surprised at the same time, he had long felt that the identity of the big news writer was Draco, otherwise he would not have received most of the articles in the Holy Land of Mary Joa, but...

Before everyone pretended to be stupid to each other, how did they suddenly reveal their identities now?

"Does Roy Saint want the news to be cut in part?"

After thinking about it, he spoke, with his insight, he could naturally see the negative impact on the Draco on the world government, but if he thought that using this identity would allow him to mislead the world with wrong news, it would be too underestimating his professional ethics as a news king!

"I mean, you're doing journalism too slowly, can you speed it up a little bit?"

Hearing the subtext in Morguns' words, Roy scolded with a smile: "I gave you the content, but I just need you to choreograph, you haven't reacted in the past few days, are you planning to directly exhaust me?" "

After fighting with Yim for so long, his mental state was actually very tired, and then he lasted for several days, even the iron man couldn't stand it!

Now he doesn't dare to sleep at all, too relaxed mentality when he sleeps, the devil knows how long he can wake up, in case he misses the trouble!

"Huh? Don't think that you can discredit my work efficiency if you are a Draco!

"Then you should hurry up!" If you don't open a live broadcast, how can I seize power? "

You... Well?

Just about to say two sentences, he reacted, tilted his beak and whispered: "Lord Roy Saint is going to make some big news?" I don't know if I can..."

"Hurry up and start the live broadcast, you'll know by then, less nonsense!"

After scolding Roy, he hung up the phone, and then looked at the five old stars who had woken up and smiled: "Elders, let's be aggrieved for a while, wait..."

Old Stutande's face turned red with anger, and he slapped the table and roared.

It is not humiliating to kill, you especially want to seize power, you can't play it, and there is nothing to say about being seized, but you are going too far now, and you actually want us to cooperate with the seizure of power? Don't we five old stars want face?!

"You can't blame me for this, who knew that this birdman was so slow?"

Shrugging, Roy said helplessly.

The matter of seizing the power of the five old stars must be placed during the live broadcast, and only after opening the live broadcast to seize power can it be proved that his policy has nothing to do with the five old stars.

After the truth of Im's words was revealed, a large part of what the five old stars did will be attributed to Im, but the five old stars have been in power for too long, and some things can not be erased by saying a word, in the eyes of many people, even if the five old stars are deceived by Im, this can only prove that the five old stars are stupid and will not think about others.

He needs to minimize the impact of this and tell the world that the current world government is no longer the world government of the past, but the world government led by Tha Roy.

He wants to tell everyone that all the policies issued by the world government from now on are made by him, and have nothing to do with the five old stars, and any conspiracy theory is untenable in the face of the fact of live broadcasting!

When all this is done, he will let Tiger show up and burn the three fires of the new official to maintain the credibility of the world government!

If there is a mistake, it is recognized and realistic, and it seems humiliating but at the same time can be more practical and more believable.

From now on, the world government is no longer the same as before, but an image of equality and righteousness that is beaten and upright, and this image is what Roy wants!

Of course, this image is actually not very good for the five old stars, there is a sense of stepping on their position, but....

If you do something wrong, you need to bear the consequences, they are not children, they have this awareness.

The only thing they don't agree with is the so-called people-friendly attitude of the world government in Roy's planned route, which in their eyes is somewhat face-shattering.

But now it is Roy who is in power, and they have no way to object, they can only look first, take a step and look at it, after all, this is a direction that has never been envisaged, and if the result is good, they will still agree.

As for personal honor and disgrace ... In front of the world government, in front of the race, the face of the individual is nothing!

Maybe there was something wrong with brain capacity when eating the Devil Fruit, and Birdman was very incensive, and the world live broadcast began the day after being provoked by Roy.

The first screening of the live broadcast is the dialogue between Roy and Im, followed by the ruined holy land of Mary Joa, allowing the world to peek into the fierce war at that time, and then the seizure of power.

Roy is a good actor, in order to show its authenticity, he bulldozed the temporary house, let everyone wear back the clothes they had in the wartime, and the injuries that had been recovered were also recovered, and the main thing was a tragedy!

By the way, he directly snatched the job of the birdman, and found the marshal of the Navy of the Warring States as a director, explaining the battle process at that time, and the grief and regret of the five old stars, which can also be regarded as a wave of whitewashing for the five old stars.

Of course, the main thing is Roy, the protagonist.

Roy himself is a manuscript, and Sengoku feels unbearable to look directly at it when he reads the manuscript, but he also knows that it is good to do so, and after directly slapped Morguns to suppress it, he began to interpret it colorfully, telling Roy's difficulties... Anyway, it's all kinds of blowing.

Well, at the same time, he also blew himself, how the navy was cloudy, and by the way, Zefa, the old navy, also blew together, so that Zefa was ashamed to see people, and he could only wear sunglasses and stretch his face.

In the words of the Warring States, Zefa hurt his eyes for justice and for his disciples....

The final scene is the scene where Roy leads the navy and the members of the Hall of Heroes to the ruined World Government headquarters to seize power after the curtain ends.

Of course... Naturally, the words are not used to seize power, but... Mess up anyway!

Except for Stuander, whose stunned blue face was red and looked irritable, the other four were very cooperative, their gray hair expressed their lost souls, and there was a sadness of the old man's immortality, which made people raise a kind of 'can't all blame these old people, right?' 's sympathy.

Just like Zhuge tearfully chopping the grief, Roy forcibly endured the heartache and removed the position of the five old stars, and since then there are no more five old stars in the world government, some are only executive prime ministers, and the first executive prime minister is held by Roy.

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