Others may not be clear about the nature of the revolutionary army, and even if the force is strong, it is difficult to shake the foundation of the revolutionary army. But... Roy is different.

As a traverser, with the memory of his past life, he knows too well what the essence of the revolutionary army is, and in the face of an opponent like him, it is better not to stand on the opposite side, once he stands on the opposite side, the end is actually doomed long ago.

What's more....

Whether it is resources or strength, the revolutionary army that has not yet grown up is not his opponent, and even he will deliberately raise the revolutionary army to the extent that it can shake the world government.

His overlord domineering regarded the hostile overlord-colored domineering as an opponent, and defeating the other party would escalate, but in his heart, the revolutionary army had never been an opponent, at least not yet.

The scope of what he sees has gone far beyond the essence of reality, not limited to forces, he is looking at the whole sea, the whole world.

If he wanted to, he would actually be able to hit the revolutionary army hard now!

However, there is no point.

Heaven makes a chessboard, all living beings are pawns, pirates, world governments, revolutionary armies and navies, are only one of them.

Making Draco great and prosperous is not as simple as overthrowing a small revolutionary army.

"Dragon, I hope you won't disappoint me..."

he muttered with a chuckle, his mind turning and disappearing into the harbor.


The allies of the world government are basically in the four seas, the first half of the great voyage is fine, and the second half is completely under the control of pirates, where the non-allied countries of the world government are the most, because it is difficult for the world government to put its hand in.

The strength is too weak and easy to be easily removed by the pirates.

Of course, for the world government, the pirate is not strong in strength, although the strength is not bad, but it is still possible to destroy, at most it is a loss problem.

So if you can eliminate the pirates, the world government really doesn't mind directly capturing these pirates and locking them in the city, as long as it can be done, the world government does not need to maintain the size of the navy, and can save a large amount of military expenses without worrying about the navy against the water.

But... The biggest problem for world governments is that it is difficult to catch these pirates.

Speaking of pirates, pirates are murderous and evil, and for the world government, pirates are a group of flies that live in an uncertain place, often adrift on the sea, coupled with the climate of the great voyage that changes from time to time, which also makes it difficult for the world government to find these pirates.

Even if you can catch one or two cadres occasionally, it doesn't make much sense, after all, not every pirate group is a white-bearded pirate group, and it will run to the headquarters of the Tough Navy because of one or two cadres.

And during this time period, the world government did not know that Whitebeard would make such a stupid decision, so compared to eliminating pirates, the world government was more inclined to use pirates to contain the navy, and also used the navy to supervise pirates, so as to achieve sea stability.

It doesn't matter if there are far fewer allied countries.

Roy's plan made the revolutionary army lose its survival ground in the four seas, but this does not mean that the revolutionary army will decline because of this, on the contrary, the revolutionary army has grown because of it.

The Kingdom of Goya is personally seated by Roy, and other places are generally supervised and guarded by other Draco, and this matter Roy has been approved in the name of showing that Draco is not just eating and waiting for death, but in fact can still work, and the result...

Most of the kingdoms that Draco are in charge of are okay, playing with nobles is their strength, but there are still some kingdoms that don't know what's going on, and they actually learned the news in advance, and the nobles in the kingdom ran away with money in advance....

There are also some kingdom nobles who don't know how to seduce the Draco in charge, and this kind of kingdom is a kingdom that is far away from the Red Earth Continent, and for a while the domestic rebel army was everywhere, and it was too late for the world government to detect it.

The revolutionary army was already eating a lot there, and in the name of fearing that the world government would issue a demon slaughter order, it directly dragged many rebels out of their country.

And with the financial support of the nobles who raided their homes or surrendered, ships and so on were not a problem at all, and then they bought arms through the black market, forming a huge military force.

The world government also took quick action in response to this, and the naval headquarters sent two admirals and three large warships and more than a dozen medium-sized warships to start a chase war on the sea, however....


The tactical command of the revolutionary army is very powerful, not the traditional way of fighting naval battles, and I didn't think about fighting with you first, and then fighting a sponson, but directly pulling people to fight and run, and piercing the encirclement of the navy several times.

Moreover, the two generals of the navy did not have much advantage in the face of the leader of the revolutionary army, Long, and he single-handedly stopped all the offensives, and finally the large army of the revolutionary army crashed headlong into the windless belt.

The navy wanted to pursue, but the dragon's Devil Fruit ability directly disturbed the windless celestial phenomena, forming an incomparably huge tidal tornado behind him. Even if there are ships made of sea lou stones, they are unable to continue to pursue in that situation, and in the end, they can only give up and return to the world government to resume their lives.

The world government was not too worried about this, and did not punish the green pheasant and the yellow ape too harshly.

After all, there is no wind... The dragon can safely pass through their letter, but it is basically impossible for the large army of the revolutionary army to pass through the windless belt without damage, so the world government judged that even if the revolutionary army could pass through the windless belt, it would suffer heavy losses, and then arranged for the navy to strictly guard the windless belt on this side of the great shipping route.

However, the windless belt is too wide, it is completely impossible to wait for the rabbit or something, such an order is just a stroke of luck, in case it is good to catch the remnants, it doesn't matter if you can't catch it.

Of course, a major event occurred during the war between the revolutionary army and the world government and also attracted the attention of the world.

The red-haired pirates slaughtered a kingdom!

It is the destruction of the country in the true sense, not as simple as Roger's kind of army that only destroys one country!

The means are so cruel that even if they don't let go of children, the whole kingdom is in a mess, and the corpses are everywhere, which can only be described as the Asura field.

In addition, because the destroyed kingdom is called 'Elegia', nicknamed 'Land of Song', it is one of the allies of the World Government.

In other words, even the Draco who was there at the time died there.

The world government was furious, but to everyone's surprise, the bounty of the red-haired Shanks was only added to 40 million, and the bounty of one billion hundred and forty million Bailey made countless people confused.

The country was actually destroyed by only 40 million Baileys? Elegia is not too small a country! Not to mention the death of a Draco....

In addition, the world government has not yet indicated that it will send

someone to arrest, and the answer is one sentence - if you find someone, you naturally have to arrest, and if you can't find someone, where do you go to arrest?

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